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The Muscular System
Question | Answer |
bi | twice, double, two |
cele | hernia, tumor, swelling |
desis | surgical fixation of bone or joint, to bind, tie together |
fasci/o | fascia, fibrous band |
ia | abnormal condition, disease, plural of |
ic | pertaining to |
kinesi/o | movement |
lysis | breakdown, separation, setting free, destruction, loosening |
my/o | muscle |
plegia | paralysis, stroke |
rrhexis | rupture |
tax/o | coordination, order |
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o | tendon, stretch out, extend, strain |
ton/o | tension, tone, stretching |
tri | three |
abduction | Movement away from the midline |
Achilles tendinitis | Inflammation of the Achilles tendon |
adhesion | A band fibrous tissue that holds structures together abnormally |
atrophy | weakness and wasting away |
atropine | Antispasmodic that may be administered preoperatively to relax smooth muscles |
cardioplegia | Paralysis of the muscles of the heart |
carpal tunnel syndrome | Inflammation of the tendons passing through the carpal tunnel of the wrist |
claudication | An aching, crampy, tired, and sometimes burning pain in the legs that comes and goes |
contracture | Abnormal shortening of muscle tissues, making the muscle resistant to stretching |
ergonomics | Study of human factors that affect the design and operation of tools and the work environment |
fasciitis | Inflammation of a fascia |
fasciotomy | Surgical incision of fascia |
fibromyalgia syndrome | A chronic disorder of unknown cause characterized by widespread aching pain, tender points, and fatigue |
kinesiology | The study of muscular activity and the resulting movement of body parts |
muscular dystrophy | A group of inherited muscle disorders that cause muscle weakness without affecting the nervous system |
myalgia | Muscle tenderness or pain |
myofascial | Tenderness and swelling of the muscles and their surrounding tissues that is caused by overworking the muscles |
oblique | slanted or at an angle |
paraplegia | Paralysis of both legs and the lower part of the body |
pronation | The act of rotating the arm or leg so that the palm of the hand or sole of the foot is turned downward or backward |
quadriplegia | Paralysis of all four extremities |
sphincter | A ringlike muscle that tightly constricts the opening of a passageway |
supination | The act of rotating the arm or the leg so that the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot is turned forward or upward |
tendonitis | Inflammation of the tendons caused by excessive or unusual use of the joint |
tenectomy | Surgical removal of a lesion from a tendon or tendon sheath |
tenodesis | to suture the end of a tendon to bone |
tenolysis | To free a tendon from adhesions |
tenonectomy | Surgical removal of part of a tendon for the purpose of shortening it |
fracture | broken bone |