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Phi Mu Alpha-ΓE

A quiz for the Probies from the Gamma Epsilon Chapter- Written 2012

With what frequency are National Conventions held? Every three years
When and Where will the next National Convention be held? July 12-15, 2012; Orlando, Florida
What is the Object of the Fraternity? The Object of this Fraternity shall be for the development of the best and truest fraternal spirit; the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students; the advancement of music in America and a loyalty to the Alma Mater.
What is the name of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia's collegiate newsletter? The Red and Black
Name and Location of the 1st Chapter? Alpha Chapter: New England Conservatory of Music; Boston, Massachusetts
Name and Location of the 2nd Chapter? Beta Chapter: Broad Street Conservatory; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Name and Location of the 3rd Chapter? Gamma Chapter: American Institute of Applied Art; New York, New York
Name and Location of the 4th Chapter? Delta Chapter: Ithaca Conservatory; Ithaca, New York
Upon initiation into the Fraternity, each member shall receive what 6 items? Official Membership Pin, Wallet Card, Membership Shingle, Songbook, National Constitution, and General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters
What is the total amount of your financial obligation to the national fraternity before you can be initiated? $140 (Basic Initiation Package)
Who was the 2nd President of Alpha Chapter and 6th Supreme President of Sinfonia? Percy Jewett Burrell
When did the Sinfonia Club become a national Fraternity? Oct 6, 1900
How did the Sinfonia Club become a national Fraternity? With the admission of a group of men at Philadelphia's Broad Street Conservatory as Sinfonia's Beta Chapter
What is the origin of the name "Sinfonia"? George Chadwick, 2nd honorary member, suggested the name "Sinfonia" from a student organization to which he had belong in Leipzig, Germany
Who was both the founder and first honorary member of Sinfonia? Ossian Everett Mills
When was Sinfonia founded? October 6, 1898
Where was Sinfonia founded? The New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Massachusetts
What is the official publication of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia? The Sinfonian
What will be the total amount of your annual financial obligation to the national Fraternity and Chapter as a collegiate member? National Fraternity- $158 Chapter- $69
What are the Responsibilities of membership (1) To attend all meetings of the chapter, to pay all finanical obligations, to maintain academic performance standards
What are the Responsibilities of membership (2) To become aquainted with the governing documents and history of the fraternity and to support the efforts and objectives of the local chapter and the fraternity
What are the 4 classes of membership? Probationary, Collegiate, Alumni, and Honorary
What 2 Days are celebrated by the chapters? Founder's Day and Chapter Day
When is Founder's Day? October 6
When is Chapter Day? November 22
How often must Province workshops be held? At least once a year.
The Name of your Collegiate Province Representative? Josh Sholler
The location of your Collegiate Province Representative? East Lansing, MI
The Name of your Province Governor? Jamal Duncan
The location of your Province Governor? East Lansing, MI
What number is your province? 2
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 1st chapter in your province? Epsilon, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 2nd chapter in your province? Beta Iota, Albion College, Albion, MI
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 3rd chapter in your province? Gamma Epsilon, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 4th chapter in your province? Delta Iota, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 5th chapter in your province? Epsilon Alpha, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 6th chapter in your province? Iota Alpha, Alma College, Alma, Michigan
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 7th chapter in your province? Iota Omicron, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 8th chapter in your province? Nu Pi, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 9th chapter in your province? Nu Upsilon, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI
Alphabetically according to the Greek alphabet, what is the 10th chapter in your province? Rho Xi, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI
Chapter President Ryan Wamhoff
Chapter Vice President Devin Langham
Chapter Treasurer Kevin Swahn
Chapter Secretary Anthony Machniak
FEO Byron Valentine
Chapter Committee Man at Large Jon Carrothers
Warden Evan Wegener
Alumni Relations Officer Josh Sholler
Historian Jacob Bender
Faculty Advisors Michael Kroth, Philip Sinder
National President John Mongiovi
Where is the National President from? Evansville, IN
National Vice President Mark Lichtenberg
Where is the National Vice President from? Evansville, IN
National Collegiate Representative Benjamin Strack
Where is the National Collegiate Representative from? Marne, MI
Chairman, PGs' Council John Israel
Location of Chairman, PGs' Council St. Charles, MO
Chairman, CPRs' Council Jesse Reyes
Location of Chairman, CPRs' Council Fullerton, CA
National Committee Man-At-Large (Both) Walter C. Riley and Dean Shatley
Location of Dean Shatley Asheville, NC
Location of Walter C. Riley Washington DC
What is the purpose of the Sinfonia Education Foundation (SEF)? To enrich the lives of collegiate Sinfonians, and to advance music in America
Names and Locations of active alumni associations. None.
BONUS QUESTION: Who puts the "sin" in Sinfonia? Byron Valentine
Created by: howintensive
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