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SAT Prefixes
Question | Answer |
a, ab, abs | away, from, not (abiotic, abnormal) |
ad, ac, af, ag | to, together, forward (adhere, accord, affect) |
ante | before, earlier in time (antecedent, "ante up") |
anti | against (antidote, antisocial) |
arch | first, original, chief (archetype, archive) |
bi, bis | two (biped, bisect) |
circ, circum | around (circle, circumfrence) |
com, con | together, with (combine, convene) |
contra, contro | against, opposed (contradict, controversy) |
de | down, not, opposite to (degrade, demerit) |
di, dif, dis | apart, not (divide, differ, distract) |
epi | upon, above (epicenter, epitome) |
eu | true, honest (euphonious, eulogy) |
equi | equal, even (equality, equitable) |
ex, ej | out, from (exit, expel, eject) |
hyper | above, over (hyperactive, hyperbole) |
hypo | under, below (hypodermic, hypotonic) |
in | in, into, within (inject, inside, insight) |
in, ir | not (incredible, irregular) |
ill | not (illicit) |
mal, male | bad, ill (malady, malevolent) |
mega | large (megabyte, megalith) |
mis | wrong, bad (mistake, misplace) |
mono | one, single (monologue, monotone) |
non | not (nonplused, nonsense) |
ob | block, against (obstruct, object) |
omni | all, always (omnipotent, omnibus) |
per | by means of (persist, perceive) |
peri | around (periscope, perimeter) |
poly | many, a lot (polygon, polygraph) |
post | after, later (postdate, postpone) |
pre | before, prior to (predict, preface) |
pro | go forward, support (proceed, promote) |
re | to do again, repeat (recall, return) |
retro | backward (retrograde, retrospect) |
semi | half, part (semiconscious, semicircle) |
sub | below, under (submerge, subway) |
syn, sym | together, with (synchronize, symbiotic) |
super | greater, above (superior, supervisor) |
trans | to send, to move (transmit, transfer) |
un | not (unclear, untie) |
uni | one, singular (unit, unilateral) |