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Exam 2 terms, muscle analysis, etc

Extension of forearm triceps and anconeus
Pronation of forearm pronator teres and pronator quadratus
Supination of forearm supinator and biceps
Extensor muscles attached to lateral epicondyle extensor carpi radialis and ulnaris, digitorum, digiti minime
Flexor muscles attached to medial epicondyle flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, digitorum superficial
Shoulder joint abduction scapula rotates upward
Shoulder joint adduction scapula rotates downward
row movement muscle primarily involved latissimus dorsi
protractors pectoralis minor, serratus
triceps are mainly... elbow extensors assisting in lengthening
Muscles involved in Scapular elevation rhomboids, trapezius (upper and middle), levator scapulae
Muscles involved in Scapular depression trapezius (lower), pectoralis minor
Muscles involved in Scapular abduction serratus anterior, pectoralis minor
Muscles involved in Scapular adduction rhomboids, pectoralis minor
Muscles involved in Scapular downward rotation rhomboids, pectoralis minor
Muscles involved in Scapular upward rotation trapezius (middle and lower), serratus anterior
Elbow flexor that inserts on radius bicep
Elbow flexor that inserts on ulna brachialis
The properties of striated muscle tissue extensibility, elasticity, and contractility
epimysium- covers muscle (entire muscle)
perimysium- covers bundles (fascicles) of muscle fibers (cells)
endomysium- covers each muscle fiber (individual cells)
sarcomere basic contractile unit
myofibrils- groups of sarcomeres
myofilaments- myosin and actin
slow twitch fibers don't generate a lot of tension, endurance for long duration- almost always used
fast twitch fibers strength and power, intense for a short period of time
parallel/longitudinal fiber arrangement strap-like, longitudinal: fusiform, quadrate, biceps, and soleus
pennate fiber arrangement allows for high tension, fast movement in short ROM- pennate, bipennate, and multi-pennate ex) rectus femoris, semimembranous
convergent fiber arrangement broad muscles where all fibers attach @ one point- fan shape ex) pecs
circular fiber arrangement circular pattern, eyes, sphnincters
pennate allow for .... more muscle cells to be packed in a cross-sectional area allowing more tension
The movement that the contracting muscle produces is determined by: 1) type of joint it spans 2) relation of muscle's line of pull to the joint
tension and angle of attachment: shallow angle mostly along bone= stabilizing
larger angle of attachment= more rotary component of force
angle changes throughout ROM- alters rotary component
Stabilizers brachioradialis, subclavius, coracobrachialis
concentric contraction- shortening (toward middle)
eccentric contraction- lengthening (away from middle)
isometric- equal length
The rotator cuff muscles are: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and subscapularis
supraspinatus- acts w/ deltoid in abduction of arm, flexion, horizontal extension, contributes to stabilization of GH joint O: med 2/3 of supraspinatus fossa I: superior greater tubercle
infraspinatus- external rotation horizontal abduction, extension, stabilize GH joint
subscapularis- med rotation of humerus, adduction, extension, contributes to stabilization of GH joint O: surface of subscapular fossa I: lesser tubercle of hunerus
Created by: sbush0804
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