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Final Exam Review 2n

Clinical Lab Final Exam Part 2

What is another name for the hematocrit in hematology? Packed cell volume
A condition in which the RBC count or hemoglobin level is decreased below normal is: Anemia
What kind of hemoglobin is formed when Oxyhemoglobin releases oxygen to the tissues? Deoxyhemoglobin
The mineral required for hemoglobin synthesis is: Iron
What is the process of solid particles settling to the bottom of a liquid called? Sedimentation
The presence of small purple granules in red blood cells stained with Wright's stain, which results from remnants of RNA and other nuclear material is called: Basophilic Stippling
Among the leukocytes found in human blood, an immature granulocyte with a non-segmented nucleus would be a: Band Cell
Calculated values that compare the size and hemoglobin content of red blood cells in the blood sample to reference values are: Erythrocyte Indices
The process of stopping bleeding, which includes clot formation and dissolution is called: Hemostasis
When platelets come into contact with exposed tissue collagen they undergo: A shape change
Hemophilia B is also called: The Christmas disease
When a sample of anticoagulated blood is centrifuged or allowed to stand undisturbed, a light-colored layer of leukocytes and platelets forms on the top of the red blood cell layer. This is called the: Buffy Coat
The ratio of the velocity of light in one medium, such as air, to its velocity in another material is the: Index of refraction
What is the term used to describe groups of red blood cells arranged like a roll of coins. This is usually seen on stained hematology blood slides. Rouleaux
The anticoagulant used to collect blood for a prothromin time test is: Sodium Citrate
What is the term used to describe a significant variation in the shape of erythrocytes? Poikilocytosis
A hemoglobin molecule that has glucose bound to the beta globin chains is called: Hemoglobin A1C
While doing a hematology blood slide study you find an increased number of immature neutrophil forms in the sample of peripheral blood. This characteristic is referred to as a: Shift to the left
What is the protein portion of the hemoglobin molecule? Globin
The calcium necessary for clot formation in the APTT is supplied by the chemical compound: Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
What anticoagulant is most commonly used in hematology studies? K2EDTA
In the latex agglutination tests for disseminated intravascular clotting, any D-dimer present in the patient sample reacts with a highly specific: Monoclonal Antibody
A non-granular leukocyte that occurs in response to viral infections and that is common in infectious mononucleosis is the: Atypical Lymphocyte
The collecting of separate objects into one mass is called: Aggregation
A marked variation in the size of erythrocytes when observed on a peripheral blood smear is called: Anisocytosis
The enzymatic breakdown of a blood clot is called: Fibrinolysis
An increase above normal in the number of white blood cells in the blood is called: Leukocytosis
A graph that illustrates the size and frequency of particles in solution is a: Histogram
A way of reporting a prothrombin time that takes into consideration the sensitivity of the thromboplastin used and the mean of the normal prothrombin time in the facility's population is called: International Normalized Ratio (INR)
A commonly performed test that provides the clinician with an estimate of the patient's red cell volume and the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity it the: Hematocrit
What is the term that refers to a tendency toward a steady state or equilibrium of the body processes? Homeostasis
An immature red blood cell that has not yet lost its nucleus is referred to as a: Nucleated Red Blood Cell
Fibrin-degradation products that contain the D-dimer cross-linked region are called: XDP
A membrane-bound compartment in a cell's cytoplasm often seen in moncytes is a: Vacuole
The average red blood cell volume in a blood sample, expressed in femtoliters [fL] is the: Mean cell volume
The form and structure of cells, tissues, and organs is the: morphology
The iron-containing portion of the hemoglobin molecule is the: Heme
The hemophilias are inherited as: Sex-linked recessive genes on X chromosomes.
