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CH15 Digestive

1st layer of Alimentary Canal Mucous Membrane(Passageway for food)
2nd layer of Alimentary Canal Submucosa (loose connective tissue, glands, BV's, lymphatic vessels & nerves
3rd layer of Alimentary Canal Muscular Layer (Produces movement for the tube)
4th layer of Alimentary Canal Serous Layer (outter covering of tube, secretes serous fluid which reduces friction)
Circular Fibers Decrease diameter of tube
Longitudinal Fibers Shortens length of tube
Mixing Rhythmic contractions; mixing food with digestive juices in the stomach
Propelling Pushes tubular contents further down the tube (peristalsis is an example)
Salivary Glands Realease amalyse -> startch & Glycogen -> disaccharides
Oral Cavity chamber between the tongue & palate
Vestibule narrow space betwwen the teeth, cheeks & lips
Ferenulum connects midline of the tongue to floor of the mouth
Primary Teeth 20
secondary Teeth 32
Adenoids pharyngeal
Tonsils Removed Palatine tonsils
incisor chisel-shaped to bite off large pieces of food
cuspids cone-shaped to grasp & tear food
bicuspids & molars somewhat flattened for grinding
bolus mass of saliva mixed with food
chyme food particles & gastric juice
esophagus connets to pharynx & stomach
rugae folds inside stomach to increase surface area
Gastric Juice muscous, digestive enzymes, HCL Acid
Carb Metabolism maintain normal blood glucose concentration
Lipid Metabolsim oxidates fatty acids; converts carbs & proteins into fats
protein metabolsim deaminates amino acids to form urea
storage area glycogen, iron & vitamins A, D & B12 are stored in liver
macrophages destroy damaged red blood cells & remove foreign antigens in live
deoxification center removes toxic substances such as alochol
Liver secretes bile
bile yellowish-green pigment made up of water, bile salts, bil pigments, cholesterol & electrolytes
bile salts 1) help break down fat globule into smaller fat droplets 2) help with absortion of fatty acids, cholesterol, and the fat soluble vitamins
fat soluble vitamins A, Dm E & K
water soluble vitamins B & C
fats use sparingly
milk 2-3 servings
meat 2-3 servings
vegies 3-5 servings
fruit 2-4 servings
bread 6-11 servings
gallstones cholesterol may precipitate and form gallstones which may block the flo of bile into small intestine
alimentary canal mouth,throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestive, anus canal
accessory organs salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas
Created by: MT17
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