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NWCC Anatomy 2 mash

Portion of the conduction system of the heart innervated by by sympathetics on the left AV Node
The SA Node is located in the right atrial wall between the auricle and superior vena cava at the upper end of the ________ Crista terminalis
Vein that accompanies right coronary artery around to the posterior surface of the heart Small cardiac vein
Specific chamber of the heart which lies against the esophagus Left Atrium
Name the papillary mm. of the right ventricle Septal, Anterior, Posterior papillary mm
Left ventricle of the heart is responsible for this type of circulation Systemic circulation
Valve that guards the exit of the right ventricle Pulmonary (pulmonary semilunar, right semilunar
Give the composition of the parietal pericardium Fibrous outer layer, serous inner layer
Upper smooth area of the right ventricle that guides blood to a great artery Conus arteriosus
Muscles lining auricles only (name given to ridge like structures lining auricles) Pectinate muscles
Structure that transmits the right crus of the AV bundle across the right ventricular cavity Septomarginal trabeculae (moderator band)
Part of the conduction system known as the "Pacemaker" Sinoatrial (SA) Node
Name given to the entire posterior of the heart Base
Smallest sized vessels, drain directly into the right atrium and other chambers Venarum minimarum
Most posteriorly located chamber of the heart Left atrium
Besides the inferior and superior vena cava, name two tributaries of the right atrium Coronary sinus, Venarum minimarum, anterior cardiac vv.
The apex of the heart points a. anteriorly b. posteriorly c. superiorly d. inferiorly e. to the right f. to the left a,d,f
Upper smooth area of the left ventricle that guides blood to a great artery Aortic Vestibule
When comparing the thickness of the right ventricle to the left, one can say that the right ventricle is...... 1/3 as thick as the left ventricle
Ridge like mm. (log jam) located in ventricles Trabeculae Carnae
Companion vessel of the anterior ventricular a. Great Cardiac Vein
Also known as the mitral valve Bicuspid valve (Left Atrioventricular, Left AV)
Physiologically, how does blood enter the coronary arteries? Recoil of the aorta
The AV node is located in the _______ septum near the ostium of the __________ Interatrial, coronary sinus
Name the cusps/valvules of the pulmonary/semilunar valve Right, left, anterior
Extends from superior to inferior vena cava, divides right atrium into two parts Crista terminalis
SPECIFIC name given to where the coronary arteries begin Sinus of aortic valve
Portion of the conductin system located in the wall of the right atrium near the superior vena cava SA Node
_______ portion of the conduction system of the heart innervated by the vagus nerve AV Node
_________ name given to the right AV valve Tricuspid valve
Vessel which accompanies the posterior interventricular vessel of the heart Middle cardiac vein
name given to the nipple like muscles of the ventricles Papillary muscles
Name the cusps of the left AV valve Anterior, Posterior
Name given to the string like structures that attach to the cusps of the AV valves; prevent eversion of cusps into the atria Chordae Tendinae (pl), chordae tendinae (sg)
Right ventricle of the heart is responsible for this type of circulation Pulmonary
The sternal angle marks Approximate level of tracheal bifurcation, junction of ascending and arch portions of aorta, junction of descending and arch portions of aorta, level of disk between T4/5 vertebrae
Structurally define the following borders of the superior mediastinum- a) Upper b) Lateral a) Plane of 1st rib b) pleural sacs
During their course the phrenic nerve pass downward_______ to the roots of the lungs and onto the surface of the _______ before entering the diaphragm Anterior, Pericardial sac
The right pulmonary artery runs ______ (ant., post.) to the ______ part of the aorta Posterior, ascending
The specific artery that supplies the upper surface of the respiratory diaphragm Superior Phrenic Artery
Using anatomical landmarks (not other mediastinal compartments) define the lower border of the superior mediastinum Horizontal line through the angle of the sternum, passing through the T4-T5 disk
Vein that drains the upper 2nd, 3rd, and 4th intercostals space Highest Intercostal
Besides the right ascending lumbar vein, a branch of the IVC, and the right posterior intercostals vv., name 4 tributaries that normally drain the azygos vein right subcostal vein, hemiazygos vein, accessory hemiazygos vein, right bronchial vein
Beisides hemiazygos and posterior intercostals, give two tributaries to the azygos vein Right subcostal, right highest intercostals, accessory hemiazygos
The left pulmonary runs _____(ant., post.) to the _______ part of the aorta Anterior, descending
As the left recurrent laryngeal nerve loops under the arch of the aorta, it lies immediately to the left of the _______ Arteriosus ligament or ligamentum arteriosum
From proximal to distal, the second branch of the arch of the aorta Left common carotid artery
Name two tribuataries to the hemiazygos vein Left subcostal vein, caudal 3-4 left posterior intercostal v., some esophageal and mediastinal vv., left bronchial vv. (sometimes)
The ligamentum arteriosum connects which two vessels? Left pulmonary artery and arch of the aorta
Name the tributary to the left brachiocephalic v. whose right counterpart is NOT a tributary to the right brachiocephalic v. Left hightest (superior) posterior intercostal
During its course the pulmonary trunk passes first ______ (anterior, posterior, left, right) to the ascending aorta, then immediately (anterior, posterior, left, right) to it Anterior, left
The azygos vein runs superiorly then arches over the _______ to empty into the Root of right lung, Superior vena cava
Besides the posterior intercostals, name the two parietal branches of the descending thoracic aorta Subcostal artery, superior phrenic artery, posterior intercostal aa.
