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Week 2


Q T/F The splenius capitis and the splenius cervicis are one m.? A T, although they have two different insertions.
Q What is the origin of the splenius capitis m.? A lower 1/2 nuchal lig., C7-T4 SP's.
Q As the splenius capitis m. attaches to the nuchal lig., a space is created between this attachment and underlying mm. that attach to the vertebrae. What m. is visualized because of this space? A The semispinalis capitis m.
Q What is the insertion of the splenius capitis m.? A mastoid process, lat 1/3 sup nuchal line.
Q What m. attaches to med 1/3 of sup nuchal line? A traps
Q What m. does the splenius capitis lie deep to? A serratus pos. sup.
Q The innervation of the deep grrroooop of back m. is essentially the same all around. What is it? What about the blood supply? A dorsal rami of segmental nn. Blood supply varies.
Q This m. originates T3-T6 Sp's, and inserts on the pos. tubercle of C1-C4 TP's. A splenius cervicis
Q Other than the splenius cervicis, what m. inserts on the TP's of C1-C4? A levator scap
Q How many iliocostalis m. are there? A 3. Lumborum, Thoracis, Cervicis. These make up the intermediate layer of the deep group of back m.
Q What is the most lateral bundle of mm. in the intermediate layer/deep group of back mm.? A Iliocostalis. There is no "capitis" m. here, only lumborum, thoracis, and cervicis.
Q Are the iliocostalis mm. associated with ribs, TP's, or SP's? A Ribs.
Q What is the O/I of the I. Lumborum? A O = iliac crest, I = lower 6 ribs
Q What iliocostalis m. spans from the bottom 6 ribs to the top 6 ribs? A I. Thoracis
Q The I. cervicis m. originates from the upper 6 ribs, and inserts where? A TP's C4-6. Remember specifics are hard to give, so think "TP's of lower C's"
Q Is there such thing as L. Lumborum m.? A. No, Longissimus mm. only include thoracis, cervicis, and capitis.
Q Are the longissimus mm. associated with rib, TP, or SP insertions? A Longissimus = TP insertions.
Q What is the O/I for the L. Thoracis m.? A O = sacral ala (ala means wing), and lower lumbar SP's. I = T3-T12 TP's, w/ their adjacent ribs.
Q The L. cervicis m. originates from T1-T5 TP's. Where does it insert? Q C2-C6 TP's.
Q The iliocostalis mm. are most bulky in the sacral region. Where are the Longissimus mm. most bulky? A Thoracic.
Q L. capitis originates from T1-T5 TP's. Where does it insert? A Pos. mastoid process.
Q Is there a Spinalis lumborum m.? A NO. "lumborum" is only found in iliocostalis mm.
Q Are the Spinalis mm. associated with ribs, TP's, or SP's? A SP's.
Q If the S. thoracis m. inserts as far up as T1. What is the origin of the S. cervicis? Where does it insert? A O = C7 SP and lower nuchal lig. I = C2 SP
Q What mm. blends with the medial side of the semispinalis capitis m.? A S. Capitis. It lies medial, right next to the SP's, and O/I are same.
Q Which mm. are considered "postural" mm.? A erector spinae
Q What mm. are found in the deep layer of the transversospinalis/deep group of back mm.? Where are these located? A semispinalis, multifidus, and rotatores. These all lay between TP's and SP's
Q in the deep layer of the deep group of back mm., which mm. are found in the lumbar region? A multifidus, and rotatores. The semispinalis mm. originate from lower 6 thoracic TP's and up.
Q How many vertebrae do the semispinalis m. bundles pass over? Multifidus? Rotatores? A 4-6, 2-4, 1-2. Remember, these all extend from TP to SP except in cases where skull is involved.
Q Which m. is the "key" to the SOT? A semispinalis cervicis.
Q The semispinalis thoracis m. originates from the lower 6 thoracic TP's. The semispinalis cervicis m. originates from the upper 6 thoracic TP's. Where do they insert? A Semispinalis Thoracis inserts at upper thoracic/lower cervical SP's. Semispinalis cervicis inserts at C2-3 SP (bifid), maybe lower.
Q Which m. forms the nuchal furrow? A semispinalis capitis. This m. has a tendinous inscription, which is almost always vertical (horizontal in netters)
Q The semispinalis capitis originates from T1-T6 TP's, and the lower 3-4 cervical articular processes. Where does it insert? A on the occiput, BETWEEN sup. and inf. nuchal lines.
Q Who is the reigning heavyweight champ in the UFC? A Randy "The Natural" Couture. He's the man.
Q What borders the semispinalis capitis m. medially? A spinalis capitis
Q Where are the multifidus mm. most easily visualized? A in the lumbar section, because there is no semispinalis covering them.
Q The multifidus mm. originate from the sacrum, PSIS, T12-T1 TP's, and C7-C4 articular processes. Where do they insert? A up 2-4 vertebrae on SP's, meaning L5-C2
Q The rotatores m. originate from C3-L5 Tp's. Where do they insert? A rotatores insert 1-2 vertebrae sup. on SP's. if they cover one vert. they are "brevis", and 2 makes them "longus".
Q The serr. pos. sup/inf mm. are deep to what mm.? A serr. pos. sup deep to rhomboids, and serr. pos. inf. deep to lats
Q Where does the transverse cervical artery divide into deep/superficial branches? A around the levator scap. Remember, sup to traps, and deep to rhomboids.
REMEMBER: CN11 runs between ant/pos roots of C1-C5 REMEMBER: The spinal accessory n. innervates the trapezius. This is a cranial n., not a spinal n., even though it exits from the spine. This is because it travels between the ant/pos roots of C1-C5, and does not travel through an spinal n. roots
Created by: GrossAnatomy1
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