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Chabner Ch 13-14 WWC

Chabner Ch 13 & 14 WWC JJ

bas/o base (alkaline, the opposite of acid)
chrom/o color
coagul/o clotting
cyt/o cell
eosin/o red, dawn, rosy
erythr/o red
hem/o blood (red blood cells)
hemat/o blood (red blood cells)
hemoglobin/o hemoglobin, protein of red blood cells
is/o same, equal
kary/o nucleus
leuk/o white
mon/o one, single
morph/o shape, form
myel/o bone marrow
neutr/o neutral (neither acid nor base)
nucle/o nucleus (control center of cell)
phag/o eat, swallow
poikil/o varied, irregular
sider/o iron
spher/o globe, round
thromb/o clot
-apheresis removal, carry away
-blast immature, embryonic
-cytosis abnormal condition of cells (increase in cells)
-emia blood condition
-globin protein
-globulin protein
-lytic pertaining to destruction
-oid derived from
-osis abnormal condition
-penia deficiency
-phage eat, swallow
-philia attraction for (an increase in cell numbers)
-phoresis carrying, transmission
-plasia development; formation; growth
-poiesis formation
-stasis stop, control
a-, an- no; not; without
anti- against
hypo- deficient; below; under; less than normal
macro- large
mega- large
micro- small
mono- one; single
pan- all
poly- many; much
basophil White blood cell with dark-staining granules that have an affinity for basic dyes.
hypochromic Pertaining to deficiency of color (reduction of hemoglobin in red blood cells).
anticoagulant A substance that works against coagulation (blood clotting).
coagulopathy Disease of the clotting process
cytology Study of cells.
eosinophil White blood cell with dark-staining granules that have an affinity for acid dyes; granules turn red (eosin) in the presence of dye.
erythrocytopenia Deficiency of red blood cells.
granulocyte White blood cell with large, dark-staining granules in its cytoplasm.
hemolysis Destruction of blood cells.
hematocrit Separation of blood; percentage of red blood cells in a given volume of blood.
hemoglobinopathy Disease of abnormal hemoglobins (sickle-cell anemia, thalassemia).
anisocytosis Abnormal condition of unequal size of cells (erythrocytes).
megakaryocyte Cell with multiple large nuclei; immature platelet.
leukocytopenia Deficiency of white blood cells.
monocyte White blood cell with one large nucleus; an agranulocyte and phagocyte.
morphology Study of shape or form (of blood cells).
myeloblast Bone marrow cell that develops into a myelocyte and then a leukocyte.
myelogenous Pertaining to formed in the bone marrow
neutropenia Deficiency in neutrophils, WBC that do not stain intensely
mononuclear Pertaining to a white blood cell with one large nucleus (monocyte or lymphocyte).
polymorphonuclear Pertaining to a white blood cell with a multilobed nucleus (neutrophil).
phagocyte Cell that ingests other cells or microorganisms.
poikilocytosis Irregularity in the shape of red blood cells.
sideropenia Deficiency in iron in serum.
spherocytosis Condition (abnormal) in which erythrocytes assume a spheroidal (rounded) shape.
thrombocytopenia Deficiency of clotting cells.
plasmapheresis Removal of plasma from the rest of the blood by mechanical means (centrifuge).
leukapheresis Removal of white blood cells from the rest of the blood by centrifugation.
plateletpheresis Removal of platelets from the rest of the blood by centrifugation.
monoblast Immature white blood cell (monocyte).
erythroblast Immature red blood cell.
macrocytosis Abnormal condition (slight increase in numbers) of macrocytes (red blood cells that are larger than normal).
microcytosis Abnormal condition (slight increase in numbers) of microcytes (red blood cells that are smaller than normal).
leukemia Abnormal condition of white blood cells (increase in numbers of malignant cells).
hemoglobin Blood protein in erythrocytes; enables the cell to carry oxygen.
immunoglobin Protein (antibody produced by plasma cells) that acts to protect the body by destroying antigens.
thrombolytic therapy Treatment that destroys blood clots.
myeloid Derived from bone marrow.
thrombosis Abnormal condition of clotting.
granulocytopenia Deficiency of granulocytes (white blood cells).
