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Systemic Anatomy

Test 2

Name the 4 Characteristics of Skeletal Muscle 1. Irratibilty 2. Contractibility 3. Extensibility 4. Elasticity
What characteristic gives skeletal muscle the ability to return to its normal shape? Elasticity
What characteristic gives skeletal muscle the ability to react to a stimulus Irritability
What characteristic gives skeletal muscle the ability to be stretched? Extensibility
Name the muscles of the Rotator Cuff Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Subscapularis
What do the following muscles have in common: 1. Supraspinatus 2. Infraspinatus 3. Teres Minor 1. All insert on Greater Tubercle of Humerus 2. All are lateral rotators of the Humerus 3. All are part of the Rotator Cuff Muscles
Of all the actions on the humerus which one does the Deltoid not contribute to? Adduction
What 2 muscles does Suprascapular Nerve innervate? 1. Supraspinatus 2 Infraspinatus
What is the Origin and Insertion of Supraspinatus? O: Supraspinous Fossa I: Greater Tubercle
What is the Origin and Insertion of Infraspinatus? O: Infraspinous Fossa I: Greater Tubercle
What 6 muscles attach to the clavicle? 1. Trapezius 2. Sternocleidomastoid 3. Pectoralis Major 4. Deltoid 5. Sternohyoid 6. Subclavius
What muscles adduct the humerus? 1. Pectoralis Major 2. Latissimus Dorsi 3. Teres Major 4. Triceps Brachi (Long Head) 5. Coracobrachialis
What muscles abduct the humerus? 1. Supraspinatus 2. Deltoid
What muscles medially rotate the humerus? 1. Pectoralis Major 2. Latissimus Dorsi 3. Teres Major 4. Subscapularis 5. Deltoid
What muscles laterally rotate the humerus? 1. Supraspinatus 2. Infraspinatus 3. Teres Minor 4. Deltoid
What muscles extend the humerus? 1. Latissimus Dorsi 2. Deltoid 3. Teres Major 4. Triceps Brachii (Long Head)
What muscles flex the humerus? 1. Deltoid 2. Pectoralis Major 3. Coracobrachialis 4. Biceps Brachii
What 2 muscles does the Medial Pectoral Nerve innervate? 1. Pectoralis Major 2. Pectoralis Minor
What muscle does the Lateral Pectoral Nerve innervate? Pectoralis Major
What 3 muscles does the Musculocutaneus Nerve innervate? 1.Biceps Brachii 2. Brachialis 3. Coracobrachialis
What 2 muscles does the Lower Subscapular Nerve innervate? 1. Subscapularis 2. Teres Major
What muscle does the Upper Subscapular Nerve innerveate? Subscapularis
Name the origin and insertion of Latissimus Dorsi? O: T6 to Sacrum, Iliac Crest, Inferior 4 Ribs, & Angle of Scapula I: Lesser Tubercle
Name the origin and insertion of Deltoid? O: Acromion, Spine of Scapula, & Lateral 1/3 of Clavicle I: Deltoid Tuberosity
Name the origin and insertion of Supraspinatus? O: Supraspinous Fossa I: Greater Tubercle
Name the origin and insertion of Infraspinatus? O: Infraspinous Fossa I: Greater Tubercle
Name the origin and insertion of Teres Major? O: Lateral Border of Scapula I:Greater Tubercle
Name the origin and insertion of Teres Major? O: Lateral Border of Scapula I: Lesser Tubercle
Name the origin and insertion of Subscapularis? O: Subscapular Fossa I: Lesser Tubercle
Name the 8 dually innervated muscles? 1. Digastric 2. Subscapularis 3. Pectoralis Major 4. Brachialis 5. Flexor Digitorum Profundus 6. Pectineus 7. Adductor Magnus 8. Biceps Femoris
Name the origin and insertion of Pectoralis Major? O: Clavicle, Sternum, Costal Cartilages of Ribs 2-6 I: Intertubercular Groove
Name the origin and insertion of Pectoralis Minor? O: Ribs 3-5 I: Coracoid Process
Name the origin and insertion of Coracobrachialis? O: Coracoid Process I: Mid humerus
What are the 3 Erector Spinae muscles? 1. Iliocostalis 2. Longissimus 3. Spinalis
Of the 3 Erector Spinae muscles, which is most medial? lateral? medial: Spinalis lateral: Iliocostalis
What is the origin and insertion of Spinalis Thoracis? O: Spinous Process of upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae I: Spinous Processes of upper thoracic vertebrae
