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Nervous System/Special Senses/Health Records Mgmt with Abbreves

-acusia Hearing
-algesia -algia Pain
-anacusia Condition of not hearing; deafness
-ary Pertaining to
-asthenia Weakness or loss of strength
-cele Swelling; hernia
-cusis Hearing
-dynia Pain
-ectomy Surgical excision
-esthesia Feeling; sensation
-iasis Abnormal condition of with specific cause
-ic Like; about; pertaining to
-ism Condition
-itis Inflammation
-kinesia Movement
-lepsy Seizure
-malacia Softening
-ologist Specialist in
-ology Study of
-oma Tumor
-opia -opsia Vision
-osis Abnormal condition; increase of
-paresis Partial paralysis
-pathy Disease of
-pexy Put in place; fixation
-phasia Speech
-plegia Paralysis
-plexy Stroke
-ptosis Prolapse, downward placement, drooping, sagging
-rrhagia Bursting forth
-rrhaphy Suture
-rrhea Discharge; flow
-scope Instrument for visual examination
-scopy Visual examination
-spasm Involuntary contraction; twitching
-taxia Order, coordination
-tomy Incision
-tropia Turning; condition of
a- an- Not; without
ABLB Alternate biaural loudness balance
ABR Auditory brainstem response
AC Air conduction
Acc Accommodation
Acous/o Acoust/o Hearing
Acoust/o Hearing
AD Alzheimer's Disease
AD Right ear
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ALS Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
Ambly/o Dull; dim
Ambul/o Ambulat/o Walk
Ametro/o Out of proportion
Anis/o Unequal
ANS Autonomic nervous system
Aque/o Water
ARMD AMD Age Related Macular Degeneration
AS Left ear
As Ast astig Astigmatism
Athet/o Uncontrolled
AU Both ears
Audi/o Audit/o Aur/o Ear; hearing
AVMs Arteriovenous malformations
Ax/o Axis; mainstream
BC Bone conduction
BEAM Brain electrical activity mapping
bi- Two
Blephar/o Eyelid
Brady- Slow
Canth/o Corner of the eye
CAT scan Computed Axial Tomography scan
Caus/o Caust/o Burning
Cephal/o Head
Cerebell/o Cerebellum
Cerebr/o Cerebrum
Choroid/o Choroids
Chrom/o Chromat/o Colour
CK Conductive keratoplasty; creatine kinase (cardiac enzyme)
Cochle/o Cochlea; snail; spiral
Concuss/o Shaken together
Conjunctiv/o Conjunctiva
Contra- Against; opposite
Contus/o Bruise
Contuss/o Bruise
Convolut/o Coiled and twisted
Core/o Pupil
Corne/o Cornea
Cortic/o Cortex; outer region
Crani/o Cranium; skull
CNS Central nervous system
CP Cerebral palsy
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
CT Scan Computed Tomography scan
CVA Cerebrovascular accident
CVD Cardiovascular disease
Cycl/o Ciliary body; circular, cycle
D diopter
Dacry/o Tear; tear duct
Dacryocyst/o Tear bladder; lacrimal sac
Dendr/o Branching
di- Double
Diplo- Double
Dur/o Dura mater
Dura- Tough; hard
Dys- Bad; painful; difficult
ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy
EEG Electroencephalogram
Em emmetropia
EMG electromyography
Encephal/o Brain
Endo- Inside; inward
ENG electronystagmography
ENT Ears Nose & Throat
EOM Extraocular movement
Epi- Above; upon
Eso- Inside; inward
Esthesi/o Feeling
Exo- Outside; outward
Extra- Outside of; beyond
Fove/o Pit
Gangli/o Ganglion/o Nerves; Ganglion
Glauc/o Gray
Gli/o Neuroglia; glue
Goni/o Angle
Gyr/o Turning; folding
Hemat/o Blood
Hemi- Half
HNP Herniated nucleus pulposus (herniated disc)
Hydro- Water
Hyper- Excessive; above
Hypo- Below; deficient
ICP Intracranial pressure
Intra- Within
IOL Intraocular lens
IOP Intraocular pressure
IQ Intelligence quotient
