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Endocrine FlashCards

Compares and Contrast how endocrine and exocrine glands work. Endocrine Glands: No ducts; produce and release hormones into tissue fluids;Exocrine Glands: Does not release hormones; have ducts carry secretion to an epithelial surface or the mucosa of the digestive tract -
Describe the role of a target cell and receptor sites. Target Cells that have receptors for a certain hormone.Receptor recognize the hormone
identifies the locations of receptor sites for lipid soluble and water soluble hormones. The receptors for water-soluble hormones are embedded in the plasma membrane. receptor complexes bind to specific sites in the cell’s DNA and stimulate the transcription of specific genes
describe 3 ways that hormone secretions are controlled 1.) signals from the nervous system 2.) chemical changes in the blood 3.) other hormones
Human Growth Hormonecauses the production of IGH insulin like growth hormones which causes the body cells to duplicate causes the production of IGH insulin like growth hormones which causes the body cells to duplicate
Compares and Contrast how endocrine and exocrine glands work. Endocrine Glands: No ducts; produce and release hormones into tissue fluids;Exocrine Glands: Does not release hormones; have ducts carry secretion to an epithelial surface or the mucosa of the digestive tract -
Describe the role of a target cell and receptor sites. Target Cells that have receptors for a certain hormone.Receptor recognize the hormone
identifies the locations of receptor sites for lipid soluble and water soluble hormones. The receptors for water-soluble hormones are embedded in the plasma membrane. receptor complexes bind to specific sites in the cell’s DNA and stimulate the transcription of specific genes
describe 3 ways that hormone secretions are controlled 1.) signals from the nervous system 2.) chemical changes in the blood 3.) other hormones
causes the production of IGH insulin like growth hormones which causes the body cells to duplicate Human Growth Hormone hgH
Stimulates the release of hormones from the thyroid gland using a negative feedback mechanism Thyroid Stimulating Hormone TSH
Stimulates the reproductive organs to produce follicles stimulates sperm production in males Follicale Stimulating Hormone FSH
Triggers milk production in mammary glands Prolactin PRL or PIH and PRh
Stimulates uterine contractions during labor stimulates lactation Oxytocin
Causes kidneys to retain more water increasing urine volume constricts arterioles raising BP Anti Diuretic Hormone ADH
Control of basal metabolic rate thus body energy use temperature and cell metabolism T3 and T4
Increase blood glucose when it is low Glucagon
Lower blood glucose when it is high admits glucose into cells Insulin
Protein breakdown in muscle breakdown triglycerides decrease inflammation caused by white blood cells Cortisol
Increase functions for fight or flight syndrome works mostly on the heart Epinephrine
Same as epinephrine works on the rest of the body Norepinephrine
sex hormones regulate menstrual cycle , maintain preg, lactaion Estrogen
Sex hormones regulate men
Causes kidneys to retain more water increasing urine volume constricts arterioles raising BP Anti Diuretic Hormone ADH
Control of basal metabolic rate thus body energy use temperature and cell metabolism T3 and T4
Increase blood glucose when it is low Glucagon
Lower blood glucose when it is high admits glucose into cells Insulin
Protein breakdown in muscle breakdown triglycerides decrease inflammation caused by white blood cells Cortisol
Increase functions for fight or flight syndrome works mostly on the heart Epinephrine
Same as epinephrine works on the rest of the body Norepinephrine
sex hormones regulate menstrual cycle , maintain preg, lactaion Estrogen
Sex hormones regulate mentrual cycle Progesterone
Large round face arms and legs are slender muscles lose their bulk skin becomes thin bruises tire easily kidney stones diabetes Cushings Disease
feels weak tired dizzy patches of dark skin black freckles lose weight kidney failure Addisons Disease
Excessive thirst and urination weight loss nausea vomiting fatigue breathing becomes deep breath smells like nail polish remover TypeI Diabetes
increased urination and thirst mild at first extremely fatigued blurred vision and dehydrated Type II Diabetes
Low blood sugar anxiety attack sweating nervousness Hyperinsulinism
Milk Lact(O)
enlarged and distorted extremities of the face Acromegaly
accumulation of acids in the blood (symp of diabetes) Acidosis
loss of appetite Anorexia
state of malnutrition , wasting Cachexia
excessive sweating Diaphoresis
extremely thin , wasting Emaciation
death of tissue secondary to low oxygen levels Gangrene
removal of pituitary gland Hypophysectomy
disease of nerves, common with diabetes Neuropathy
Created by: MoniqueRasha
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