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CCMA certification

flash card to help you study for the new CCma test

These are essential for blood clotting? Throbocytes/Platelets
Deflection caused by atrial depolarization is called? P-wave.
____ is a clotting test and it uses a____ color tube? APPT used with a light blue tube.
which tube does not ever go in the centrifuge? Plain ray glass tube.
The sac that contains the heart is called? Pericardium.
A rash from the tourniquet is called? Petechiae.
The best way to identify a patient is? To have the patient state there full name.
Intial negative deflection caused by ventricular depolarization. Q-wave
What does FUO mean? Fever of unknown orgin.
The product of the metabolism of a substance, such as a drug. Metabolite.
Shortness of breath that occurs when lying flat is called? Orthopnea.
While doing a EKG and you see it is abnormal you should? Remain calm notify the physician,never alarm the patient.
The liquid portion in the blood is called? what precentage does it make up? What color is it? The liquid portion in the blood is called plasma and it makes up 55% of our blood plasma is yellow.
An area of tissue that has died from lack of blood supply is called? Infraction.
What test is done by taking blood from a new born heel? PKU test.
A machine that delivers an electroshock to the heart through electrobes placed on the chest walls is called? Defibrillator
What are the four priciples of a physical examination? Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation.
Line between two waveforms is called? Segment.
Abnomal opening in an organ caused by injury or surgery is called? Fistula.
During draw what angles degree does the needle go in? 15-30 degree angle.
Toxicology is done in what lab department? Chemistry
IM stands for? Intramuscular
QD stands for Every day.
BID stands for? Twice a day.
QHS stands for? Every bed time.
PRN stands for? As needed.
What are the most numerous blood vessels in the body? Capillaries.
Sensors you put on a patient used for a ECG are called? Electrodes.
For a four hour glucose test you stick the patient once they arive and then once every hour a total of---sticks. four.
Where does a flow sheet go? In front of the patient chart.
What is the order of draw? YELLOW, LIGHT BLUE, RED, GREEN, LAVENDER,GREY.
What does the physician do during palpation? Use touch.
The volume of blood being pumped by the heart,by a ventricle is called? Cardiac output.
Pathogens that were introduced during blood causes a serious infection is called? Septicema.
What are the four principles of physical examination? Inspection palpation percussion auscultation.
Deflection seen following the T-wave and proceding the next P-wave is called? U-wave.
SPS used to test for presence of microorganisms. YELLOW TOP TUBE.
Deflection caused by ventricular repolarization is called? T-wave.
Contains sodium citrate prevent clotting common test are: Coagulation (clotting Studies) LIGHT BLUE TOP TUBE.
Anticoagulants and glucose preservative. Common tests includes:Glucose and blood alcohol levels. GRAY TOP TUBE.
P-wave plaus the PR segment normal intraval is 0.12-0.2 seconds. PR interval.
The first positive deflection produced by the ventricular depolorization that follows the Rwave is called? S-wave.
Has thixotropic gel and clot activators. When they have been centrifuged the gel form a barrier between serum and plasma. common test include most Chemistry test. A REDISH/GREYISH TOP CONTANS SERUM SEPARATORS.
EDTA anticlotting agent common test are CBC and sed rate. LAVENDER TOP TUBE.
The first posistive deflection produes by ventricular depolarization. R-wave.
Movement away from the isometric line either positive or negative is called? WAVE FORM.
Wave form plus a segment is called? INTERVAL.
Heparin a compound in the liver and other tissues that inhibits blood cougulation. Common test includes: ammonia STAT electrolytes. GREEN TOP TUBE.
Represents ventricular depolarization (activation) QRS complex.
Used for therapeutic drug monitoring is called? PEAK/TROUGH LEVEL.
What does A/an mean? WITHOUT
Decreased blood flow to a body or organ,caused by constriction or blockage of the supplying artery is called? ISCHEMIA (IS-KE'MIA)
Test used to test for strep throat is called? GROUP A STREP.
IV stands for? INTRAVENOUS.
The gland that secretes hormones into the blood stream, produces insulin to maintain proper blood sugar levels is called? THE PANCREAS GLAND.
A clean catch urine specimen is checked for? UTI (Urinary tract infection)
Created by: Bri2232
Popular Medical sets




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