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Med Neuro Lect5

Med Neuro Lect5 Cerebral Anatomy - Cerebrum

What does the central sulcus seperate? Frontal and Parietal Cortex
3 main gyri of the Parietal cortex? 1.Angular gyrus (more posterior). 2.Supramarginal gyrus (b/w the Angular & Post-central sulcus). 3.Post-central gyrus (b/w the central and post-central sulci).
What 2 notches are important in distinguishing the occipital cortex from the parietal cortex? 1.Parietoccipital Notch. 2.Occipitotemporal Notch. **this is an arbitrary seperation
What fissure seperates the Temproal cortex from the parietal (partial) and frontal? Lateral Fissure
What are the 4 main Gyri making up the Convexity of the frontal cortex? 1.Superior Frontal (b/w sagital fissure & sup. frontal sulcus). 2.Middle Frontal (b/w sup & inf frontal sulci). 3.Inferior frontal (below inf frontal sulcus). 4.Precentral gyrus (b/w central & precentral sulci)
3 lateral aspects of frontal cortex in close association with the Lateral fissure? 1.Pars Opercularis (b/w precentral sulcus & Pars Triangularis). 2.Pars Triangularis (doesn't touch lateral fissure, b/w pars opercularis & orbitalis). 3.Pars Orbitalis (anterior to pars angularis, sits on orbital bone).
Where does language function originate from? Pars Opercularis in the frontal cortex of the dominant lobe. **Damage could impair motor of speech.
3 gyri in the temporal cortex? 1.Superior Temporal (just below lateral fissure). 2.Middle Temporal (b/w sup & inf temporal sulci). 3.Inferior Temporal (inferior to inf temporal sulcus).
Describe the Pre & Post central gyri in terms of motor and sensory and sections of each. Pre: Motor. Post: Sensory. SECTIONS: 1.Face (intersection of central sulcus & lateral fissure). 2.Hand (superior/medial to face). 3.Torso (superior/medial to hand). 4.Lower Extremity (Most medial/ against sagital fissure).
What causes the development of the well defined gyri? MYELINATION **Leads to sophistication ;) See what I did there?
2 Gyri making up the Medial & Ventral (not convexity) part of the frontal cortex? what do they control? 1.Orbital Gyrus (Inferior/ventral and moves laterally until Pars Orbitalis). 2.Gyrus Rectus (medial to olfactory bulb). **Control emotions.
What do the gyri making up the convexity of the frontal cortex control? 1.Cognition, 2.Attention, 3.Memory, 4.Language.
What exactly determines a Gyrus? It refers to a large myelinated bundle which is seperated by sulci. **Surface markings vary from person to person
How many Longitudinal gyri and sulci are there in the frontal cortex? 3 Gyri and 2 Sulci. **there are 2 coronal gyri with 3 coronal sulci in the frontal/parietal cortex.
If you are looking at an Inferior view of the frontal cortex, what 2 gyri are you seeing? 1.Ortibal. 2.Gyrus Rectus (Straight Gyrus).
What is the Uncus? What CN does in come in close contact with? How is it used diagnostically? A protrusion of the parahippocampus that comes into contact w/ CNIII. If there is swelling in the brain and it impinges on CNIII, the pupil will dilated, down, and out.
What type of Hemorrhages should be considered if the pupil is dilated, down, and out? SUBDURAL and EPIDURAL b/c they will cause swelling that will push that hemisphere towards other side, cuasing that uncus to press down on CNIII.
What are the 2 small bumps just behind the optic chiasm? Mamillary bodies
What are the only 2 Cranial Nerves located above the Tentorium Cerebelli? 1.CN I: Olfactory. 2.CN II: Optic.
List the 10 "True" Cranial Nerves (those originating below the tentorium cerebelli) 1.CN III: Oculomotor. 2.CN IV: Trochlear. 3.CN V: Trigeminal (largest). 4.CN VI: Abducens. 5.CN VII: Facial. 6.CN VIII: Vestibulocochlear. 7.CN IX: Glossopharyngeal. 8.CN X: Vagus. 9.CN XI: Accessory (up from foramen magnum). 10. CN XII: Hypoglo
What 3 CNs have Origins on the Midline? 1.CN III. 2.CN VI. 3.CN XII.
What is the Posterior aspect of the Corpus Callosum? Splenium.
What 2 arteries does CN III run between? 1.Posterior Cerebral A. 2.Superior Cerebellar A. **Also in close contact with UNCUS
Name the 4 Gyri on the inferior aspect of the cerebrum Superior to the cerebellum from Superior/anterior to Inferior/posterior? 1.Cingulate. 2.Parahippocampal. 3.Medial. 4.Lateral Occipitotemporal.
Name the Main structures from superior to Inferior that are located below the Limbic lobe (Cingulate gyrus in specific)? 1.Corpus Callosum. 2.Stria Medullaris of Thalamus. 3.Thalamus (w/in 3rd ventricle, connected by Interthalamic adhesion). 4.Hypothalamic Sulcus. 5.Hypothalamus (b/w CN II & mamillary bodies). 6.Infundibulum. 7.Pituitary gland.
What is the significance of the Hypothalamic Sulcus? It seperates the thalamus from the hypothalamus. **Hypothalamus is triangular shaped.
What 3 structures combine to make the Limbic lobe? What is it's function? 1.Parahippocampal gyrus. 2.Isthmus. 3.Cingulate gyrus. **Controls personality and emotional changes.
What is the oldest (developmentally) part of the cerebrum? LIMBIC LOBE.
Created by: WeeG
Popular Neuroscience sets



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