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Hit Pro Unit 4

HitPro Unit 4 Notes and Q/A

The average adult has about ________ liters of blood? Five
What circulates through the body within the blood vessels? Blood
Where are blood cells produced? Bone Marrow
What is the functions of the Blood? To transport substances throughout the body
What are attached to these substances? Red blood cells or dissolved in plasma
What fights againist infection and disease? White Blood cells
What initiates the blood clotting process? Platelets
What is the most important blood in our cells? White Blood cells
What are the three main catergories of Blood Cells? Erythroctyes (red blood cells) Thrombocytes (platelets) Luekocytes (white blood cells)
What do Erythrocytes do? Red Blood Cells Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide
What do thrombocytes do? Platelets Critical in blood clotting
What do Leukocytes do? White Blood Cells Provide protection againist bateria, viruses, and foreign material
What is Plasma? Fluid part of the blood
How are carbon dioxide eliminated from the red blood cells? They are eliminated through the lungs of the respiratory system.
Without Thrombocytes what would happen if you were cut? You would bleed out due to not having the ability to clot.
Blood cells are carried through what? Plasma
There are four blood groups, name them? Group A, Group B, Group AB, Group O
Name and describe the two blood types for Group A? Type A is the primary in this group and has antigens on the red cells while Type B has antibodies in the Plasma
Name and describe the two blood types for Group B? Type B is the primary in the group and has antigens on the red cells while the antibodies are in the plasma.
Name and describe the two blood types for Group AB? Type AB contains both A and B antigens on the red cells while neither A nor B contain antibodies in the plasma
Name and describe the two blood types for Group O? Neither A nor B antigens are on the red cells while both A and B antibodies are in the plasma.
What is A in the blood type mean? A is an antigen
What is B in the blood type mean? B is an Antibody
What does AB in the blood type mean? Both AB have antigens on red cells and neither A nor B have antibodies in the plasma
What does O in the blood type mean? Neither A nor B antigens are in the red cells. Both A and B antibodies are in the plasma
Which Blood Group is known as an universal donor? Group O
What are the two RH factors for Blood donors? Rh- and Rh+
Which blood can be given to Rh- patients? Rh-
Rh- and Rh+ blood can be given to what blood patient? Rh+
Universal red cell donor has what Blood type and Rh factor? 0 negative
Universal plasma donor is what blood type and Rh factor? AB positive
Iron deficiency is called what? Anemia
Iron makes _______ which gives blood its red color? Hemoglobin
Low iron levels might be due to what? Heavy periods, pregnancy, ulcers, colon polyps, colon cancer, inherited disorders, a diet that dones not have enough iron
What is Anemia? A low iron deficiency
Anemia can make you feel weak, cold, dizzy, and irritable.
How can you confirm Anemia? with a blood test.
What can you do to treat Iron Deficiency Anemia? Increase iron-rich foods, take Iron Supplements and make take months to correct.
What is Sickle Cell Anemia? Abnormally shaped red blood cells
What are Sickle cells shaped like? Crescent or Sickle
Sickle cell is a trait that leads to what>? Anemia
What happens to these blood cells? The are more fragile and more easily ruptured
What causes blood vessels to get stuck or blocking blood flow? sickle cells
What are common damages caused by Sickle cell? Pain and organ damage.
Where does Sickle Cell Anemia come from? Genetics
In order to have Sickle Cell Anemia, what has to happen? Both parents must pass one sickle cell gene
What happens if only one sickle cell gene is passed? Then sickle cell trait exist in that person.
Sickle Cell Trait is in 1 in 12 what demographic? African Americans
How do you diagnose Sickle Cell anemia? Blood Test
Does Sickle Cell treatment have a widely available cure? No
Treaments relieve symptons? TRUE
What are the goals of treatment? Relieve pain, prevent infections, organ damage, or strokes and trying to control complications
What are common symptons associated with Sicke Cell anemia? Pain, Organ Damage, Strokes, and control complications
What is Chrom/o? Color
What is Coagul/o? Clotting
What is Erythr/o? Red
What is Granul/o? Granules
What is hemat/o? blood
What is leuk/o? White
What is thromb/o? clot
What are the Organs of the Lymphatic Systems? Lymph Nodes, Lymphatic vessels, Thymus Gland, Spleen, Tonsils
What are the functions of the Lymphatic sytem? Network of Vessels Picks up excess tissue fluid, cleanses it and returns it to the circulatory system Picks up fats absorbed by the digestive system
What are the functions of the Immune System? Fights dsease and infections
What is an Immunity? The bodys ability to defend itself
What are two forms of Immunity? Natural and Acquired Immunities
What does pathogens does immunities target? Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, toxins, and cancerous tumors
Natural Immunity also known as innate immunity are Not specific to a particular disease and don’t require prior exposure to pathogen.
White Blood Cells (WBCs) normally have to ingest a pathogen to gain an aquired immunity.
What are two Acquired Immunities? Passive or Active Immunity which depends on the bodys response to a specific pathogen.
What is a Passive Acquired Immunity? A result when a person receives protective substance produced by another human or animal. Examples; maternal antibodies or antitoxin from animals.
What is Active Acquired Immunity? Immunities developed after direct exposure to a pathogen.
Active acquired immunites stimulates immune response - series of mechanisms designed to neutralize pathogen. Immunizations also provide active aquired immunity by receiving live virus.
What is edema? The swelling that developes from an increase in the amount of fluid in the body or a blockage in the lymphatic system
What are some causes of Lymhpedema? Infection, Cancer, Scar Tissue from radiation therapy or removal of lympnodes and inherited conditions
What are some Treatments of Lymphedema? Medical treats for Lymphedema are physical methods such as compression stockings or medicines.
What is Tonsillitis? The inflammation of the Tonsils
What are some signs and symptons of Tonsillitis? Swollen Tonsils, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing
What are causes of Tonsillitis? Bacteria and common virus
What kind of treatment can be done? Tonsillectomy Removal of the tonsils
How many oval shape pad(s) are in the back of the throat? Two oval shaped pads of tissues with one on each side.
What does AIDS stand for? Acquired immundodeficiency syndrome
What is the Most advanced stage of the infection? Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
________ is a virus that kills or damages cells of the body's immune system? HIV
HIV is spread by what? Having unprotected sex, sharing needles, having contact with blood of an infected person
What are some symptons of AIDS? Swollen Glands or Flu-like symptons often first, severe symptons may not appear for months or years and allow for opportunistic infections.
How do you diagnose AIDS? A blood test can confirm HIV infection.
What is the treatment? There is no cure, but people can live for many years. Many medications are available which fight both the HIV infection and the infections and cancers that come with it/.
What is Adenoid/o? adenoids
What is immun/o? Protection
What is lymph/o Lymph
What is lymphaden/o? Lymph Nodes
What is lymphangi/o? Lymph Vessel
Created by: mleone26
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