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Chapter 8 basic code

mental disorders

What is the title and category codes of chapter 5 of ICD-9-CM? Mental Disorders (290-319)
What text provides clear descriptions of diagnostic categories that allow clinicians and investigators to diagnose, communicate about, study, and treat people with various mental disorders; Coders may refer to this for definitions of the mental disorders. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR)
The DSM-IV-TR uses a multiaxial system involving an assessment on 5 different axes. What does the first and second axis consist of? Axis I Includes all psychiatric disorders except personality disorders and mental retardation. Axis II includes personality disorder and mental retardation
The instructional note: use additional code to identify any associated neurosis or psychosis, or physical condition. This is used to identify what? Any associated mental disorder as well as physical condition.
For the mental disorders ICD-9-CM chapter this 5th-digit is often used since documentation in the health record often does not provide the information to assign a specific 5 digit. Never assume the course of illness from general statements. unspecified course of illness
What are some of the categories listed in chapter 5 mental disorders? Psychoses, neurotic disorders, personality disorders, alcoholism and mental retardation
This condition is used to describe problem drinking and includes those patients who drink to excess but have not reached a stage of physical dependency. 305.0x, Acute alcohol abuse
This code identifies the patient as also being acutley intoxicated at the particular time of the healthcare encounter. 303.0x, acute intoxication in a patient with alcholoism
A chronic condition in which a patient has become dependent on alcohol with increased tolerance and is unable to stop using it, even while facing strong incentives such as impairment of health, deteriorated social interactions, and interference with work. 303, Alcoholism (alcohol dependence)
When coding drug addition in category 304 what do the fourth and fifth digits indicate? the fourth identifies the specific drug involved and the fifth identifies the stage of dependence (continuous, episodic, or remission)
Fifth Digit for alcohol/drug dependence and abuse: Referse to daily intake Continuous
Fifth Digit for alcohol/drug dependence and abuse: Refers to alchol binges lasting weeks or months followed by sobriety & short periods between drug use followed by long periods of sobriety. Episodic
If a pt is admitted in withdrawal or if withdrawal develops after admission how would this be coded? This withdrawal is always the principle diagnosis followed by drug/substance abuse dependence.
If a pt is admitted with a diagnosis of a substance-related mental condition, such as alcoholic dementia. How would this be coded? A condition always comes 1st so the principal diagnosis would be the mental condition, followed by a code for alcohol/drug dependences or sbuse.
If the pt is admitted for detoxification and no related mental condition is documented what would be the principal diagnosis? The code describing the alcohol/drug. Ex) 304.22, Cocaine dependence, episodic
The active management of withrawal symptoms in a patient who is physically dependent on alcohol and/or drugs. Treatment includes evaluation, observation as well as the administration of vitamins. Detoxification
Structured programs that results in controlling the alcohol or drug use and in replacing alcohol or drug dependence with activities. Rehabilitation
What is the title and category codes of chapter 5 of ICD-10-CM? Mental and Behavioral disorders (F01-F99)
Created by: 100000223367771
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