pancytopenia Deficiency of all (blood) cells.
macrophage Large cell (in blood and tissues) that eats (engulfs) other cells; derived from a monocyte.
eosinophilia Increase in numbers of eosinophils.
neutrophilia Increase in numbers of neutrophils.
electropheresis Separation of proteins in a solution by using an electric current (used to separate protein fractions of serum, urine, or cerebrospinal fluid).
hematopoiesis Formation of blood cells.
erythropoiesis Formation of erythrocytes.
myelopoiesis Formation of bone marrow.
hemostasis Stoppage of the flow of blood.
anemia deficiency in RBC or hemoglobin
aplastic anemia failure of blood cell production due to aplasia (absence of development or formation) of bone marrow cells
hemolytic anemia reduction in red cells due to excessive destruction (excessive hemolysis)
sickle cell anemia hereditary condition with abnormal shape of RBCs and hemolysis. Scikle shaped cells are more fragile and cannot easily pass thru capillaries
hemochromatosis excess iron deposits throughout the body
polycythemia vera general increase in RBCs (erythremia)
hemophilia excessive bleeding caused by hereditary lack of one of the protein substances necessary for clotting (factor VIII or factor IX)
leukemia increase in cancerous white blood cells. acute has abrupt, stormy onset of symptoms: fatigue, bleeding, bone pain, etc
mononucleosis infectious disease marked by increased numbers of leukocytes and enlaarged cervical lymph nodes
multiple myeloma malignant neoplasm of bone marrrow.
complete blood count (CBC) lab test to determine the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red cell indices-MCH, MCV, MCHC
red blood cell count (RBC) number of erythrocytes per cubic millimeter (mm^3) or microliter
white blood cell count (WBC) number of leukocytes per cubic millimeter (mm^3) or microliter
apheresis clinical procedure for separation of blood into component parts and removal of a select part from the blood by centrifuge
immun/o protection
lymph/o lymph (thin, watery fluid found within lymph vessels and collected from interstitial spaces throughout the body)
lymphaden/o lymph node (gland)
splen/o spleen
thym/o thymus gland
tox/o poison
ana- again, new
inter- between
-phylaxis protection
-stitial pertaining to standing or positioned
autoimmune disease Chronic, disabling disease in which the body produces antibodies against its own tissues. Examples are rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus.
immunoglobulin Protein (antibody produced by plasma cells) that acts to protect the body by destroying antigens.
immunosuppression Suppression (stopping) of the immune response.
lymphopoiesis Formation of lymph.
lymphedema Swelling of tissue due to accumulation of lymph fluid in intercellular spaces.
lymphocytopenia Deficiency of lymphocytes in the blood.
lymphocytosis Abnormal condition of increase in lymphocytes.
lymphoid Derived from lymph tissue.
lymphadenopathy Disease of lymph glands (nodes).
lymphadenitis Inflammation of lymph glands (nodes).
splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen.
splenectomy Removal of the spleen.
hypersplenism A syndrome marked by splenomegaly (associated with anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia).
thymoma Tumor (malignant) of the thymus gland.
thymectomy Removal of the thymus gland.
toxic Pertaining to poison.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) Syndrome associated with suppression of immune system and marked by opportunistic infections, secondary neoplasms, and neurological problems. This syndrome is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which destroys T-helper lymphocytes.
allergy Abnormal hypersensitivity acquired by exposure to an antigen.
lymphoma Malignant tumor of the lymph nodes and lymph tissue.
multiple myeloma Malignant tumor of bone marrow cells
axill/o armpit
cervic/o neck/cervix(neck of uterus)
inguin/o groin
-edema swelling
-megaly enlargement
-pathy disease
-suppression to stop
auto- self, own
hyper- above, excessive
retro- behind, back, backward
Created by: jjanis1
Popular Medical sets




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