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Anatomy of Speech and Hearing- Quiz 6

Layers of tissue that cover the brain and spinal cord. Protect and support. Holds cerebrum in place during movement. Meninges
The three layers of membranes Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater, and Pia Mater
Tough, two layers. Adheres to skull. Made up of epidural space and subdural space. Dura Mater
Looks like spider web. made up of subarachoid space. Arachnoid Mater
Most interior. So close it hugs contours of the brain. Pia Mater
Series of ducts and canals within the cerebrum. Holds Fluid: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Ventricular System
clear fluid, colorless. Provides protection. Maintains inter cranial pressure. Brings nutrients to the brain. takes away waste. Cerebrospinal Fluid
Small duct from 4th ventricle to spinal cord. Central Canal
Takes several hours for one trip Pathway of CSF
Clusters of grey cells deep in the cerebrum Basal Ganglia
Related to extrapyrimidal system: for course motor movement like muscle tone and posture. Function of Basal Ganglia
Back and forth to help refine movement. Feedback Loops
Parkinson's- reduced movement and Chorea- moves too much 2 Major Types of Basal Ganglia Disorders
Start off in the cortex and go down to brain stem and down to spinal cord. Ex: Corona Radiata Projection Fibers
Provide communication o different are as of the same hemisphere. Ex: Arcuate Fassiculus Association Fibers
Connects to one area in 1 hemisphere to another hemisphere. Ex: Corpus Collosum Commissural Fibers
Connects the brain and brainstem with the rest of the body. Site for both motor and sensory information. Spinal Cord
Below foramen magnum and stops at L1 vertebrae. Location of Spinal Cord
General Visceral Afferent (GVA) General Visceral Efferent (GVE) General Somatic Efferent (GSE) General Somatic Afferent (GSA) Four Types of Spinal Nerves
Sensory Afferent
Motor Efferent
Muscle Somatic
Organ Visceral
H-shaped mass of grey matter Anterior(Ventral) and posterior(dorsal) horn Cross Section of Cord
Bundles of axons. Tracts
Voluntary muscle movement (descending motor tract) Pyramidal System
Voluntary movement for hands and feet. Corticospinal tract (Pyramidal System)
Motor control for cranial nerves (speech) Corticobulbar Tract(Pyramidal System)
Cortex to pons Corticopontine Tract (Pyramidal System)
Clusters of cells that contain Basal Ganglia. Helps to refine movement. Nuclei involved. Extrapyridmidal System
Goes from red nucleus in basal ganglia to spine. Rubrospinal Tract
Interacts with pyramidal and exrtrapyramidal systems. Provides coordination for speech. Cerebellar System
Three funiculi: Posterior, Anterior, Lateral Ascending Sensory Tract
Fasiculus Gracicis: waist down Fasiculus Cuneans- waist up they both transmit fine touch and pressure. Posterior Funiculus
Anterior Spinothalamic Tract: light touch and pressure Anterior Funiculus
Lateral Spinothalamic Tract: pain and temperature. Lateral Fasiculus
Created by: emolayyy15
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