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Cranial Nerves...

For neurolinguistics

What is Cranial Nerve I Olfactory
What is Cranial Nerve II Optic
What is Cranial Nerve III Oculomotor
What is Cranial Nerve IV Trochlear
What is Cranial Nerve V Trigeminal
What is Cranial Nerve VI Abducens
What is Cranial Nerve VII Facial
What is Cranial Nerve VIII Vestibular
What is Cranial Nerve IX Glossopharyngeal
What is Cranial Nerve X Vagus
What is Cranial Nerve XI Accessory
What is Cranial Nerve XII Hypoglossal
Which Cranial Nerves are Sensory only I. Olfactory, II. Optic, VIII. Vestibular
Which Cranial Nerves are only Motor III. Oculomotor, IV. Trochlear, VI. Abducens, XI. Accessory, and XII. Hypoglossal.
Which Cranial Nerves are both Sensory and Motor V. Trigeminal, VII. Facial, IX. Glossopharyngeal, X. Vagus
What is the function of Cranial Nerve I Smell, key to eating and sexual drive.
What is the function of Cranial Nerve II Vision. Sends info to occipital lobe.
What is the function of Cranial Nerve III Motor involved in eye movement. Involved in keeping the eyelid up. Constricting pupil.
What is the function of Cranial Nerve IV movement of superior oblique muscle of eye (downward/outward movement)
What is the function of Cranial Nerve V Motor: controls movement of the jaw Sensory: to forehead, eyes, nose, upper lip & teeth. Maxilla and sinus, cheeks palate, anterior 2/3's of tongue, mandible, lower lip & teeth, cheek, external ear.
What is the function of Cranial Nerve VI controls lateral movement of the eye
What is the function of Cranial Nerve VII Motor: most profound to most of the face and neck (except for jaw) Sensory: taste fibers of the anterior 2/3's of tongue, hard and soft palates.
What is the function of Cranial Nerve VIII Involved in perception of balance. Cochlear portion=hearing.
What is the function of Cranial Nerve IX Motor: Elevation of larynx and pharynx, pharyngeal dilation, swallowing, salivation. Sensory: taste and sensation to posterior 1/3 of tongue.
What is the function of Cranial Nerve X Motor: Swallowing, elevation & depression of palate, phonation, pharyngeal constriction. Sensory: taste buds to back of tongue. Sensation to the external ear & canal.
What is the function of Cranial Nerve XI turning of head and shrugging shoulders
What is the function of Cranial Nerve XII all tongue movements, some elevation of the hyoid bone.
What are the 4 phases of swallowing Oral preparatory phase, Oral phase, Pharyngeal phase, Esophageal phase
What cranial nerves are involved in the Oral preparatory phase V. Trigeminal , VII. Facial, IX. Glossopharyngeal, and XII. Hypoglossal
Which cranial nerves are involved in the Oral phase V. Trigeminal, VII. Facial, and XII. Hypoglossal.
Which cranial nerves are invovled in pharyngeal phase X. Vagus, XI. Accessory, and XII. Hypoglossal
Which cranial nerves are involved in the esophageal phase X. Vagus, and IX. Glossopharyngeal
DAMAGE: causes impaired sense of smell I. Olfactory Nerve
DAMAGE: causes blindness in part or all of the visual field II. Optic Nerve
DAMAGE: produces deafness, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance & nystagmus VIII. Vestibular
DAMAGE: causes impaired head, neck, shoulder movement; head turns towards injured side XI. Accessory Nerve
DAMAGE: causes dropping eyelid, dilated pupil, double vision, difficulty focusing and inability to move eye in certain directions III. Occulomotor Nerve
DAMAGE: causes double vision & inability to rotate eye inferolaterally IV. Trochlear Nerve
DAMAGE: results in inability to rotate eye laterally & at rest eye rotates medially VI. Abducens Nerve
Damage: weakness of jaw closure/mastication V. Trigeminal
Which 2 Cranial Nerves are damaged if you have lost taste to the anterior 2/3's of the tongue V. Trigeminal and VII. Facial
Which Cranial Nerve has taste and sensation to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue IX. Glossopharyngeal
DAMAGE: if both are damaged, can't protrude tongue. If one side is damaged - tongue deviates towards injured side (ipsilateral atrophy) XII. Hypoglossal
Which 2 Cranial Nerves are responsible for swallowing IX. Glossopharyngeal and X. Vagus
DAMAGE: results in loss of bitter & sour taste. impaired swallowing. Loss of Gag Reflex. IX. Glossopharyngeal
DAMAGE: causes hoarseness or loss of voice, impaired swallowing & fatal if both are cut. Loss of Cough Reflex. X. Vagus
DAMAGE: produces sagging facial muscles & disturbed sense of taste (no sweet/salty) VII. Facial
Which muscles innervate with XI. Accessory Nerve The Sternocleidomastoid and the Trapezius
Which muscles innervate with with IX. Glossopharyngeal Nerve Stylopharyngeus
Which muscles are innervated with VII. Facial Nerve Zygomatic, Obicularis Oculi and Oris, buccinator, platysma, stylohyoid, stapedius.
