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Midterm MA150
LOM Chapters: 3, 4 and 22. Delmar Chapter 34
Question | Answer |
(HDL) High-density lipoproteins | good cholesterol |
(LDL)Low-density lipoproteins | bad cholesterol |
ab- | away from |
absorption | the transfer of the nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream |
achondroplasia | improper development of cartilage at the ends of the long bones, resulting in a form of congenital dwarfism |
ad- | towards |
adrenal glands | a pair of complex endocrine glands situated near the kidney |
agromegaly | an endocrine disorder. It occurs when the pituitary gland, attached to the base of the brain, produces an excessive amount of growth hormone after the completion of puberty |
-algia, -dynia | pain |
amino acids | basic structural unit of a protein is the amino acid. There are 22 amino acids in protein. Eight of these are needed in the diet for the body to function normally. Histidine is essential only during childhood |
anemia | a pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood |
angioplasty | surgical repair of a blood vessel, either by inserting a ballon-tipped catheter to unblock it or by reconstructing or replacing part of the vessel |
anorexia nervosa | "lack of appetite." Intensly afraid of gaining weight and has a disturbance in perception of the shape or size of the body |
ante- | before, forward |
anti- | against |
antianxiety and antipanic agents | lessen anxiety, tension and agitation, especially when associated with panic attacks |
antibodies | protein substances made by white blood cells in response to the presence of foreign antigens |
antidepressants | reverse depressive symptoms and returns the patient to a more even state |
antigens | a foreign substance: poison, virus, bacterium |
antioxidants | are important in nutrition. The four primary antioxidants are beta-carotene (vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium |
antisocial | no loyalty or concern for others |
anxiety disorders | unpleasant tension, distress and avoidance behavior |
aplastic anemia | a form of anemia in which the capacity of the bone marrow to generate red blood cells is defective |
arteriole | one of the small terminal branches of an artery, especially on that connects with a capillary |
atypical antidepressants | antidepressants that do not fit in other categories. SNRI's. Remeron (mirtazapine), Wellbutrin (bupropion), Effexor (venlafaxine) |
autoimmune disease | any of a large group of diseases characterized by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against your own tissues |
basal metabolic rate (BMR) | the level of energy required for activities that occur when the body is at rest |
beriberi | caused by thiamin deficiency and is characterized by neuritis, edema, and cardiovascular change |
bipolar disorder I | one or more manic episodes, often alternating with major depressive episodes |
bipolar disorder II | recurrent major depressive episodes alternating with hypomania episodes |
blepharoptosis | prolapse upper eyelids |
brady- | slow |
bulimia nervosa | binge eating followed by purging |
calories (C or Cal) | the amount of energy that a substance is able to supply |
carbohydrates | provide major source of energy. Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Units of sugars |
cardiomypathy | disease of the heart muscle |
catalyst | allows a chemical reaction to proceed at a much quicker rate and without as much energy input |
-cele | hernia; weakness of muscles |
cellulose | a complex carbohydrate that is composed of glucose units, forms the main constituent of the cell wall in most plants |
coenzyme | the nonprotein part acts with catalyst |
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) | focused psychotherapy for a wide range of psychological problems, including depression, anxiety, anger, marital conflict, fears and substance abuse |
compulsion | uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly |
congenital anomaly | irregularity in a structure or organ. Webbed fingers or toes and heart defects |
contralateral | opposite of the body |
conversion | anxiety becomes a bodily symptom, such as blindness, deafness, or paralysis that does not have a physical basis |
cyclothymic disorder | a mild form of bipolar disorder characterized by at least 2 years of hypomania and numerous depressive episodes |
cystocele | urinary bladder herniates through the vaginal wall |
defense mechanisms | denial techniques to ward off the anxiety produced by conflicts |
delirium tremens | brought on by stopping alcohol comsumption suddenly after prolonged periods of heavy alcohol ingestion |
delusion | a fixed, false belief that cannot be changed by logical reasoning or evidence |
dementia | a general, more gradual loss of intellectual abilities that involves impairment of judgement, memory, and abstract thinking as well as changes in personality |
depressive disorders | occurrence of one or more major depressive episodes without history of mania or hypomania |
dialysis | removal of harmful waste products from the body with an artificial kidney machine |
digestion | involves the physical and chemical changes to food that the body makes to make it absorpable. |
dissociative disorder (DID) | a condition involving breakdown in memory, identity, or perception. Escape reality through amnesia, fugue, or alternate identities. |