The liquid portion of blood in which the cellular elements are suspended is called: Plasma
What are the ways in which the prothrombin time can be reported? Seconds Prothrombin Ratio INR
What is a nonspecific protective response to any form of tissue injury? Inflammation
Small, purplish hemorrhagic spots on the skin are called: Petechiae
An immature erythrocyte that has retained RNA in the cytoplasm is a: Reticulocyte
A coagulation screening test used to monitor oral anticoagulant therapy is the: Prothrombin Time
The ingestion of a foreign particle or of a cell by another cell is called: Phagocytosis
A commonly performed test that provides the clinician with an estimate of the patient's red cell volume and the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity is the: Hematocrit
In adults, most blood cells are formed in which organ? Bone Marrow
The most abundant protein in normal blood plasma is: Albumin
A determination of the relative numbers of each type of leukocyte in human blood, as seen on a peripheral blood smear is the: Differential Count
A polychromatic stain, used in hematology, and that is a combination of eosin and methylene blue in methanol is the: Wright's Stain
A large leukocyte usually characterized by a convoluted or horseshoe-shaped nucleus is the: Monocyte
What is the form of hemoglobin that is called "adult" hemoglobin? Hgb A
A large bone marrow cell from which platelets are derived is the: Megakaryocyte
The layers of blood cells that form when a tube of anticoagulated whole blood is centrifuged is called the: Packed cell volume
A shrunken red blood cell with scalloped or toothed margins, as seen on the stained blood smear is a: Crenated Cell
Carbon dioxide in the body is measured as what ion? Bicarbonate Ion (HCO3)
A vitamin essential to the proper maturation of blood and other cells in the body is: Vitamin K
A chronic or acute disease involving the unrestrained growth of leukocytes is: Leukemia
In automated hematology light scatter instruments using laser light, the light is monochromatic meaning the light: Has only one Wavelength
What catalyzes the reaction to form a blue color in the guaiac test? Iron
The blood cell that is seen under the microscope in infectious mononucleosis is called an: Atypical lympocyte
A yeast that causes Vaginitis and other infections, especially following antibiotic therapy is: Candida Albicans
The branch of medicine encompassing the study of the immune processes and immunity is: Immunology
The term used for the study of human blood groups is: immunohematolgy
The developer solution used in the guaiac test contains: Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
The time between exposure to an infectious agent and the appearance of symptoms is the: Incubation Period
What are three parasitic diseases that have been shown to be able to be transmitted through transfusion. Malaria Babesiosis Chagas' disease
Hookworms are in the group of helminths called: Nematodes
An autoimmune disease characterized by pain, inflammation, and deformity of joints is: Rheumatoid Arthritis
The virus that causes genital herpes is: Herpes Simplex Virus Type II
An antibody derived from a single cell line or clone is: Monoclonal Antibody
The growth of most streptocci is enhanced by incubation in an increased concentration of: Carbon Dioxide
A substance or structure on the red blood cell membrane that stimulates antibody formation and reacts with that antibody is a: Blood Group Antigen
A flagellated parasite that can occur in the urogenital tract is: Trichomonas Vaginallis
What is the medium used to culture a throat swab? Blood Agar
The use of known Antisera to identify unknown antigens on a patient's red blood cells is called: Forward Grouping
The parasite that causes malaria belongs to the genus: Plasmodium
An antibody directed against one's own tissue is called an: Autoantibody
A rod-shaped bacterium is a: Bacillus
The antibody class which is in highest concentration in serum is: IgG
The formation of an insoluble antigen-antibody complex is called: Precipitation
The sexually transmitted disease syphilis is caused by the bacterial organism Treponema pallidum
An antiserum is a serum that contains: Antibodies
Cell-mediated immunity is brought about primarily by: T Lymphocytes (T cells)
A sexually transmitted virus that can cause cervical cancer is: HPV
Any of several forms of a gene responsible for hereditary variation is called an: Allele
The use of known cells to identify unknown antibodies in the patient's serum or plasma is called: Reverse Grouping
A parasite that lives on the outer host surfaces is an: Ectoparasite
The antibody class that is associated with hypersensitivity or allergic responses is: IgE
A condition that is acquired during fetal development, and present at the time of birth, but not inherited, is: Congenital
The allelic genes that are responsible for a particular trait in a person is that person's: Phenotype
Insects, crustaceans, and arachnids are described as: Arthropods
The clumping of particulate antigens due to reaction with a specific antibody is called: Agglutination
Bacteria that lose the crystal violet stain and retain the safranin in the Gram stain procedure are designated: Gram-negative
The common name for a hypersensitive condition is: Allergy
A parasite that lives in the body or tissues of a host is an: Endoparasite
The appearance of antibody in the serum of an individual following exposure to an antigen is called: Seroconversion
A concentrated, purified solution of human anti-D antibody used for injection is: RhD immune globulin
An organism living in or on a host but causing no damage to the host is a: Commensal
A rapid increase in blood immunoglobulins following a second exposure to an antigen is called: Anamnestic Response
Another name for a spherical bacterium is a: Coccus
A disease that is recurring in a specific location or population is: Endemic
Donor blood is routinely tested for: ABO type & RhD antigen
Organisms that will grow only in the absence of oxygen are referred to as: Anaerobic
Microorganisms that are normally present in a specific site are: Normal Flora
The portion of an antigen that reacts specifically with an antibody is the: Epitope
The proglottid is a body segment that contains the male and female reproductive organs, and is found in a: Tapeworm
Another word for something that is concealed or hidden is: Occult
The host, other than the usual host, in which the parasite lives and is infectious is the: Reservoir host
The two main methods of becoming immunized to the Rh D antigen is through transfusion and: Pregnancy
An infection caused by fungi is a: Mycosis
The destruction of RBCs resulting in the release of hemoglobin from the cells is called: Hemolysis
The operation of blood banks is ultimately regulated by the: FDA
An agent that transports a pathogen from an infected host to an non-infected host is a: Vector
A test that is widely used as a screening test for colon cancer is the: Occult Blood Test
Hemolytic disease of the newborn is the condition in which a fetus or newborn is affected by: Maternal Antibodies directed against the infant's red blood cells.
A microorganisms that causes disease in the host only when normal defense mechanisms are impaired or absent is an: Opportunistic Pathogen
The process of removing a specific blood component and returning the remaining blood to the circulation is: Apheresis
In the guaiac fecal occult blood test, a false positive test can be caused by the enzyme peroxidase, found in foods such as: Turnips [radishes]
Created by: 1806279775
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