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SAT 331-360
SAT deffenitions
Question | Answer |
opulence | wealth; richness; affluence. |
ornate | elaborately decorated. |
orthodox | customary or conventional. |
ostentatious | showy; elaborate. |
outmoded | no longer fashionable. |
outspoken | free or unreserved in speech. |
pacify | to bring to a state of peace; to appease. |
painstaking | careful and diligent effort. |
paleontology | the study of fossils and ancient life. |
palliative | something that soothes; soothing. |
palpable | able to be felt. |
paragon | a model or pattern of excellence. |
parody | a humorous imitation of a serious work. |
parsimonious | stingy; frugal. |
pathology | the study of disease. |
paucity | a lack; scarcity. |
pauper | a very poor person. |
pecuniary | pertaining to money. |
pedantic | ostentatious in one's learning. |
pedestrian | lacking in imagination. |
penitent | feeling or expressing sorrow for wrongdoing. |
penurious | extremely stingy; miserly. |
perceive | to become aware of; to recognize. |
perfidy | deliberate breach of trust. |
peripatetic | walking or traveling about. |
perquisite | a perk; a benefit. |
persistent | refusing to give up despite opposition. |
pertinacity | persistence. |
petulant | showing sudden or impatient irritation. |
philanthropist | someone who makes charitable donations to improve human well-being. |