Which muscles are innervated with V. Trigeminal Nerve Masseter, temporalis, lateral/medial pterygoids, tensor typmani, tensor veli palatini, mylohyoid
Which muscles innervate with XII. Hypoglossal Superior longitudinal and inferior longitudinal, transverse, vertical, genioglossus, hyoglossus, and styloglossus
Which muscles innervate with X. Vagus Inferior, middle, and superior constrictors; levator veli palatine, uvular, cricothyroid, intrinsic laryngeal muscles, muscles of viscera, esophagus, and trachea
Whose contributions led us to the understanding brain functions Norman Geschwind
What is Wernickes aphasia, trouble of understanding language.
What is Brocas aphasia, output problem. Formation of language, comprehension, syntax.
Many of the Cranial Nerves are bilateral in innervation. T or F True!
Cranial Nerves in bilateral motor innervation VII. Facial: above the top of the nose. XII. Hypoglossal: all muscles except the genioglossus. And IX. Glossopharyngeal, X. Vagus
Cranial Nerves in bilateral sensory components II. Optic, V. Trigeminal, VII. Facial, VIII. Vestibular, IX. Glossopharyngeal, and X. Vagus.
What is Mentalism belief ones thinking, functioning, spirit, is somewhere in the body but has nothing to do with the CNS(Central Nervous System)
What is Materialism (Darwin). Everything has to do with the brain.
What is the CNS Central Nervous System, the brain, brainstem, spinal cord.
What is the PNS Peripheral Nervous System, nervous that shoot out from the CNS
Name the four types of glial cells in the brain Astrocytes, Ogliodendrocytes, Microglia, Ependymal Cells
Function of Astrocytes provide the structural matrix surrounding and supporting neuron cell bodies in the CNS
Function of Ogliodendrocytes form and maintain myelin, the fatty sheath covering on axons
Function of Microglia are numerous and perform "scavenger" functions. Incase of injury...
Function of Ependymal Cells line the ventricles in the brain as well as the central canal of the spinal cord.
What is the difference between axons and dendrites Dendrites transmit signals into the cell body, and axons transmit signals away from the cell body.
What is the function of the primary motor cortex It is located on the anterior wall of the central sulcus. Also known as motor strip. It allows for contralateral motor control of the limbs.
What are the five components of basal ganglia Caudate Nucleus, Putamen, Globus Pallidus, Substantia Nigra, and Subthalamic Nucleus
Functions of the Limbic System Some roles in emotion and sexual behaviors. Memory and Motivation.
What are the functions of the cerebellum Fine coordination of movement, postural stability and fixation and learning a novel motor act.
Midbrain located immediately below the thalamus and hypothalamus, also called the mesencephalon. Contains the superior and inferior colliculi
Inferior colliculi serve as way stations in the central auditory nervous system.
Superior colliculi way stations in the visual nervous system.
Pons a bridge to the cerebellum.
Axon root of single fiber of a neuron that carried messages to other neurons
Created by: ibunnie
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