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Medical Terminology


A- without or lack of
Ab- away (away from)
-able capable of or ability to
abort/io- to misscarry (natural or induced)
abrupt/io- to tear away from
abscess a going away
acne pointed
acoust/i- hearing
acr/o- extremities, height, and pointed
actin/o- sun, ray, radium
acu- sharp
-ac refers to, pertains to, or state of
ad- near or beside
aden/o- gland
adip/o fat
aer/o air or gas
af- toward
alb/o- white
alges/i- pain
-algia pain
alopec/i fox manage or baldness
alveol/i cavity
ambi both
ambul/o to walk
amphi both
amylo starch
an- lack of or without
an/o ring
ana apart or up
angi/o vessel
angin/o vessel
ankyl/o fuse or bind
ante- before
anter/o before or foremost
anthrax coal or carbuncle
anti- against
aneurysm- dialation or ballooning
-apheresis to remove or seperate (blood into parts)
apo- above or upon
aqua water
arachino- spider
arche/o first
-aria air
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
articul/o jointed
-ar refers to or pertains to
ascar/i- worm
-ase enzyme
-asthenia weakness
asthma panting
atelo incomplete, without end, imperfect ending
athero porridge or yellow fat
-ation process of or procedure of
-atresia closure
atri/o chamber
attrit/i wearing out
audi hearing
aur/i ear
auscult/o to listen
auto self
avuls/i to tear
bacill/o rod-like
bacteri/o rod
balan/o penis
baro weight
bas/o- basic or at base
bene good or normal
benign kind
beri weakness
bi two
bil/i- bile or gall
bin two
bio life
-blast beginning or young
bleb/o blister
blenno mucus
blepharo eyelid
bol/o lump or ball
brach/i arm
brachy short
brady slow
brevi short
bronch/i windpipe or trachea like
brux grinding
bucca cheek
bulba blister or vesicle
bulimo hunger
burs/o sac, winesac, pouch
cal/o heat, heated or hot
calcin/o calcium
calco pebbles or granules of calcium mineral
calx heel or lime
candid/i glowing white
canth/o corner of eye
capill/o hair-like
capit/o head
capn/o- carbon
A- without or lack of
Ab- away (away from)
-able capable of or ability to
abort/io- to misscarry (natural or induced)
abrupt/io- to tear away from
abscess a going away
acne pointed
acoust/i- hearing
acr/o- extremities, height, and pointed
actin/o- sun, ray, radium
acu- sharp
-ac refers to, pertains to, or state of
ad- near or beside
aden/o- gland
adip/o fat
aer/o air or gas
af- toward
alb/o- white
alges/i- pain
-algia pain
alopec/i fox manage or baldness
alveol/i cavity
ambi both
ambul/o to walk
amphi both
amylo starch
an- lack of or without
an/o ring
ana apart or up
angi/o vessel
angin/o vessel
ankyl/o fuse or bind
ante- before
anter/o before or foremost
anthrax coal or carbuncle
anti- against
aneurysm- dialation or ballooning
-apheresis to remove or seperate (blood into parts)
apo- above or upon
aqua water
arachino- spider
arche/o first
-aria air
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
articul/o jointed
-ar refers to or pertains to
ascar/i- worm
-ase enzyme
-asthenia weakness
asthma panting
atelo incomplete, without end, imperfect ending
athero porridge or yellow fat
-ation process of or procedure of
-atresia closure
atri/o chamber
attrit/i wearing out
audi hearing
aur/i ear
auscult/o to listen
auto self
avuls/i to tear
bacill/o rod-like
bacteri/o rod
balan/o penis
baro weight
bas/o- basic or at base
bene good or normal
benign kind
beri weakness
bi two
bil/i- bile or gall
bin two
bio life
-blast beginning or young
bleb/o blister
blenno mucus
blepharo eyelid
bol/o lump or ball
brach/i arm
brachy short
brady slow
brevi short