What is the largest muscle mass to cross the lumbascaral joint? Multifidus muscle
What can be seen within the confines of the suboccipital triangle? 1. Posterior arch of C1 2. Vertebral Artery 3. Suboccipital Nerve (Dorsal Ramus of C1)
What muscles attach to the mastoid process? 1. Digastric 2. SCM 3. Longissimus Capitus 4. Splenius Capitus
What muscles attach to the coracoid process? 1. Pectoralis Minor 2. Coracobrachialis 3. short head of Biceps Brachii
Muscles that attach to the Xyphoid Process 1. Rectus Abdominis 2. Transverse Abdominis 3. Diaphragm
Muscles that protract the Scapula (SCAP) 1.Serratus Anterior 2. Coracobrachialis 3. Pectoralis Minor
Muscles that Retract the SCAPula (R Lats & Traps Retract the SCAP) 1. Rhomboid Major 2. Rhomboid Minor 3. Latissimus Dorsi 4. Trapezius
Muscles that Depress the Scapula 1.Serratus Anterior 2. Trapezius 3. Pectoralis Minor
Muscles that flex the neck/head 1. Levator Scapula 2. Longus Colli 3. Longus Capitis 4. Sternocleidomastoid (Neck Only)
What muscles evert the foot? 1. Peroneus Longus 2. Peroneus Brevis 3. Peroneus Tertius
What muscles flex the Hip? (PASTRI) 1. Pectineus 2. Adductor Magnis and Brevis 3. Sartorius 4. Tensor Fascia Latae 5. Iliopsoas
What muscles extend the Hip? (PIG & HAM) 1. Piriformis 2. Inferior Gemullus 3. Gluteus Maximus 4. Hamstring Portion of Adductor Magnus 5. Biceps Femoris 6. Semitendinosus 7. Semimembranosus
What muscles adduct the hip? All the adductors and Pectineus & Gracilis
What muscles abduct the hip? 1. Gluteus Minimus 2. Gluteus Medius 3. Piriformis 4. Inferior Gemellus 5. Tensor Fascia Latae 6. Sartorius
What muscles medially rotate the hip? 1. Gluteus Medius 2. Gluteus Minimus 3. TFL 4. Pectineus 5. Semitendinosus 6. Semimembranosus 7. Popliteus
What muscles laterally rotate the hip? Gluteus Maximus 2. Piriformis 3. Superoir Gemullus 4. Obturator Internis 5. Inferior Gemullus 6. Quadratus Femoris 7. Biceps Femoris 8. Sartorius 9. Iliacus
What muscles attach to the Graeter Trochanter? 1. Gluteus Medius 2. Gluteus Minimis 3. Superior Gemellus 4. Obturator Internus 5. Inferior Gemullus 6. Quadratus Femoris 7. Vastus Lateralis
What muscles attach to the lesser trochanter? 1. Iliopsoas
What muscles medially rotate the knee? 1. Gracilis
What muscle laterally rotates the knee? Biceps Femoris
What muscles flex the knee? 1. Biceps Femoris 2. Semiteninosus 3. Semimembranosus 4. Gracilis 5. Sartorius 6. Gastocnemius 7. Plantaris 8. Popliteus
What muscles are responsible for arch support? 1. Flexor Hallucis Longus 2. Tibialis Posterior
What muscles plantar flex the foot? 1. Gastrocnemius 2. Soleus 3.Plantaris 4. Tibilais Posterior 5. Flexor Hallucis Longus 6. Flexor Digitorum Longus 7. Peroneus Longus 8. Peroneus Brevis
What muscles dorsiflex the foot? 1. Tibialis Anterior 2. Extensor Digitorum Longus 3. Extensor Hallucis Longus 4. Peroneus Tertius
What is the action of the cremaster muscle? Lowers and Rasies the testicles
What is formed by the external abdominal oblique? Inguinal Ligament
What muscle extends the big toe? Extenos hallucis longus
What muscles extend 2nd - 5th toes? Extensopr Digitorum Longus
What are teh muscles of mastication? 1. Lateral Pterygoid 2. Medial Pterygoid 3. Temporalis 4. Masseter
Of the muscles of mastication, which one depresses mandible? Lateral Pterygoid
What is the significance of teh quadrangel space? You can find the axillary nerve and the postreior circumflex humeral artery
What are the borders of triangular interval 1. Lateral head of Triceps Brachii 2. Long head of Triceps Brachii 3. Teres major
What muscles extend the elbow? 1. Anconeus 2. Triceps Brachii
What muscles flex the elbow? 1. Biceps Brachii 2. brachioradialis 3. Brachialis
Created by: Brad Hall
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