Ir/o Irid/o Irit/o Iris
Kerat/o Cornea; hard; horny tissue
Kinesi/o Movement
Labyrinth/o Labyrinth; maze; inner ear
Lacrim/o Tear; tear duct
LASIK Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
Lept/o Thin; slender
Lex/o Word; phrase
LOC Loss of consciousness
LP Lumbar puncture
Lute/o Yellow
Macul/o Spot
Mastoid/o Mastoid process
MEG magnetoencephalography
Medull/o Medulla; inner region
Mening/o Meningi/o Meninges
Mixed Astig Mixed astigmatism
Mono- One
MRA Magnetic resonance angiography
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
MS Multiple sclerosis; musculoskeletal; mitral stenosis
My/o Muscle
Myc/o Fungus
Myel/o Spinal cord; bone marrow
Myop myopia
Myring/o Tympanic membrane; ear drum
Narc/o Numbness or stupor
NCV Nerve conduction velocity
Necro- Dead; necrosis
Neur/i Nerve; nervous system
Neur/o Nerve; nervous system; neuron
NIHL Noise-induced hearing loss
Noct/o Nyct/o Nyctal/o Night
OCD Obsessive compulsive disorder
Ocul/o Eye
OD Right eye
O.D. Doctor of Optometry
OE Otitis externa
OM Otitis media
Ophthalm/o Eye
Opt/o Optic/o Eye; vision
OS Left eye
Ot/o Ear; hearing
OU Both eyes
Pachy- Thick
Para- Near; beside; beyond
Peri- Around
PERRLA Pupils equal; round; responsive to light and accomodation
PET Positron emission tomography
PE tube Pressure-equalizing tube
Phag/o Eat
Phac/o Lens of eye
Phot/o Light
Pinn/o External ear
Plex/o Plexus, network
PNS Peripheral nervous system
Poli/o Gray matter of the brain and spinal cord
Presby/o Old age
Pseud/o FALSE
Pseudo/o False; fake
PTS Permanent threshold shift
Pupill/o Pupil
Py/o Pus
Radicul/o Nerve root
REM Rapid eye movement
Retin/o Retina; net
RK Radial keratomy
SAH Subarchnoid hemorrhage
Salping/o Eustachian tube; fallopian tube
Scot/o Darkness
SICS Small incision cataract surgery
SLE Slit lamp examination; systemic lupus erythematosis
SNS Somatic nervous system; sympathetic nervous system
Somn/o Sleep
ST esotropia
Staped/o Stapes
Sthen/o Strength
Strab/o Squint-eyed
Sub- Below
Sulc/o Groove
Sympath/o Sympathetic nerve
Syn- Union; together; joined
Synaps/o Synapt/o Point of contact
Tars/o Edge of eyelid
Thalam/o Thalamus, chamber
Thec/o Sheath (usually meninges)
TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
Ton/o Tone; tension; pressure
TTS Temporary threshold shift
Tympan/o Tympanic membrane; ear drum
Uni- One
URI Upper respiratory infection
US ultrasonography
VA Visual acuity
Ventricul/o Ventricle
VF Visual field
Vitr/o Vitreous body (of eye)
Vitre/o Vitreous humor; glassy
XT Exotropia
juxta- beside
retro- backward; behind
poly- many; much
poli- gray matter
per- through
dia- through; across
-meter instrument to measure
-graphy process of recording
adl activities of daily living
bp Blood Pressure
CC Chief Complaint
C.N.S. Central Nervous System
CPE/PE Complete Physical Exam / Physical Exam
DOB Date of Birth
Dx, diag Diagnosis
F.Hx. Family History
N.A.D. No Appreciable Disease
N.Y.D. Not Yet Diagnosed
EMR Electronic Medical Record
S/S Signs and Symptoms
CPP Cumulative Patient Profile
P.I. Present Illness
prog. prognosis
pt. patient
R/O Rule Out
Rx Therapy; prescription
Shx Social History
T.P.R.; TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respirations
Tx Treatment
wt. weight
POMR Problem Oriented Medical Record
SOAP Subjective Objective Assessment Plan
Created by: iredaleorama
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