diuretics | found through caffeine and alcohol; may cause the body to lose water through increased urinary output. |
Dopamine | increases the force of the contraction of the heart rate and blood pressure systolic phase. |
dysporia | sadness, hopelessness, worry, discouragement |
ego | central coordinating branch of the personality. |
electrolytes | become ionized and carry positive or negative charge |
enuresis | bed wetting |
epinephrine | increase blood pressure and heart rate, makes pupils dilate. |
erythrocytes (RBC) | red blood cells. Made in the bone marrow |
euphoria | exaggerated feeling of well-being (High) |
extracellular | outside the cell |
fat soluble | are not carried into the bloodstream easily and are stored in fatty tissue, especially the liver. |
FDA requires: | all food packaging labels show the amount of trans fats per serving in the product. |
flat affect | marked by monotonous voice, immobile face and no signs of expression |
folate (folic acid) | DNA synthesis, synthesis of RBC's, protein metabolism. Deficiency: anemia, glossitis. Toxicity: none |
food groups and servings | Grains: 6oz per day. Vegetables: 2 1/2cups per day. Fruits: 2cups per day. Milk: 3cups per day. Meat & beans: 5 1/2oz per day. |
forensic psychiatrists | legal aspect of psychiatry |
glycogen | only ingested in small quantities, but is an important carbohydrate form for storage of glucose in the body. |
-gram | record |
-graph | instrument for recording |
-graphy | process of recording |
hallucination | false or unreal sensory perception |
hemi- | half |
hernia | protrusion of an organ or the muscular wall of an organ through the cavity that normally contains it |
histrionic | emotional, attention-seeking, immature, and dependent; irrational outbursts and tantrums; flamboyant and theatrical. |
homeostasis | normal |
hypochondriasis | a preoccupation with the body aches, pains and discomforts in the absence of real illness |
hypomania | a mood resembling mania, but of lesser intensity |
id | unconscious instincts and psychic energy present from birth |
infra- | beneath, under |
inter- | between |
intra- | in, within, into |
ipsilateral | located on the same side of the body |
ischemia | hold back blood from a part of the body |
laparoscopy | An operation in which a laparoscope is used, as in an examination of the liver or the surgical treatment of endometriosis |
leukocytes (WBC) | white blood cells. Five different kinds of leukocytes: granulacytes: eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils; mononuclear: lymphocytes, monocytes |
lipids | also known as fats. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. |
lymphocytes | Any of the nearly colorless cells found in the blood, lymph, and lymphoid tissues, constituting approximately 25 percent of white blood cells and including B cells, which function in humoral immunity, and T cells, which function in cellular immunity. |
major minerals | seven major minerals: calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, sulfur. |
mal- | bad |
mania | elation or irritability, associated with distractibility, hyperactivity, talkativeness, injudicious acts, flight of ideas and racing thoughts |
mastectomy | removal of the breast(s) |
metabolism | is the balance between the energy that is brought into the body and the energy used by the body. |
minerals | singular elements. Some minerals are required in larger amounts. |
MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory | contains true-false questions that reveal aspects of personality, such as sense of duty or responsibility, ability to relate to others and dominance. |
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) | drug suppress an enzyme, monoamine oxidase, that normally degrades neurotransmitters. Example: Nardil (phenelzine), Marplan (isocarboxazid), Deprenyl (selegiline) |
monocytes | A large, circulating, phagocytic white blood cell, having a single well-defined nucleus and very fine granulation in the cytoplasm. Monocytes constitute from 3 to 8 percent of the white blood cells in humans. |
monosaccharides and disaecharides | known as simple sugars |
narcissistic | grandiose sense of self-importance or unqueness and preoccupation with fantasies of success and power. |
nercosis | Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease |
norepinephrine | a hormone that produces adrenaline medulla; vaso constrictor. |
nutrition | the study of the taking of nutrients into the body and how the body uses them. |
obsession | an involuntary, persistent idea or emotion |
-oma | tumor, mass, collect of fluid |
omphalocele | umbilicus, naval hernia |
-opsy | to view |
orthostatic hypotension | condition which decreases the blood pressure due to sudden changes in the body positions |
pan- | all |
pancytopenia | deficiency of erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes |
paracentesis | the surgical puncture of a body cavity in order to draw off excess fluid |
paranoia | overly suspicious system of thinking; fixed delusion that one is being harassed, persecuted or unfairly treated. |
paranoid | continually suspicious and mistrustful of others |
parasitism | when one organism benefits and the other does not |
parathyroid glands | located behind the thyroid gland. |
-pena | deficiency |
