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Med Neuro Clinical

Med Neuro Clinical relations

ID the lesion: Patient presents with flacid muscle weakness on L side Biceps brachii, loss of vibratory sense and proprioception on that same side and area and Analgesia is occuring on the L arm as well Lesion on L spinal nerve (C6). **Motor, sensory, & nocioception all lost on IPSILATERAL side only at THAT spinal level
ID the lesion: L sided muscle weakness & diminished biceps tendon reflex but all lower reflexes display hyperreflexia & spasticity. No vibratory sensation on L side of hand and torso & LE. Analgesia at L bicep & on R side of torso & LE. Lesion damaging entire L side of spinal cord at C6ish spinal segment. **Brown-Sequard Syndrome: Ipsi Motor & Sensory loss at that level and below, Contra Analgesia below that level. Ipsi Analgesia at that level, Lower motor neuron symptoms at that leve
ID the lesion: Both vibratory & nocioceptive sense absent on Ipsilateral side, only along a specifc dermatome? Lesion on DRG. **Total sensory loss on IPSI ONLY at THAT LEVEL.
ID the lesion: Patient presents with L biceps brachi and some forearm muscle weakness graded 2/5 with NO resistance to passive ROM. Deep tendon reflex absent in biceps Lesion is on L ventral root of C6. **complete IPSIlateral motor loss only at that level
ID the lesion: Patient has no vibratory sensation in L biceps brachii or torso or Lower extremity. Muscle strength is 5/5 and no signs of Analgesia, response to pain/temp is normal Lesion on L dorsal column at C6. **Loss of Vibratory/proprioceptive sense at that level AND BELOW. Motor and nocio will be fine.
ID the lesion: Patient presents with Analgesia on entire L side of body starting at the biceps brachii. Vibratory sense is normal, muscle strength 5/5 Lesion is on R ALS at that level on C6. **Will loss nocio at that level AND BELOW for CONTRAlateral side.
ID the lesion: Patient's L biceps brachii strength rated 2/5, muscle in torso and L lower extremity also show weakness. All muscles present with resistance to passive ROM than Inc as ROM speed Inc. Vibratory sense and nocioception is normal. Lesion is on L Lateral corticospinal tract at the level of C6. **Ipsilateral SPASTIC weakness at that level AND BELOW
What determines if neurologic symptoms are FOCAL or DIFFUSE FOCAL: Unilateral. DIFFUSE: Bilateral
What are examples of causes of neurologic symptoms onsetting acutely? incidiously? ACTUE: 1.Trauma. 2.Vascular. 3.Autoimmune. 4.Infection. INCIDIOUS: 1.Genetic. 2.Environmental toxin (was wife experiencing same symptoms?). 3.Degenerative. 4.Neoplasm.
Which axons are must susceptible to degenerative diseases? what is the most common peripheral degenerative disease? LARGEST AXONS: Lower extremity alpha motor neurons, Lower extremity Type I and II afferent neurons. ALS
Created by: WeeG
Popular Neuroscience sets



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