bronch/i windpipe or trachea like
brux grinding
bucca cheek
bulba blister or vesicle
bulimo hunger
burs/o sac, winesac, pouch
cal/o heat, heated or hot
calcin/o calcium
calco pebbles or granules of calcium mineral
calx heel or lime
candid/i glowing white
canth/o corner of eye
capill/o hair-like
capit/o head
capn/o- carbon dioxide
caput head
carbun/o glowing ember
carcin/o crab-like
cardi/o heart
carp/o wrist
cata breakdown or down
cataract waterfall or cloudiness
catarrh to flow down
catheter/o to let down into
caud/o tail or toward tail
caust/o burn or heat
cauter/o to burn or to heat
cav hollow
cebo meal or food
cec/o blind pouch
-cele swelling or tumor
cel/o abdomen or belly
cellul/o chambers
cement/o hard
-centesis surgical puncture to drain fluid
centi one-hundredth part (100)
centr/i center
cephal/o head
-cept receiver
cereb/o brain
ceru wax
cerv/i neck
chalaz/io hailstone
chancr/o ulcer (sore)
cheil/o lip
chiro hand
chlor/o green
cholangio bile duct
chole bile or gall
cholecyst/o gallbladder
choledoch/o gallbladder duct (canal)
cholera biliary acture diarrhea
chondr/o cartilage
chrom/o colored
chyme juice
-cicatrix scar
-cid to kill
cil/i- eyelash-like
cine/o- movement filming
circum around
cirrh/o yellow-orange
-cis cut or to cut
-clast breakdown
clavicul/o- collarbone
cleido- clavicle or collar bone
clino bent
-clysis irrigation or injection
co- two
coagul/o clotting or to clot
-coccus berry
coccyg/o tailbone
cochle/o snail-like
col/o colon (big or large intestine)
colpo vagina
com together
comato deep sleep
concuss/i violent shaking
condylo- knuckle
coni/o dust
-conis cone-shaped
conjunctiv/o jointed together
contra against
contus/i bruise
convolo- to roll together
cord- vocal chords or cord
cori/o skin
corne/o cornea or horn shape
cornu- horn or horny
coron/o crowning
coronal plane crowning or frontal body cut
corp/o body
cortic/o bark, outer bark, rind, cortex
cost/o rib
crani/o skull
-creas fleshy or flesh
crenat/o notched
-crine secrete
-crit seperate
cruc/i cross or cross-like
cryo cold
crypto hidden
cub/o cube or cube-shaped
cubit/o elbow
culd/o blind pouch
-cule little
currett/o scooping or scraping
-cusis hearing
cusp/i pointed
cuti/o-, cut-, cuti- skin
cyan/o blue
cycl/o circle
-cyesis pregnancy
cyst/o bladder or sac
cyte- cell or chamber
-cytosis increase in numbers
dacryo- tear
dactylo- digits (fingers and toes)
de- away
deci- one-tenth (1/10)
deep most inward
deka- ten
delta fan shaped or triangular
dem/o- people
demi- half
dendr/o- tree shaped
dent/o tooth or teeth
depress/o lower
derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
-desis binding or to bind
dextr/o right
dia- across, through, total, between
-didymus testis or teste
different- to seperate
digit- finger or toe
diplo- double or two
dips/o thirst or thirsty
diphther/i membrane
dis- away from or reversed
dist/o- farther from
diverticul/o outpouching
doch/o duct or canal
doct/o to teach or teacher
dol/o pain
dors/o back
dromo- running
duct/o to draw or to lead away
duoden/o twelve
dura- hard
dy/o- two or a pair
dynam/o- work or strength
-dynia pain
dys- difficult, faulty, painful
-E (suffix) instrument
E- (prefix) out or remove
EC- outside, outward, outer, out
eccrine- secreting or to secrete
echo- sound
-ectasis enlargement or dilation
-ectomy excision or removal
eczema to boil out
edema- swelling
EF- away or out
electr/o electrical
-ellum lesser or smaller
EM- in
embryo- early
Created by: tlclinard09
Popular Medical sets




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