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Tissues and Membranes

What is tissue? group of cells with similar structure and function.
what are the 4 major tissue groups? epithelial, connective, muscle, nerve
what is epithelial tissue? covers the outer surface or lines the inside surface.
what are the different shapes of tissue? spuamous, cuboidal, and columnar
wht is squamous? flat
what is cuboidal? cube shaped
what is columnar? tall and narrow
how many layers does epithelial tissue have? one
what is simple squamous epithelium? flat layer, smooth, thin, and flat
what is stratified squamous epithelium? many layers of mostly flat cells
where does mitosis occur? in the lower cells
what is transitional epithelium? stratified epithelium with varied shapes of layers
what is simple columnar epithelium? one layer taller than they are wide
what is ciliated epithelium? columnar cells with cilia
what are glands? cells or organs that secrete something
unicellular has how many cells? one
wht is multicellular? similar or dissimilar cells that combine sectetions
what are examples of connective tissue? blood, areolar, adipose, fibrous, elastic, bone, cartilage
what is a matrix? structral network or solution of non living intercellular material
what is the second word for areolar? loose
matrix has what two types of fibers? caligen and elasten
what are IVDs? discs
what are the three types of mucsle tissue? skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
what do involuntary? work together
what do blood vessels do? dilate to maintain blood pressure
what does iris do? constricts or dilates the pupil
what is the myocardium? the walls of the chambers of the heart.
what are intercalated discs? interlocking finger like projections of the cell membranes
what are the two structural divisions of the body? CNS and PNS
what does the CNS consist of? brain and spinal cord
What does the PNS consist of? peripheral nerves
wht does the cell body contain? organelles
what are axons? the process that carries impulses away from the cell body
what are dendrites? processes that carry impulses toward the cell body
what do electro impulses do? travel along the cell membrane
what is periatal pleura? lines thoracic cavity
what is vicseral pluera? covers lungs
what is pericardium? lines the fibrous pericardium
what is the periteniem? lines abdomial cavity
what is meisentary? covers abdominal organs
what is a mucous membrane? line body tracts taht have openings to the outside
what do secreted mucous do? keeps cells wet, lubricates, traps dust and bacteria
what is superficial fascia? between skin and muscles
what is periosteum? covers bone, anchors tendons and legaments to bone
what is perichondrium? covers cartilage
what is synovial? lines synovial joint cavities, sectetes synovial fluid
what is deep fascia? covers skeletal muscles, anchors tendons to muscle
what is meninges? cover the brain and spinal cord
what is fibrous pericardium? forms a sac around the heart, lined by parietal pericardium
what type of gland consists of only 1 cell? unicellular gland
what gland has ducts to take thier secretions to site of action? exocrine glands
what gland has no ducts and secretions enter capillaries? endocrine glands
what glands secretions are called hormones? endocrine glands
what is simple squamous epithelium? one layer of flat cells
what is stratified squamous epithelium? many layers of cells and surface cells are flat
what is transitional epithelium? many layers of cells with surface cells alternately rounded or flat
what is cuboidal epithelium? one layer of cube shaped cells
what is columnar epithelium? one layer of cells that are taller rthan they are wide
what is ciliated epithelium? one layer of cells that are taller than they are wide
what is made of cells in fluid matrix called plasma? blood
what are made of fibroblasts in a matrix of tissue fluid, collegen, and elastin fibers? areolar connective tissue
what is made of cells specialized to store fat? adipose tissue
what is made of primary collogen fibers? fibrous conne4ctive tissue
what is made of primarily elastin fibers? elastic connective tissue
whats made of osteocytes in a matrix of calcium salts and calcium? bone
whats made of chondrocytes in a matrix thats smooth and flexible? cartilage
what does the axon of a neuron do? carries impulses away from the cell body
what do dendrites of a neuron do? carry impulses toward cell body
what is the specialized cell that forms the myelin sheath? schwan cells
what are the specialized cells in the central nervous system? aligodendrocytes
what is the synapse? space between the axon of a neuron and the dendrite or cell body of next neuron
what are two organs made of nerve tissue? brain and spinal cord
what are two general functions of nerve tissue? sensation and movement
what does the parietal pluera do? lines the chest cavity
what does the visceral pluera do? covers the lungs
what is the peritoneum? lines the abdominal cavity
what is mesentary? covers the abdominal organs
what is the parietal pericardium? lines the fibrous pericardium
what is visceral pericardium? covers the heart mucsles
what is superficial fascia? between the skin and the muscles and contains adipose tissue
what is deep fascia? covers each skeletal muscle and anchors tendons
what is synovial membrane? lines joint cavities and secretes fluid to prevent friction when joints move
what is fibrous pericardium? forms a sac around the heart
what is perichondrium? covers cartialage and contains capillaries
what is periosteum? covers vbone and contains blood vessels that enter the bone
whats meninges? covers the brain and spinal cord and contains cerebrospinal fluid
what are chemicals that transmit impulses at synapse? neurotransmitter
what protein fibers are very strong? collagen
what is a nerve cell called? a neuron
what is the cardiac muscle myocardium
how many ducts do an endocrine gland have? none
axon dendrite and cell body are three parts of what? neuron
what tissue is made of calcium salts? bone
what is the strong tissue that forms tendons and ligaments? fibrous connective tissue
where is the cardiac mucsle found? the heart
what are chondrocytes? cartilage cells
what is plasma? matrix of blood
what is elastin? protein febers that are elastic
what is endocrine? ductless glands
Created by: jessfowler08
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