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Chapter 15 Urinary.

Chapter 15 vocab

antiseptic substance that tends to inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganisms
arteriole smallest branch of an artery
Bowmans capsule cup shaped end of a renal tubule containing a glomerulus: glomerular capsule
cortex outer layer of a body organ or structure
dialysate solution that contains water and electrolytes that passes through the artificial kidney to remove excess fluids and wastes from the blood: bath
dialysis process of removing waste products from the blood
dwell time length of time the dialysis solution stays in the peritoneal cavity
fossa hollow or depression end of a bone
glomerular filtrate substances that filter out of the blood through the thin walls of the glomeruli
glomerulus ball shaped collection of very tiny coiled and intertwined capillaries
hilum depression, or pit, of an organ where the vessels and nerves enter
meatus opening or tunnel through any part of the body
medulla most internal part of a structure or organ
micturition urination
nephrolith kidney stone: renal calculus
peritoneum specific serous membrane that covers the entire abdominal wall: the inner lining of the abdominal cavity
peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum
pyelitis inflammation of the renal pelvis
renal calculus nephrolith
renal pelvis central collecting part of the kidney, narrows into the large upper end of the ureter
residual urine urine that remains in the bladder after urination
toxic poisonous
turbid cloudy
uremia presence of excessive amounts of urea and other nitrogenous waste in the blood: azotemia
ureter one of a pair of tubes that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder
urethra small tubular structure that drains urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
urinary incontinence inability to control urination
urine fluid released by the kidneys
albuminuria presence in the urine of abnormally large quantities of protein
anuria cessation (stopping) of urine production
bacteriuria presence of bacteria in the urine
dysuria painful urination
fatigue state of exhaustion or loss of strength or endurance
frequency number of repetitions of any phenomenon within a fixed period of time
glycosuria abnormal presence of sugar in the urine
hematuria abnormal presence of blood in the urine
ketonuira excessive amounts of ketone bodies in the urine
malasie vague feeling of bodily weakness or discomfort
nocturia urination, especially excessive at night
oliguria secretion of a diminished amount of urine
polydipsia excessive thirst
polyuria excretion of abnormally large amounts of urine
pyuria presence of an excessive number of white blood cells in the urine; pus in the urine
urgency feeling of the need to void urine immediately
cystits inflammation of the urinary bladder
glomerulonephritis (acute) inflammation of the glomerulus of the kidneys
hydronephrosis distension of the pelvis and calyces of the kidney
polycystic kidney disease hereditary disorder of the kidneys in which grapelike fluid-filled sacs or cysts replace normal kidney tissue
pyelonephritis (acute) bacterial infection of the renal pelvis of the kidney
renal failure, chronic progressively slow development of kidney failure occurring over a period of years
vesicoureteral reflux abnormal backflow or urine from the bladder to the ureter
hemodialysis process of removing excess fluids and toxins from the blood by continually shunting the patients blood from the body into a dialysis machine for filtering
catheterization introduction of a catheter into a body cavity or organ to instill a substance or to remove a fluid
cystometrography examination performed to evaluate bladder tone; measuring bladder pressure during filling and voiding
cystoscopy process of viewing the interior of the bladder using a cystoscope
intravenous pyelogram intravenous pyelography or excretory urogram; visualization of the entire urinary tract-kindneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra
KUB (kidneys, ureters, bladder) x-ray of the lower abdomen that defines the size, shape and location of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder
retrograde pyelogram (RP) radiographic procedure in which small caliber catheters are passed through a cystoscope into the ureters to visualize the ureters and the renal pelvis
urinalysis physical, chemical, or microscopic examination of urine
24 hour urine specimen collection of all the urine excreted by the individual over a 24 hour period: composite urine specimen
voiding cystourethrography x-ray visualization of the bladder and urethra during the voiding process
clean-catch specimen collection is used to avoid contamination of the urine specimen from the microogranisms normally present on the external genitalia
first-voided specimen collect the first voided specimen of the morning and to refrigerate it until it can be taken to the medical office or lab
random specimen urine specimen that is collected at any time
Created by: asmaba08
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