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CPT Coding Homework
2012 Step-by-Step Medical Coding
Question | Answer |
What appendix in the CPT Code Manual are all Modifiers listed? | Appendix A |
Which coding system(s) is (are) used for claims submitted by physicians? | HCPCS and ICD-9-CM |
Which coding system describes the reason for the patient visit or encounter? | ICD-9-CM |
Identify the CPT section in which the code 21310 is located. | Surgery |
Identify the CPT section in which the code 99602 is located. | Medicine |
Identify the CPT section in which the code 81000 is located. | Pathology and laboratory |
Identify the CPT section in which the code 0503F is located. | Category II |
Identify the CPT section in which the code 99232 is located. | Evaluation and management |
Identify the CPT section in which the code 97001 is located. | Medicine |
Identify the CPT section in which the code 70486 is located. | Radiology |
Which symbol indicates that a procedure code is new in CPT? | Bullet |
Which category of CPT codes is reserved for emerging technology? | Category III |
What symbol is placed in front of a CPT code to indicate it is an add on code? | A plus sign + |
What code set is considered HCPCS Level I | CPT codes |
What modifier is used for anesthesia by the surgeon? | 47 |
What letter of the HCPCS Level II codes set represents Durable Medical Equipment? | E |
Where in the CPT Manual can you find a list of Modifier 51 exempt codes? | Appendix E |
Where in the CPT Manual can you find clinical examples for reference to coding E & M services? | Appendix C |
What is the percentage of the global work that CMS recognizes for a surgeon that performs only the intraoperative services? | 70% |
What are the three components of RVU’s? | Work, overhead, malpractice |
What are the three things that HIPAA implemented? | Privacy, security and portability |
What part of Medicare is a supplemental for professional services and outpatient services? | Part B |
What is an example of a form of healthcare fraud? | Routine waiver of a copayment |
What is an ERA? | Electronic Remittance Advice |
What services is included in conscious sedation? | Assessment of the patient |
Per CPT guidelines, a concise statement describing the symptom, problem, condition, diagnosis, or other factor that is the reason for the encounter, usually stated in the patient's words, is the definition of the: | Chief complaint |
___________ is described as an inventory of body systems obtained through a series of questions seeking to identify signs and symptoms that the patient may be experiencing or has experienced. | Review of Systems (ROS) |
According to the CPT Manual what is a true about what should be contained in a surgery special report? | Nature and extent of the procedure |
What is not included in the surgical package? | E & M visit following surgery unrelated to surgery |
What is the global period for minor procedures? | 10 |
How are the subsections in the surgery section of the CPT Manual? | Medical specialty or Body system |
The definition of Debridement is: | Removal of infected or damaged tissue from a wound |
How are the sections of the Surgery section divided? | body system |
If a provider performs excision of multiple lesions, you would document the most complex lesion first and the subsequent lesions by using which modifier? | 51 |
Which term best describes the type of traction a physician performs using strapping, elastic wraps or tape? | Skin |
What is the type of bone graft taken from the lower thigh area? | fascia lata |
One of the following is not considered an example of a fracture treatment: | replantation |
One of the terms below describes the chronic abscessing and subsequent infection of a sweat gland: | hidradenitis |
A surgical sinus endoscopy includes a sinusotomy (when appropriate) and a ___________. | diagnostic endoscopy |
A chest tube may be used as an indwelling method of ___________the accumulated fluid in the pleural space. | draining |
The definition of Laryngotomy is the following: | incision made over the larynx |
The definition of Tracheoplasty is the following: | repair of a damaged trachea |
If the control of a nasal hemorrhage was performed bilaterally what CPT modifier would be used? | -50 |
Within the cardiovascular system, what is compared to the branches of a tree? | vascular families |
What are the three sections of the CPT manual that you use to code many cardiovascular services? | Surgery, Radiology, Medicine |
What does the abbreviation EP mean as it relates to cardiovascular services? | electrophysiology |
Arrhythmia ablation is a treatment for: | bradycardia/tachycardia |
The major division of the cardiovascular subsection is whether a procedure involved a ____ vessel. | coronary or noncoronary |
Pacemaker insertion codes are divided based on the surgical: | approach |
The device that can be inserted into the body to electrically shock the heart into regular rhythm. | cardioverter-defibrillator |
The number of postoperative days usually assigned for the global period following implantation of a pacemaker is: | 90 |
The definition of transplantation is: | grafting tissue from one source to another |
The diaphragm is a wall of muscle that separates the ____________ and the abdominal cavities. | thoracic |
The definition of lymphadenitis is: | inflammation of the lymph nodes |
The definition of Splenectomy is: | Excision of the spleen |
The definition of Fundoplasty is: | Repair of the bottom of an organ or muscle |
The mucosal and __________ tissue of the lips and cheeks are included in the oral cavity. | submucosal |
The CPT code 44701 can be found in which Appendix of the CPT Manual. | Appendix D |
With the exception of _________ and ___________ hernias, the use of mesh or other prosthesis is not separately reported when performing hernia repairs. | incisional and ventral |
What is a common abbreviation for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. | ERCP |
Endoscopic procedures within the Urinary subsection, Kidney subheading, are often divided based on this unique factor: | existence of a stoma |
Urethral dilatation codes are often divided based on this factor: | initial or subsequent |
The Urinary System subsection is first arranged ___________ | anatomically |
One of the most common conditions of the prostate is _____________. | BPH |
The removal of a kidney is defined by which term: | Nephrectomy |
For medical complications of pregnancy the physician would report his additional professional services using codes from what section or subsection? | E/M |
Antepartum care includes: | initial and subsequent history, physical exams, recording of weight, blood pressures, fetal heart tones, and routine UA |
According to the text, vulvectomy codes are divided based on the ____ and extent of vulvar area removed during the procedure. | size |
This term describes an incision of the vagina to gain access to the pelvic cavity to explore or to drain an abscess: | colpotomy |
A Colpotomy is an incision into the ______________ | vagina |
There are ____ glands in the endocrine system of the body. | 9 |
The peripheral nervous system refers to the nervous structures outside of the: | central nervous system |
What procedure is often performed with a laminectomy? | arthrodesis |
Neuroplasty is the: | decompression of intact nerves |
When reporting a craniectomy/craniotomy procedure, it is common to also code ____ procedures. | grafting |
Cataract and lens replacement uses ____ different approaches. | 3 |
Strabismus surgery: | corrects the muscle misalignment |
The transparent part of the eye is the ____________________. | cornea |
The modifier reported when a physician component is reported separately is: | -26 |
A ____ procedure is one that is performed independently of, and not immediately related to, another service. | separate |
What is the standard measure of energy in radiation treatment? | MeV |
What is the modifier used to identify the technical component of a radiologic procedure? | -TC |
Identify the correct term for the following definition: Away from the midline of the body (to the side) | lateral |
Identify the correct term for the following definition: Away from the head or the lower part of the body; also known as caudad or caudal | inferior |