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A and P Ch 5

Integumentary System

which system consists of skin the integumentary system
many different tissues make it an organ
an organ is made up of many different tissues
Functions of the integumentary system include protection, storage, insulation and cooling
the outer layer of the skin is the epidermis
the inner layer of the skin is the dermis
stratum germinativum is which layer inner most
What is the definition of germinate? To sprout
Base or lowest part is what area basal
____ is to replace skin cells that slough off mitosis
As cells get further from capillaries they do what? Die
Touch receptors are what? merkel cells
peptides synthesize by living keratinocytes and secreted during inflammation defensins
outer most layer is stratum corneum
epidermis is a barrier to micro organisms
produce pigment protein myelin melanoycytes
increased melanin protects from UV light by___ absorption
____and elastin make the dermis strong collagen
uneven junction between dermis and epidermis papillary
hair and nail follicles sensory receptors and glands are what structures within the dermis
hair root contains cells called what natrix
eyelashes function is what? to trap dust
Heat loss that depends on evaporation is sweating
epidermal cells make the skin relatively waterproof is keratin
tissue that stores fat in the sub cutaneous tissue is adipose
glands of the skin that maintain body temperature are eccrine
receptors for pan are free nerve endings
vitamin d is formed in the skin when the skin is exposed to ultra violet rays
layer of the dermis which contains capillaries papillary layer
hair follicle that undergoes mitosis the hair root
epidermis that undergoes mitosis is the stratum germinatibum
protein that protects our skin from UV rays melanin
layer of the skin that prevents the entry of pathogens stratum corneum
type of burn that has painful blisters are 2nd degree
cells that increase secretion when stimulated by UV rays are melenocites
the secretion that prevents drying of the ear drum is cerumen
finger and toenail structures are know as what? follicles
the dermis is strong because of the presence of what? collagen fibers
potential risk of what is present with 3rd degree burns? infection
human hair functions to keep dust out of what? Eyes and nose
Adipose tissue is part of what? Sub Cutaneous tissue
____provide protection against bacteria defensens
Adipose tissue stores what? Fat
in the epidermis the surface layers of cells are what? dead
lengerhans cells originate in the ____ bone marrow
make hair, skin, and eyes darker melanocytes
_____muscle stand hair up erector pili
finger nails and toe nails are nail follicles
protects the end of the digits nails
____provide information about the environment to the CNS receptors
merkel cells are in the stratum germinativum
encapsulated nerve endings receptors touch and pressure
free nerve endings detect heat cold and pain
glands are within the ___ dermis
glands are made up of what type of tissue epithelial
glands within the skin are what type of glands exocrine
sebaceous ducts secret seben
apocrine are located axilla and pubic areas
____is important in temperature regulation the eccrine gland
___increases blood flow to surface vaso dilation
____decreases blood flow to surfaces vaso constriction
blood vessels are regulated by what? CNS
Prolonged pressure causes lack of blood supply and leads to tissue death decubitus ulcers
subcutaneous tissue provides cushion
sub q tissue helps to regulate what? temperature
another function of the i system is excretion of waste through sweat
another function of the integumentry system excreteion of waste though sweat
outter layer of the skin is ________ epidermis
epidermis is made up of _____ stratified squamis epithelium
stratum corneum is made up of many layers of _____ dead cells
protein of the stratum cornium is_______ keratin
______ sweat glands maintain body temp eccrine
produced in follicals in the scalp subcutainious
____ covers the surface of the body skin
____ is tissue that connects the skin and the muscles subcutainous
______ protects the end of the finger nail
small arteries arterioles
_____ detects changes in the enviroment recepters
______ produces melanin mellonocyte
statum _____ produces new epidermal cells oerminativum
______ glan secretes cerumen ceruminoys
____ decreases blood flow though arterioles vasoconstriction
_____ Increases blood flow though arterioles vasodialation
gland that secreates sebum sebaceous
inner layer of the skin dermis
skin that is charded and maynot be painful at first third degree burn
skin is painful but not blistered first degree burn
skin is painfull an blistered second degree burn
cells that produce collegen and elastin fibroblast
protein that gives dremis its strenth collegen fibers
protein that gives dermis elasticty elastin fibers
mitosis at the root produces the hair shaft hair follicals
mitosis at the root produces the nail nail follicals
produces a lipid substance called sebum sebacus gland
produces their secreation durring exercise or in warm enviroment eccrine sweat glands
secretion durring times of stress or emotion apocrine sweat glands
produce cereum or ear wax ceruminous glands
provide information abot the outside enviroment recepters
merkel cells are found in the _____ stratum
Created by: RachWebb
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