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Phleb Tech Spec 4

Phlebotomy Technician Specialist Text book -4

means of exit route microorganisms can take to leave a host (i.e.: eyes, mouth, nose, open wound, blood)
means of transmission methos by which microorganisms can be transmitted from one hose to another. The 5 main routs are: contact, droplet, airborne, common vehicle, and vector-borne
medial toward the midline of the body
mediastinum region of the thoracic cavity containing the heart and blood vessels, lying between the sternum and vertebral column and between the lungs
melanocyte melanin-forming cell. Those of the skin are found in the lower epidermis.
meninges membranes covering the spinal cord and brain: dura mater (external), arachnoid (middle) and pia mater (internal)
meniscus curved upper surface of a liquid in a container
metabolism sum total of processes of digestion, absorption and the resulting release of energy
microbe A unicellular or small multi-cellular microscopic organism not visible to the naked eye.
microcollection container small plastic containers or tubes, often referred to as "bullets" because of their size and shape, that are primarily used to collect skin puncture blood specimens.
microorganism minute living body not perceptible to the naked eye, such as a bacterium or protozon
midsagittal plane imaginary line dividing the body into EQUAL left and right halves
misdemeanor crime less serious than a felony, punishable by a fine or imprisonment of up to 1 year in jail
monocyte large mononuclear leukocyte with deeply indented nucleus and slate-gray cytoplasm
myelin sheath a phospho-lipids-protein of membranes forming an electrical insulator that increases the velocity of impulse transmission; found surrounding nerve fibers
myocardium middle layer of heart muscle, responsible for pumping action
needle gauge standard for measuring the diameter of the lumen of a needle
negligence failure to act with reasonable care, resulting in the harming of others
nephron unit of structure of the kidney; contains glomerulus, Bowman's capsule, proximal distal tubule, loop of Henle, and distal tubule.
network group of microcomputers that are linked for the purpose of sharing resources and providing internal communication
networking meeting with people you know, or have just met, to discuss your career plans
neuron A nerve cell, including its processes
neutrophil many-lobed nucleus, white blood cell that phagocytizes bacteria; sometimes called "polys or segs."
nonpathogenic a microbe which is nondisease producing
nonsocomial infection acquired in a hospital
occluded closed or obstructed or joined together
occult obscure; concealed, hidden
oliguria Diminished urination
osteochondritis inflamation of the bone and cartilage
osteomyelitis Inflamation of the bone (especially the bone marrow) caused by a pathogenic organism.
Ova Female reproductive cell
P-R interval Time for electrical impulse to conduct through atria and the AV node
P Wave Records atrial depolarization and contraction
Palpate to examine by touch; to feel
palpation: Examination by feel or touch
papilla small, nipple-shaped elevation
paresthesia An unusual sensation of tingling, crawling, or burning of the skin for no apparent reason
pathogen An organism or substance capable of causing a disease, condition, or infection
pathogenic capable of causing disease
pCO2 The symbol for partial pressure of carbon dioxide
pericardium Closed membranous sac surrounding the heart
perisoteum Fibrous tissue covering the bone
peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) Catheter inserted into the peripheral venous system (veins of an extremity) and then threaded into the central venous system
periphery the outer part or surface of a body; the part away from the center
peristalsis a progressive wave of contraction in tubular structures provided with longitudinal and transverse muscular fibers as in the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine
perpendicular being at right angles to the plane of the horizon
personal protective equipment disposible gloves, lab coats or aprongs, and/or protective face gear, such as masks, goggles with side shields, required by OSHA to be worn when handling body fluids.
pH the degrees of acidity or alkalinity of a substance. The neutral point where a solution would be neither acid nor alkaline is a pH of 7. A number less than 7 would be acid and above 7 alkaline.
phagoctosis The ingestion of foreign substances or other particles, such as worn-out cells, by certain white blood cells
phospholipids fat containing the functions of the living organisms and it's components
physiology the study of the functions of the living organism and its components
pneumatic tube system an unidirectional, continuously operating vacuum system that transfers specimens in plexiglass carriers from the patien units to the laboratory.
point-of-care tests (POCT) Lab testing performed at the site of the patient, using portable or hand-held instruments.
polarized: resting state of cardiac cells
polycythemia a disease characterized by an overproduction of red blood cells
posterior a location behind or at the back; opposit to the anterior
precordial leads leads situated on the chest directly overlying the heart.
pre-existing condition any illness that began before the insurance policy was written.
preferred provider organization (PPO) A type of health benefit program in which enrollees receive the highest level of benefits when they get servies from preferred providers.
professionalism the conduct, behavior and qualites that characterize a professional person.
prone a position which is horizontal with the face downward
proteinuria protein, usually albumin, in the urine
prothrombin a plasma protein coagulation factor synthesized by the liver that is convereted to thrombin in the presence of calcium ions.
proximal a location nearest the point of attachement, center of the body, or poit of reference
pulmonary circulation flow of blood from right ventricle through the lungs, and back to the left atrium
pulmonary semilunar valve the half-moon shaped valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery
pulse rate, rhythm and condition of arterial walls
Purkine fibers modified myocardial cells found in distal areas of the bundle branches. They conduct electricty from the bundle of His through the ventricles
QRS comples represents depolarization or contraction of the ventricles
QT Interval measures from the beginning of ventricular depolarization to the end of ventricular repolarization
radial radiating out from a given center; pertaining to the radius; pulse palpated over the radial artery of the arm
reasonable fee charge considered reasonable if it is deemed acceptable after peer review: related to unusual circums. or complica. require. extra time, skill or experience in connection with a particular service or procedure
referral a name of a person or company given to you to contact as part of your career-marketing plan
reflux a return or backward flow
renal calculi kidnew stones
repolarization re-establishement of a condition or state in which the inside of the cell is considerably more positve than the outside
reservoir host any person, animal, plant, soil or substance in which an infectious agent normally lives, reproduces and depends on for survival, that allows transmission to a susceptible host. Breeding ground for.
respiration act of breathing during which the lungs take in a fresh supply of O2 and give off carbon dioxide and other waste products
respondeat superior latin phrase which means "let the master anser"
resume typed document describing your employment hx, education, objectives, given to prospective employers as a means of providing background info prior to or during an employment invterview
Sagittal plane longitudinal line that divides the body into = right and left parts
Schwann cell one of the cells of the peripheral nervus system that forms the myelin sheath
sclerosed hardened; having sclerosis
sebaceous gland an oil-secreting gland of the skin
sebum fatty secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin
sediment substance settling at the bottom of a liquid
segments straight lines connecting waves
seizure sudden attack of pain, a disease, or certain sx. An epileptic attack; convulsion
septicemia presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the blood
septum dividing wall between parts of the body. In the heart, the septum is located between the atria and also between the ventricles
Server computer in a network shared by multiple users
Sharps container puncture-resistant, leak-proof, disposable container used to dispose of used needles, lancets, and other sharp objects
Shingled Attaching a report to a courier sheet in a layered fashion (like shingles on a roof) with the most recently dated report on top.
Sinoatrial node natural pacemaker of the heart, positioned in the right atrium
slander act of falsifying of facts which causes harm to a person's reputation. Slander is spoken as opposed to libel, which is written
software coded instructions (programs) required to make hardware perorm a specifc function
solute dissolved substance in a solution
somatic interference an artifact on an ECG tracing caused by the patient, for ex.,talking, sneezing, muscle tremors
specific gravity the weight of a substance compared with the weight of an = volume of water. The specific gravity of water is 1,000
spermatozoa a mature male sex cell
Created by: wildmindgirl
Popular Medical sets




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