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white - female repro

Female Repro

abruptio placenta premature separation of the placenta
adnexa accessory parts of a structure
amniocentesis surgical puncture to remove and analyze amniotic fluid; after 14 weeks gestation
amnion innermost membrane and fluid that encloses the developing fetus and the fluid in which the fetus is bathed
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
choriocarcinoma malignant neoplasm of the uterus or at the site of an ectopic pregnancy
colporrhaphy suture of the vagina
conization excision of a cone of tissue for histolic examination
corpus luteum when the rupture of a Graafian follicle at ovulation produces a "yellow body" which secretes progesterone and estrogen
cystitis inflammation of the bladder
Down's Syndrome congenital chromosomal defect characterized by physical malformations and varied degrees of mental retardation
Dysmenorrhea menstrual pain
dyspareunia pain during sexual intercourse
eclampsia toxemia serious form of toxemia of pregnancy, manifested by high blood pressure, edema, convulsions, renal dysfunction, proteinuria and coma
ectopic pregnancy a condition in which the fertilized ovum becomes implanted in any tissue other than the lining of the uterine cavity
estrogenic hormones female hormones - used to treat prostatic cancer in males
endocervicitis inflammation of the mucous lining of the cervix
episiotomy incision into the perineum from the vagina
estrogens female sex hormones used as replacement therapy for menstrual disturbances or during menopause
fibroids benign uterine tumors
galactorrhea flow of milk
gravida a pregnant woman
gynecologist one who specializes in the study of the female
hydrocephalus increased accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles of the brain
hymen a fold partially or completely covering the vaginal opening
hymenectomy excision of the hymen
hysterectomy excision of the uterus
hysterosalpingography an examination in which dye is injected through the cervix for visualization of the uterus and oviducts
intrauterine within the uterus
IUD 95% effective in preventing pregnancy
kernicterus serious condition involving mental retardation, jaundice and brain damage
labial pertaining to the lip
lactogenic to produce milk
laparoscopy visual examination of the abdominal cavity through a small incision just below the navel
leukorrhea white vaginal discharge
mammary relating to the breast
menarche beginning of menstruation
menopause the end of mensturation for the remainder of a woman's life
menorrhagia bursting forth of menses
miscarriage a natural, spontaneous termination of pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside the uterus
multipara a woman who has had more than two live births
multigravida pregnant woman who has had more than 2 past pregnancies
natal pertaining to birth
nullipara a woman who has never produced a viable offspring
obstetrician a physician who specializes in dealing with pregnancy, labour and puerperium
oophoritis inflammation of the ovary
os mouth or opening
ovaries almond-shaped glands located in the pelvic cavity which produce the ovum and various hormones
oxytocin medication used to cause contraction of the uterus, inducing labour, or expelling a placenta or non-viable fetus
pap test cervical smear to examine cells microscopically to detect cancer
parturition process of giving birth
pelvimetry measurement of plevic dimensions
perineal pertaining to the perineum
placenta previa a condition in which the placenta is attached near the cervix and is subject to rupture
pregnancy condition in which a fertilized ovum develops in the uterus
primigravida a woman during her first pregnancy
primipara a woman who has produced one viable infant
pruritus vulvae severe itching of the external female genitalia
pseudocyesis false pregnancy
puberty age of sexual maturation
puerperium period of 6 weeks following child birth
salpingo-oopherectomy excision of an ovary and fallopian tube
therapeutic abortion abortion induced legally for medical or other reasons
tubal ligation tying, clamping or cutting the fallopian tube to prevent pregnancy
ultrasonography examination using sound waves to view the female reproductive system and/or fetus
uterus organ that contains and nourishes the embryo from teh time of fertilization until birth
vagina muscular tube extending from the cervix to the exterior of the body
vaginismus painful spasms of the vagina caused by contractions of the muscles surrounding the vagina
vaginitis inflammation of the vagina
vulvectomy excision of the vulva
treat vaginal yeast infection antifungals
treat adverse symptoms of menopause estrogens
terminate pregnancy prostaglandins
each ovary has 1000's of sacs called: Graafian follicles
Graafian follicles contain: ova
during ovulation, Graafian follicle bursts and is now called: corpus luteum
begins with uterine contractions and ends when cervix is 10 cm dilation
from complete cervical dilation to birth expulsion
breakthrough bleeding between periods or after menopause metrorrhagia
abnormally heavy bleeding during cycle menorrhagia
placenta is attached near cervix and subject to rupture placenta previa
when sperm penetrates a mature egg conception
takes place about two weeks after the first day of the last period ovulation
Created by: MedixMOA
Popular Clinical Skills sets



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