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tubes and terms

red top tube additive none
sst/tiger-topped tube additive serum separator gel clot activator
lavender top additive EDTA
light blue top additive sodium citrate
green top additive sodium heparin, lithium heparin, ammonium heparin
gray top additive sodium fluoride, potassium oxalate
yellow top additive SPS, ADC
red top uses in lab chemistry test on serum
lavender top uses in lab hematology test on whole blood
blue top uses in lab coagulation test on plasma
green top lab uses chemistry test on plasma
gray top lab uses glucose, alcohol levels
yellow top lab uses blood cultures, cellular studies
red top chemistry test on serum glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides
lavender -hematology test on whole blood cbc, differential, platelet count
blue- coagulation test on plasma PT, APTTor PTT
green- chemisrty test on plasma ammonia, HLA typing, chromosome screening
yellow top test blood cultures celluar studies
antiglycolytic glucose preservative found in some blood collection tubes
hemolysis destruction of blood
bacteriostatic substance that is capable of inhibiting the growth of bacteria
antecubital fossa area located in the middle of the arem in front of the elbow where most commonly used veins for venipuncture
diapedesis process by which certain white blood cells can exit the capillaries and enter the tissues in response to pathogens
basophil least # of leukocyte
leukocyte white blood cell whose main function is combating infection and removing disintergrated tissues
lympocyte leukocyte that multiplies in the lymphoid tissue and has a role in the bodys immune system
fibrinogen protein found in plasma that is essential for clotting blood
fibrin threadlike structures formed by the action of thromin on fibrinogen
eosinphil leukocyte that aids the body in fighting parasites and occurs in increased number in patients with allergies
monocyte large leukocyte formed in bone marrow -primary function phagocytosis
macrophages moncytes that leave the bloodstream in tissues
neutrophils stain lavendar or pink
esosinophils stain red-orange
basophils stain dark blue/blue black
wrights stain test used to differentiate between granulocyes and agranulocytes
autologous blood transfusion predrawn blood that is stored by an individual
hemostasis process of cogulation or clotformation that repairs vessel damage and stops blood loss
hematoma occurs when blood forms under the skin due insertion of needle through a vein or artery/ or injury
D antigen often reffered to as the Rh factor
O blood type most common blood type
specific antibodies complex protein substances found on the surface of red blood cells that are produced as a response to a foreign substance
AB blood type least common blood type
AB blood type contains no antibodies
blood type O contains no antigens
blood type O contains both A and B antibodies
Male hemoglobin range 14-18 grams/100ml of blood
female hemoglobin range 12-16 grams/100ml of blood
anemia abnrmally low hemoglobin level
granulocytes and agranulocytes 2 main categories white blood cells are classified into
granules small particles in the cytoplasm
differential hematology test that indicates the different type blood cells
platelets smallest of all the blood componets considered to be a cell fragment
Created by: bethney
Popular Medical sets



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