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SAT Vocab Words Def

Words and Definitions

abate (verb) to lessen in intensity, violence or amount of
agrarian (adj) relating to fields, their cultivation; the interests of farmers
ascetic (noun/adj) 1. one who devotes himself to a rigorously disciplined life, one who practices extreme self
bicker (verb) to engage in petty, irritating argument or quarreling
chicanery (noun) deception by fraud, sophistry, trickery or evasion
connoisseur (noun) person qualified to act as judge of art, literature, or matters of taste
cult (noun) 1. A system of religious belief and observance, a body of disciples drawn to such a system 2. A faddish homage or devotion paid to a person, theory or idea
deleterious (adj) morally or physically harmful
distraught (adj) anguished; greatly disturbed in mind; deeply agitated
enigma (noun) a riddle or puzzle; figuratively—a situation difficult to understand; also, a mysterious, baffling person
expunge (verb) to blot out, to erase
filial (adj) pertaining to a son or daughter
harangue (noun) a long noisy, vehement public speech
immaculate (adj) spotlessly clean, unblemished, error
inert (adj) inactive, indisposed to activity, person or element inherently lacking in power to move or act to resist
judicious (adj) exhibiting or using sound judgment
moot (adj) subject to debate, discussion or controversy; doubtful
obsequious (adj) excessively or slavishly submissive; overly willing to obey
perspicacious (adj) having a keen and penetrating mind; sharp=sighted
puerile (adj) characteristic of a child; childishly foolish, trivial
abet (verb) to assist or encourage, especially in wrongdoing
alacrity (noun) briskness, agility, an abundance of energy
askew (adj) out of position or line; turned to one side; tilted
bigoted (adj) intolerant of an opinion, or belief that is different from one's own
circuitous (adj) indirect; roundabout
convivial (adj) of or pertaining to a feast; jovial, joyful
demagogue (noun) an insincere, unprincipled leader who stirs the passions of the masses for his own advantage; a mob leader
divulge (verb) to make public; to disclose as a secret
epicure (noun) one who is extremely fastidious in his tastes or pleasures in matters of food and drink.
extemporize (verb) to utter or do something without preparation or previous study
fiscal (adj) pertaining to revenue; financial affairs, public, general or private
harbinger (noun/verb) 1. a messenger sent on ahead to prepare lodging and entertainment for the royal family or nobles; a forerunner; a messenger 2. to foretell or indicate beforehand the approach of an event
immutable (adj) not capable of being changed
inexorable (adj) not moved by prayer or entreaty; unyielding
laconic (adj) given to the use of few words; to the point; concise
motley (adj) exhibiting various colors or elements
obviate (verb) to eliminate difficulties by anticipatory action; to render unnecessary
pertinacity (noun) the state or quality of clinging doggedly to a purpose or opinion
pugnacious (adj) inclined to fight; quarrelsome
ruminate (verb) to ponder over, meditate on
abhor (verb) to regard with horror or detestation
altercation (noun) an angry, noisy dispute; a heated argument
asperity (noun) severity of manner, temper, or language; sharpness or roughness of temper, tone manner, or language
bucolic (adj) of or pertaining to shepherds or herdsmen; of or pertaining to country life
circumspect (adj) guarded in conduct; cautious, prudent
copious (adj) large in number or quantity
dissipate (verb) to cause to disappear; to scatter or dispel; to spend foolishly, squander; to be extravagant in pursuit of pleasure
docile (adj) easy to manage, teach or discipline; calm, at peace
equitable (adj) impartial, just, fair
extenuate (verb) to make smaller or weaker in degree; to lesson or treat as less severe than it is (most often used referring to crime, illness or serious predicaments
flagrant (adj) conspicuously wicked, outrageous scandalous
harrow (verb) to afflict the mind or feelings; to torment; to vex severely
impasse (noun) a predicament that leaves one no escape
inference (noun) a conclusion reached on the basis of reasoning from data or premises
latent (adj) present in some form, but not visible or fully realized
mundane (adj) pertaining to the world, universe or earth (as contrasted with pertaining to the heavens); common or ordinary
odium (noun) the state or quality of being hated; the disgrace attached to something hated or reproachful; hatred
pertinent (adj) fitting or appropriate; pertaining to the matter at hand
punctilious (adj) scrupulously exact or attentive to the nice points of manners, dress, procedures, etc.