Specifically where are the maculae located? Walls of utricle and saccula
Triangular space at medial angle of eye where tears collect Lacrimal Lake
Name the adductor muscles of the eye Medial, Superior, and Inferior rectus mm.
Complete the following concerning the FLOW of aqueous humor in the eye: ______ to the posterior chamber, to the pupil, to the anterior chamber, to the _______ , to the scleral venous sinus Ciliary body, trabeculae
Small reddish conical body of skin containing sebaceous and sweat glands; produces a whitish secretion Lacrimal Caruncula
Chamber between the iris and lens Posterior
Besides the lateral rectus m. which can abduct the eye Superior oblique, inferior oblique
_______ minute small cavities at junction of iris and cornea- drains aqueous humor from anterior chamber of eye Trabeculae
Name the abductors of the eye Superior and inferior obliques
Small openings into superior and inferior lacrimal canaliculi Superior and inferior lacrimal puncta
Named branch of CN 7 passing through the middle ear just medial to the malleus; the nerve conducts taste from the anterior 2/3rd of tongue and some autonomics to the salivary glands Chorda Tympani n.
Dorsal projection of the external ear, located anterior to concha and over the orifice of the ext. acoustic meatus Tragus
Chamber of cochlea into which round window opens Scala tympani
Fluid found in the membraneous labryinth Endolymph
Outer rim of the auricle Helix
The ______ (ossicle) fits into the ______ window Stapes, oval
The triangular cochlear duct is separated from the scala vestibule by the ______, and seperated from the scala tympani by the ______ Vestibular membrane, basilar membrane
In which specific region of the mediastinum are the following located? Do NOT use the word inferior, given in groups of four on the test
Insertion of pulmonary veins into heart Middle Mediastinum
Left and Right brachiocephalic veins Superior mediastinum
Left and Right bronchi Posterior Mediastinum
Esophagus Posterior and Superior Mediastinum
DISTAL part of phrenic nerves Middle mediastinum
MOST of azygous vein Posterior mediastinum
MOST of thymus Superior Mediastinum
Tracheal bifurcation Posterior Mediastinum
Hemiazygos vein Posterior Mediastinum
Ascending aorta Middle mediastinum
Thoracic Splanchnics Posterior Mediastinum
Inferior half of superior vena cava Middle Mediastinum
Which pulmonary artery (left or right): is longest and largest Right
Which pulmonary artery (left or right): runs posterior to the ascending aorta right
Name the 4 visceral branches of the descending thoracic aorta Pericardial, esophageal, bronchial, mediastinal
Name the receptors for static equilibrium Macula(e)
Portion of the heart that forms the right border Right Ventricle
Location of baseline of the heart in reference to the bony thorax 2nd interspace
Name given to raised upper margin of the fossa ovalis Limbus of the fossa ovalis
Suspensory ligaments travel from the lens to the _______ Ciliary body
normally, the specific vessel which directly drains 5, 6, 7, and 8 left posterior intercostal veins Hemiazygos or accessory hemiazygos
Created by: barndawg46
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