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CPR Methods

CPR, Cardiac Arrest, airway obstruction

Define CPR (what the letters represent and what each means) Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Heart Lung restore to life
What is the primary goal of CPR to keep oxygenated blood flowing through the body; CPR circulates oxygenated blood to vital organs and prolongs survival until a defibrillator arrives
4 steps of CPR CABD C= establish circulation A= establish open airway B= Breathe D= Defibrillate to renormalize heart beat
BLS stands for ..... Basic Life Support
Steps for Basic Life Supports 1. Recognize the problem (Cardiac arrest, heart attack, stroke, airway obstruction) 2. Implement CPR 3. Perform Defibrillation
define Cardiac Arrest Sudden stopping of the heart
name 4 causes of cardiac arrest in an adult Heart disease, respiratory shock, electrocution, drowning, choking, overdose, trauma
What observations lead you to conclude the patient is in cardiac arrest? No Response to touch or sound No breath, or is only gasping for air No Pulse
What does a defibrillator do? Shocks the heart to stop V-fibrillation; defibrillating does NOT restart the heart
Clinical Death Heart stops, breathing has stopped
Biological Death Body cells die; occurs 4-6 minutes after clinical death
When do you use Adult CPR? as soon as a patients heart stops (clinical death)
What is the criteria for determining if you will use Adult, pediatric, or infant CPR? Adult: once signes of sexual development (puberty) appears Pediatric: Age 1 to pre puberty Infant: Under 1 year old.
Chain of Survival (steps to be taken for adult CPR) 1. Recognize the problem (cardiac arrest) 2. Perform CPR immediately 3. Defibrillate ASAP 4. Provide advanced life support
Once you verify the adult patient is unresponsive, what is the first thing you do? Contact 911 to seek help
WHat is the most critical part of CPR? chest compressions: blood circulation
What is the ratio of comressions to breaths in adult CPR? 30:2
When do you stop CPR? When the defibrillator arrives When EMS arrives When the patient is revived
when the resuer becomes exhusted this can occur chest compressions become ineffective
If there is a pulse, but the patient is non responsive, what do you do? Perform resue breathing.
At what rate do you breath into the person? 1 every 5-6 seconds; 10-12 per minute
At what ages do you follow precedures for pediatric CPR? over 1 year of age but before puberty occurs
name 4 of the most common causes for Caridiac arrest in pediatric patients airway obstruction, overdose, suffocation,consuming household chemicals, drowning, asthma, trauma
Chain of survival for Pediatric patients 1. Prevention 2. perform Basic CPR immediately when patient is unresponsive and has no pulse ** If you are alone, do CPR for 2 Minutes then call 911 3. continue CPR until trained EMS arives&takes over 4.patient must seek follow up care at the hospital
describe the variation from adult CPR for pediatric patients if two rescuers work togetherdo 15:2 (Compressions to breaths)If one resuer is present 30:2
If a patient is unresponsive, is not breathing, but has a pulse what do you do? clear the airway and do rescue breathing
If a PEDIATRIC patient is unresponsive and has NO pulse, what do you do? Begin CPR, do this for 2 minutes, then call 911and restart CPR until EMS arrives
Continue CPR on your patient until......... until a defibrillator arrives, until EMS arrives and takes over, until they are revived
INFANT CPR procedure do chest compressions for 2 minutes then call 911 and return to CPR.
Infant CPR chest compression to breath ratio 30:2 if working alone; 15:2 if working with another person
Variation in INFANT CPR from adult CPR use two fingers or thumbs for compressions; compress only 1.5 inches; Rescue breath will be through mouth and nose.
Created by: Paul Mayuiers
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