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Cardio-pulmonary diagnosis final

Diagnosis with CHF: Right Ventricle symptoms bilateral pitting edema
Diagnosis with CHF: Left Ventricle symptoms (3) Weakness, fatigue, dyspnea
Bilateral pitting edema and weakness, increase or decrease in bp, ecg changes, rales, increased heart size, hyper-volemic = what condition? CHF
dyspnea, cough, chest discomfort, fatigue, weakness, anorexia, low fever, granulomas in organs on x-rays = what condition? Sarcoidosis
Intermittent claudication of lower extremity, muscular weakness, pain on exertion or elevation of legs. Diagnosed with DOPPLER = what condition? Peripheral Vascular disease
Cold air, stress, allergens, URI = triggers for what? Asthma
Asthma triggers (4) cold air, stress, allergens, URIs
What conditions can chest films show? (8) emphysema, pneumonia, consolidation, sarcoidosis, CHF, Neoplasms, TB granulomas, R.A (PEN CRST)
RIND stands for = Resolving, Ischemic, Neurological, Deficit = chest pain is a ddx symptom
CVA = ddx from RIND and TIA Permanent, neurological, deficit
painful chest attack lasting less than an hour, headache, iatrogenic. Pt. feels it as worse pain ever. Do a CT scan to dx, Refererred to often as a "mini stroke" TIA
TIA = transient ischemic attack
What are the 5 P's = Pulselessness, paraesthesia, paralysis, pain, pallor = DVT
What condition exhibits the 5 p's DVT
Severe pain, pallor, polar sensation, paraesthsia, loss of acute peripheral artery pulse DVT
Extra heart sound that indicates turbulent flow heart murmur
Definitive MI Diagnostic tests = (3) ECG; Coronary Angiogram; Cardiac Markers
Definitive Pulmonary Embolism Diagnostic tests = (2) Pulmonary Angiogram (invasive but gold standard); CT Scan
Ultrasound, Doppler flow study positives = condition? DVT
What imaging test is best for CVA? CT scan
How do you see pneumothorax? On Xray
Expiratory wheeze = Asthma
Causes of increased blood pressure = Cardiac disease, estrogen use, renal disease, Cushing's, Coarctation of aorta, pheochromocytoma (adrenal tumor), pregnancy, smoking
Severe suddent onset of pain, "TEARING" felt, diaphoresis (profuse sweating), syncope = what condition? Aortic Dissection
Sharp, unilateral pain, dyspnea = what condition? Pneumothorax
Coughing, worse when lying down = what condition? Post nasal drip
Diffuse squeezing pressure = what general diagnosis? cardiac pain
Symptoms with Cardiac chest pain = Ischemic pain, diffuse squeezing, sub-sternal, precordial, radiates to jaw, travels down arm, 10-60 minutes, nitroglycerine helps
Visceral chest pain = heart burn, esophageal stuff, lungs with friction rub embolism
Musculoskeletal chest pain is often due to = rib subluxation
Causes of decreased breath sounds = COPD, Pneumothorax, Pleural Effusion, Pneumonia, Asthma (CAPPP)
PAD vs DVT = PAD signs and symptoms Intermittent claudication in L.E; pain with use and elevation; after 4 arteries become blocked and pain is also with rest.
PAD vs DVT = DVT signs and symptoms Most asymptomatic, vague aching, unilateral pitting edema, erythema, Homan's sign
5 d's Drop attack, dizziness, dyphagia, dysarthria, diploplia (plus ataxis)
Signs and Symptoms of Sarcoidosis Dyspnea, cough, chest discomfort, fatigue, malaise, weakness, weight loss, anorexia, low grade fever
Definitive diagnosis for sarcoidosis (2) Biopsy and Xray
DDX symptom for Proximal Nocturnal Dyspnea Positional dyspnea <--laying down (type of orthopnea)
describe onset of of emphysema gradual
describe onset of pneumothorax sudden (trauma or while at rest)
describe onset of pulmonary embolism sudden
Onset diagnosis of chronic bronchitis = lasts 3 months for 2 consecutive years
An embolism causes two different things. What are they? Infarction in the heart; Pulmonary embolism in the systemic vein.
Closing of the lumen of an artery = Atherosclerosis
Decreased elasticity/ hardening of arterial walls = Arterioslcerosis
pallor or cyanosis; relieved by heat= Raynaud's
Most are asymptomatic, achy, edema, erythema, unilateral pitting edema = Deep vein thrombosis
Intermittent claudication of L.E Peripheral vascular disease
URI, sudden onset, cough, dyspnea, malaise, rales = condition? Pneumonia
contralateral tracheal shift, unilateral decreased breath sounds = what condition? Pneumothorax
Inability to stand while conscious due to cerebellar ischemia Drop Attack
Fainting due to decreased blood flow to brain Syncope
A combination of emphysema and chronic obstructive bronchitis. = what condition? COPD
When does chronic bronchitis become obstructive bronchitis When chronic bronchitis presents with spirometric evidence of airflow obstruction develops = becomes COPD
What can increase soft tissue markings on an x-ray? (5) CHF, emphysema, pneumonia, TB, Sarcoidosis
What causes dullness on percussion? (4) pneumonia, pleural effusion, atelectasis, consolidation
D-dimer test, tests for = Fibrogen (blood clotting)
What causes hyper-resonance on percussion? (4) Asthma, COPD, pneumothorax, emphysema (PACE)
Edema unilateral vs bilateral (in feet) DVT vs. CHF
Expiratory wheeze seen in = Asthma
Created by: bglasman
Popular Chiropractic sets




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