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Pt. Assessment AHT

Patient Assessment

4 main vital signs +1; what else would you observe? Temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, + level of pain.
Name the various ways to measure a patients temperature and their normal ranges. Mouth 98.6. Rectum 99.6. Armpit 97.6. Ear 98.6. Groin 97.6.
Which way to take a person's temperature is most accurate and least accurate. Most: rectum. Least: armpit.
3 reasons for a variation in a person's normal healthy temperature. Normal lower metabolism, time of day, body site where temp is taken.
Reasons why temperature may vary, (a)increased (b)decreased (a)illness, infection. exercise, excitement, high external temperatures. (b)starvation or fasting, sleep, decreased muscle activity, mouth breathing, external cold temperatures.
Define and give temp range hypothermia and hyperthermia. Hypo: below 95F. Hyper: above 104F.
2 ways to tell a rectal thermometer from an oral thermometer. Oral: short, round bulb with blue tip. Rectal: short, stubby, round bulb with red tip.
4 words to describe the character of respiration. Deep or shallow. Difficult(labored). Stertorous(abnormal sound). Moist.
2 words to describe the rhythm of respirations. regular and irregular
Normal respiration rate adults 12-20 breaths per minute. Children 16-30. Infants 30-50
Why is it important to count respirations in a way the patient is unaware? Respiration is under partial control(may consciously change) To overcome this pretend you are doing pulse.
Adult CPR(2-person) 1 rescuer administers 30 rapid chest compressions. Other rescuer gives 2 rescue breaths. (make sure airway is open)
Adult CPR(1-person) 30 chest compressions. 2 rescue breaths(make sure airway is open)
How do you convert Fahrenheit to Celcius? F - 32 x 1.8 = C
How do you convert Celcius to Fahrenheit? C x 1.8 + 32 = F
Pulse under 60 beats per minute. bradycardia
How do you convert Fahrenheit to Celcius? F - 32 x 1.8 = C
How do you convert Celcius to Fahrenheit? C x 1.8 + 32 = F
Pulse under 60 beats per minute. bradycardia
What is an irregular pulse called? Arrythmia
What are factors that cause an increase in pulse rate? stimulant drugs, excitement(fear), fever, shock, tension
What are fatcors that cause a decrease in pulse rate? sleep, depressant drugs, heart disease, coma, physical training
Pulse rates for adults. 60-100 bpm; men 60-70; women 70-100
Pulse rates for chilren. Infants 100-160. Children age 1-7 is 80-110. Over age 7 is 70-100.
3 factors noted when taking a pulse. Rate, rhythm, and volume
Sites to take pulse Temporal(forehead), carotid(neck), brachial(elbow), radial(wrist), femoral(upper thigh), popliteal(behind the knee), dorsalis pedis(top of foot arch), apical(over heart with stethescope)
Normal temperature range of axillary or groin. 97.6F
Normal temperature range for oral or aural measured body temperature. 98.6F; 37C
Normal range for rectal measured body temperature. 99.6F; 37.6C
Pulse rate over 100 bpm tachycardia
Created by: Paul Mayuiers
Popular Clinical Skills sets



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