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Study section

study section found on pg 476 of text book

anthracosis Coal dust accumulation in the lungs
asbestosis Asbestos particles accumulate in the lungs
bacilli (singular: bacillus) Rod-shaped bacteria (cause of tuberculosis)
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) chronic condition of persistent obstruction of air flow through bronchial tubes and lungs. COPD is caused by smoking, air pollution, chronic infection, and, in minority of cases, asthma.
cor pulmonale Failure of the right side of the heart to pump a sufficient amount of blood to the lungs because of underlying lung disease.
exudate Fluid, cells, and other substances (pus) that filter from cells or capillaries ooze into lesions or areas of inflammation
hydrothorax collection of fluid in the pleural cavity
infiltrate collection of fluid or other material within the lung, as seen on a chest film, CT scan, or other radiologic image.
palliative Relieving symptoms, but not curing the disease
paroxysmal Pertaining to a sudden occurrence, such as a spasm or seizure; oxysm/o means sudden
pulmonary infarction area of necrosis (death of lung tissue)
purulent containing pus
silicosis disease due to silica or glass dust in the lung; occurs in mining occupations
Created by: atif786
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