sacrilegious (adj) treating holy matters irreverently
abject (adj) degrading; cast down in spirit of hope; wretched; mean
alleviate (verb) to lighten or lessen physical or mental pain or discomfort
assiduous (adj) performed with constant, energetic application; devoted
bumptious (adj) offensively and often noisily conceited; inclined to demand too much attention for one's opinion; self
circumvent (verb) to gain an advantage by the use of trickery; to evade by the use of stratagem or deception; to go around
corroborate (verb) to make more certain or establish the truth of a report or statement
demure (adj) affectedly or unnaturally modest and shy; of sober and becoming behavior
dogmatic (adj) insistent and positive in manner or words, arrogant in expressing an opinion, asserting opinion as if it were an undisputed fact
erudite (adj) of profound learning, wise
extirpate (verb) to pluck out by the root; to eradicate
fluctuate (verb) to move alternately up and down; to vary irregularly in degree or quantity, to be unstable
haughty (adj) scornfully profound, arrogant
impeccable (adj) pertaining to people not inclined to error or sin; pertaining to things that are free from blemish or fault; beyond reproach
ingenious (adj) demonstrating originality, skill or inventiveness
munificent (adj) liberal in giving; pertaining to a gift that is vast in amount
ominous (adj) pertaining to an evil omen; foreshadowing evil
laudable (adj) worthy of commendation or praise
pique (verb) to react with sharp resentment or wounded pride; to excite curiosity or interest; to value oneself highly or proudly
pungent (adj) said of anything that causes a sharp sensation, as of smell or taste; said of words that are sharp or piercing; mentally stimulating
sagacity (noun) sharpness or quickness of sense or perception; keenness of discernment; soundness of judgment; wisdom
abstemious (adj) moderate, especially in the consumption of food and strong drink
cadaverous (adj) having the qualities of a corpse; pale, haggard and thin
clamorous (adj) noisy; demanding loudly, urgently and persistently
coterie (noun) a group of people or a circle that meets for social, political or some other common interest
denigrate (verb) to besmirch another's good fame, reputation or ability; to criticize with the intention of belittling
drastic (adj) acting with force or quickness; extreme in effect
epithet (noun) an adjective, noun, or phrase expressing some characteristic quality of the thing or person to which it is applied
extol (verb) to praise highly
forensic (adj) pertaining to public speaking or courts of law; argumentative; rhetorical
headstrong (adj) stubborn, possessing an ungovernable will; opinionated
impediment (noun) anything that obstructs or hinders
ingratiate (verb) to gain favor or bring oneself into another's good graces
lethargy (noun) drowsiness or apathy
murky (adj) gloomy; dark
opportunist (noun) one who takes advantage of circumstances to promote his own interest regardless of his stated principles or party loyalty, ect.; one who defers his own action for a time best suitable for his advantage
plagiarism (noun) adopting and reproducing without acknowledgement as one's own the writings or ideas of another
pusillanimous (adj) lacking in courage; cowardly or mean
salient (adj) moving by leaps and bounds; projecting outwardly; prominent or conspicuous
truculent (adj) fierce and cruel; savagely harsh
verbose (adj) wordy, characterized by a superfluity of words
abstruse (adj) difficult to understand or solve because the subject matter is too complicated or too abstract
altruistic (adj) acting solely out of consideration for the welfare of others; unselfish
assuage (verb) to relieve or lesson, as with grief or pain; to pacify or calm; to put an end to by satisfying
cajole (verb) to persuade or seek to influence by flattery or deceit
clandestine (adj) concealed for an evil purpose; secretive
crass (adj) gross in mind, insensitive, crass, vulgar
deprecate (verb) to disapprove of or argue strongly against a course of action or an event
duplicity (noun) intentional deception, deceit in speech or conduct
epitome (noun) a summary or a brief condensation of the leading points of a book or an article; a part that is typical of the whole; the high point
extradite (verb) act of surrender by a state or national government of a fugitive from justice or one person accused of a crime in another state to the province where the crime is alleged to have been committed
foible (noun) a slight frailty or defect in a person's character or personality; peculiarity
heinous (adj) atrocious or deeply offensive, wicked, awful, terrible
impervious (adj) incapable of being penetrated; incapable of being reached by ideas
inordinate (adj) not within proper limits, unrestrained, excessive
levity (noun) frivolity or lack of seriousness
mystique (noun) a distinctive air or character or mystery and mystical power surrounding a person or pursuit
omniscient (adj) having unlimited knowledge
platitude (noun) a dull and commonplace remark solemnly expressed
quell (verb) to put down, as a riot; to pacify or soothe
salubrious (adj) contributing to the well
accessory (noun) something added or attached that contributes attractiveness, convenience, garnishment, etc.; an accomplice; a person or thing playing a subordinate part or role
amalgamate (verb) to combine to a uniform whole
audacity (noun) daring disregard of danger; open, bold and arrogant disregard of propriety and law
callous (adj) hardened in feeling and mind; unfeeling; insensitive
clement (adj) inclined to be forgiving or merciful; lenient; when referring to weather, mild
credence (noun) belief or trust
derelict (noun) abandoned vessel; social outcast
esoteric (adj) understood by only a select, initiated few; extremely difficult to understand; far
extraneous (adj) nonessential; irrelevant
fortuitous (adj) occurring by chance; lucky
Herculean (adj) requiring great strength or courage to perform; of extraordinary size
implacable (adj) incapable of being made peaceful or forgiving
inscrutable (adj) not capable of being understood
loquacious (adj) disposed to an exceptional amount of talking
naïve (adj) simple or unaffected in manner
plebeian (adj) pertaining to the common people; common or vulgar
querulous (adj) given to habitual complaining or fault
sanction (verb) to authorize or approve
wrath (noun) intense anger
taciturn (adj) not given to conversation, customarily silent
accord (noun) agreement of opinion or will
ambivalent (adj) wavering or uncertain because of an inability to make a choice between two conflicting courses of action.
