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Stack #88891

Common Conditions and Diseases of the Female Reproductive System

abruptio placenta detachment of the placenta prematurely
adenomysosis endometrial tissue growth into the muscular wall of the uterus
amenorrhea abnormal absence of menses
breast cancer malignant tumor in the breast
cervical cancer malignant tissues within the cervix
cervical polyp tissue mass on the cervix
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
choriocarcinoma malignant neoplasm of the vaginal or pelvic organs
condyloma warty growth on the external genitalia
cystocele protrusion of the bladder through a weakness in the vaginal wall
dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
dysplasia abnormal tissue growth
eclampsia toxemia with convulstions, hypertension, edema, and proteinuria
ectopic pregnancy fertilized egg implants outside the uterus
endocervicitis inflammation of the inner lining of the cervix
endometriosis endometrial tissue growth outside the uterus and attaches to other pelvic organs
erythroblastosis fetalis mother's system tries to destroy her baby's red blood cells, because the mother's blood type, Rh negative, is incompatible with the baby's Rh positive
fibroids benign tumors in the uterus
galactorrhea abnormal milk discharge
incompetent cervix cervix opens too early, can cause a miscarriage
intraductal papilloma benign tumors in the milk ducts
mastitis inflammation of the breast caused by infection
menopause permanent cessation of menses
menorrhagia excessive bleeding during menstruation
metrorrhagia uterine bleeding any time other than menstruation
mittelschmerz painful ovulation
ovarian carcinoma cancer of the ovary
ovarian cyst sac filled with fluid on an ovary
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) inflammation from infection of the reproductive organs
placenta previa the placenta is delivered before the baby
polycystic ovary syndrome scarring from multiple cysts of the ovary
polymenorrhea abnormal frequent menstruation
preeclampsia also known as toxemia, hypertension, proteinuria, and edema
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) pattern of emotional and physical changes before menstruation
prolapsed umbilical cord the umbilical cord presents first and squeezed between the baby's head and the vaginal wall
pruritus vulvae irritation of the external genitalia causing itching and burning
rectocele protrusion of the rectum through a weakness in the vaginal wall
salpingitis inflammation of the fallopian tubes
sebaceous cyst smooth lump in the skin of the vulva
spontaneous abortion also know as miscarriage, natural termination
toxemia usually occurs during third trimester, characterized by excessive weight gain, edema, hypertension, and proteinuria
toxic shock syndrome (TSS) staph infection in menstruating women
tubal pregnancy fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus
uterine cancer (endometrial) slow growing cancer of the lining of the uterus
uterine prolapse displacement of the uterus through the vagina
vaginitis inflammation of the vagina
vulvitis inflammation of the external genitalia
Created by: kate8686
Popular Medical sets




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