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Chapter 10 med code

Chapter 7, diseases of the Circulatory system (390-459)

What is the title and code numbers for chapter 7 of ICD-9-CM? Diseases of the Circulatory System (390-459)
Occurs after a streptococcal sore throat. The acute phase is marked by fever, malaise, sweating, palpitations, and polyarthritis. It has the capacity to cause severe heart damage. Rheumatic fever
Not common; elevated bp ~200/140; causes renal failure or cerebral hemorrhage. Symptoms include headaches and difficulties with vision. Malignant hypertension
'And' and 'with' in the diagnostic statement indicates to code the diagnosis separately. When hypertension with this is documented a cause and effect relationship is presumed and they can be coded together. Chronic kidney disease
Hypertensive kidney disease or hypertensive heart and kidney disease = what? chronic kidney disease
Assign codes to this category when both hypertensive kidney disease and hypertensive heart disease are stated in the diagnosis. Assume a casual relationship between the two. 404, hypertensive heart and kidney disease
For renovascular origin other terms that may be included are what? renal artery aneurysm, anomaly, embolism, fibromuscualr hyperplasia, occlusion, stenosis, or thrombosis.
At the beginig of the ischemic heart disease section, the inclusion note states that this section includes ischemic heart conditions with mention of what? It also states to use additional code to identify presence of this. Hypertension
If the physician describes a condition as aborted myocardial infarction what code should be used? Intermediate coronary syndrome
Also known as crescendo and preinfaction angina, it is defined as the development of prolonged episodes of anginal discomfort, usually occurring at rest. It is coded when there is no documentaion of an MI, occlusion, or thrombosis. 411.1, Unstable Angina
Refers to chest pain due to ischemia. Causes may be exertion, stress, cold weather, or digestion of a large meal. It last only a few minutes and is relived with nito. Angina pectoris
type of second degree av block. it is associated with acute inferior wall MI or with digitalis toxicity. Morbitz type 1 or wenckebach
type of second degree av block. it is associated with anterior wall or anteroseptal MI and digitalis toxicity Morbitz II
complete heart block. it is associated with ischemic heart disease or MI. third degree av block
This procedure is used to relieve obstruction of coronary arteries. It is performed to widen a narrowed area of a coronary artery by employing a balloon-tipped catheter; Coronary atherectomy or balloon angioplasty. Percutaneous trasluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA)
In coding the initial insertion of a permanent cardiac pacemaker what do you code? two codes are required: one for the pacemaker (37.80-37.87) and one for the lead.
When a pacemaker is replaced with another pacemaker what do you code? Only the replaced pacemaker is coded (37.85-37.87). Removal of the old pacemaker is not coded.
When a patient is admitted for reprogramming of a cardiac pacemaker what code would you assign? V 53.31, Fitting and adjustment of cardiac pacemaker.
What are 3 procedures that are often performed during a cardiac catherization? Cardiac angiography, coronary arteriography, ventriculography
What is the title and code #'s for chapter 9 of ICD-10-CM? I00-I99 Diseases of the Circulatory system
Created by: 100000223367771
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