augment (verb) to increase in amount or intensity; to enlarge in size or extent
calumny (noun) a false accusation maliciously made to injure another's reputation
cliché (noun) a hackneyed phrase, idea, practice; a verbal formula; a stereotyped expression
criterion (noun) a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based; an established principle for testing anything
derogatory (adj) belittling or expressing a low opinion of a person or thing
effete (adj) no longer productive because of age; exhausted, worn out
ethnic (adj) pertaining to or belonging to racially or historically relative groups having culture, speech, customs, and characteristics in common
extrovert (noun) one who is concerned chiefly with the outside world or objects outside his inner self
fortuitous (adj) occurring by chance; lucky
formidable (adj) difficult to accomplish because of obstacles, difficulties, size, etc.; inspiring fear or awe; capable or preventing another from undertaking opposing steps
heresy (noun) a doctrine or opinion held in opposition to accepted views in religion or other fields
impugn (verb) to attack as false; to call into question another's motives, statements, actions, etc.
insidious (adj) full of deceit and cunning, working secretly or imperceptible and intending to entrap
lucrative (adj) profitable
nebulous (adj) cloudy; hazy or vague
opulence (noun) wealth, abundance
plethora (noun) the state of being full of excess
rabble (noun) a noisy disorderly crowd; the mob, the common people
acquit (verb) to relieve from a charge of fault or crime
amity (noun) friendly relationship
austere (adj) rigidly severe in character, manner, or living conditions; severely simple
candid (adj) impartial as in the expression "a candid opinion"; frank, honest, outspoken; informal, unopposed
coerce (verb) to compel a person to do something against his will by applying physical or mental force, such as intimidation
culinary (adj) pertaining to the kitchen or to cookery; used in cooking
destitute (adj) lacking in something needed
dynamic (adj) having power or physical energy; energetic; changing
eulogy (noun) statement or speech, written or oral, in praise of a person or his character, frequently a funeral oration; high commendation or praise
facetious (adj) humorous; in a spirit of levity
furtive (adj) done in a secret or underhand manner
impunity (noun) freedom or exemption from penalty or punishment
hiatus (noun) gap or break in time; missing part
insipid (adj) without taste; uninteresting, dull; lifeless
lugubrious (adj) mournful; dismal
nefarious (adj) grossly wicked
orthodox (adj) conforming to an established tradition or doctrine
precarious (adj) dependent on circumstances or chances that are outside one's control ( a precarious situation); uncertain, risky, dangerous, insecure
refractory (adj) stubbornly refusing to comply with another's wishes'; resisting ordinary methods of treatment
sanguine (adj) blood-red in color; of a hopeful disposition
acrimonious (adj) harsh or bitter in speech or temper
anachronism (noun) the misplacing of an event or object in a period to which it cannot possible belong; the event or object so misplaced; an occurrence which is incongruous with present time or usage
authentic (adj) genuine in origin; trustworthy
canine (adj) pertaining to dogs; doglike
cogent (adj) having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason; to the point
culmination (noun) attainment by anything of its highest point
desultory (adj) shifting from one thing to another without method or rational connection; digressive
efficacious (adj) having the power to produce a desired effect
euphony (noun) a pleasing sound; a pleasant effect on the ear produced by words or music
facsimile (noun) an exact copy
frugal (adj) using rigid, strict economy
inane (adj) without sense or intelligence; empty, void
intrepid (adj) without fear; brace
lurid (adj) sensational - as in a lurid crime; glaringly vivid; ghastly dimly glowing, as a light seen through fog or smoke
neophyte (noun) a beginner
ostracize (verb) to exclude from the public or private favor and privileges
preclude (verb) to prevent or render ineffectual or impossible by taking necessary steps beforehand
sardonic (adj) showing mockery, sneering bitterly (usually referring to laughter or humor)
hibernate (verb) to pass the winter in a state of sleep or suspended animation; to be inactive for a long time
raconteur (noun) a person who is skilled in telling stories or anecdotes
Created by: left-to-drown
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