pervasive developmental disorders | childhood disorders characterized by delays in the development of socialization and communication skills |
phobia disorders | characterized by irrational or debilitating fears associated with a specific object. |
- plasia | development, formation, growth |
pleurodynia | pain in the chest wall muscles that is aggravated by breathing |
polysaccharides | complex carbohydrates. Most common are starches, glycogen and fiber. |
primary energy sources | carbohydrates and fats. When in short supply, the body diverts its use of protein for structual purposes to use it as an energy source; which can be detrimental effects to the body. |
processed foods | precooked or packaged foods with parts removed or ingredients added. |
prolapse | slide forward or downward |
prophylaxis | helps control symptoms |
proteins | composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, it contains one more important element: nitrogen. Protein is described as an energy nutrient. |
psychiatrists | an MD; practice of psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, forensic psychiatrists, child psychiatrists |
psychiatry | the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness |
psychoanalysis | freely relates her or his thoughts and associations to the analyst, who does not interfere in the process. |
psychodrama | patient express their feelings by acting out family and social roles along with other patient-actors on a stage |
psychologisy | nonmedical professional. Behavior, research and clinical |
psychosis | describes mental illness |
-ptosis | falling, dropping, prolapse |
PTSD - post traumatic stress disorder | the development of symtoms following exposure to a traumatic event. |
recombinant DNA | the process of taking a gene from one organism and inserting it into the DNA of another organism |
rectocele | the protrusion of a portion of the rectum |
repression | a defense mechanism in which a person removes unacceptable ideas or impulses from consciousness |
saccharide | scientific term for sugar |
saturated fats | more common in foods from animal sources than plant sources. |
schizoid | emotionally cold and aloof. |
schizophrenic | a chronic psychotic disorder that includes delusions, hallucinations, flat affect |
-sclerosis | hardening |
-scope | instrument for visual examination |
-scopy | process of visual examination (with an endoscope) |
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) | seasonal depression |
serotonin | vaso constrictor affects sleep and sensory perception |
sexual and gender identity disorders | types: exhibitionism, fetishism, pedophilia, sexual masochism, sexual sadism, transvestic fetishism, voyerurism. Gender identity disorder is a strong and persistent cross-gender identification with the opposite sex. |
splenomegaly | enlargement of the spleen |
SSRI's | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Celexa (citalopram), Paxil (paroxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), Luvox (fluvoxamine) |
staphylococci | berry shaped bacterium, grows in small clusters |
Stimulants | amphetamines are prescribed for ADHD |
-stomy | opening to form a mouth (stoma) |
streptococcus | berry shaped bacterium, grows in twisted chains |
superego | internalized conscience and moral part of the personality. |
supra- | above, upper |
symphysis | a joint in which the bony surfaces are firmly united by a layer of fibrocartilage. |
syn-, sym- | together, with |
syndactyly | a congenital anomaly marked by fusion of fingers or toes |
three energy nutrients | carbohydrates, fats and proteins |
thrombocytes (platelets) | clotting cells |
tonsillitis | bacterium infection of the throat. |
toxicity | can occur with high doses of either type of vitamin but is more likely to occur with the fat-solube vitamins because they are stored in the body. |
trace minerals | required in smaller quantities, but are as important as the major minerals. Include: iron, copper, chromium, molybdenum, selenium, managanese, iodine, zinc, cobalt and fluorine. |
tracheotomy | an incision into the trachea to open it below a blockage |
trans fats | found in meat and dairy produces, as well as stick margarine, solid shortening and many commercially prepared foods. |
transsurethral | resection of the prostate gland |
Tricyclic antidepressants | block the reuptake of the neurotransmitters at the nerve endings. Pamelor (nortriptyline), Tofranil (imipramine), Anafranil (clomipramine) |
triglycerides | A naturally occurring ester of three fatty acids and glycerol that is the chief constituent of fats and oils |
-trophy | development, nourishment |
-um, -ium | structure, tissue |
vitamin B12 | synthesis of RBC's, maintenance of myelin sheaths. Deficiency: degeneration of myelin sheaths, pernicious anemia. Toxicity: none. |
vitamin C | prevention of scurvy, absorption of iron, antioxidant, hormones, healing of wounds. Deficiency: scurvy, muscle cramps. Toxicity: increase uric acid level, hemolytic anemia, kidney stones. |
vitamin E | antioxidant. Deficiency: destruction of RBC's. Toxicity: hypertension |
vitamin K | blood clotting. Deficiency: prolonged blood clotting. Toxicity: jaundice, hemolytic anemia |
vitamins | a class of nutrient in which each specific vitamin has a function entirely its own. |
water soluble | not easily stored and blood levels must be maintained by constant dietary intake. |