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test 2A

various stuff

golgi tendon organ organ of the sensory division which detects the strain of the muscle/tendon complex thereby causing muscle actions to reduce injury
muscle spindle specialized muscle fibers whose function is to monitor the length of the muscle and along with sensory nerve ending communicate to the CNS to maintain the desired muscle length
tropomyosin tube shaped protein which twists around the actin strand which hides the active sites during muscle relaxation
slow-twitch (ST) fiber - type I type of muscle fiber characterized by slower peak tension time, lowest power and high aerobic endurance - endurance athletes, marathoners
neuromuscular junction site where motor neurons communicate with muscle fibers
sacroplasm flud inside the muscle fiber composed of various organels and other cell material
sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium storage area which wraps around myofibrils
myosin cross-bridge the two-headed portion of myosin filament with attachment sites for actin and ATP
muscle fiber another name for a muscle cell whose structure contains nucleus, mitocondria, sacroplasm and myofibril. Individual muscle cell whose size ranges from 10-80um is diameter and range up to 12cm long.
fast-twitch (FT) fiber - type 2 - a type of muscle fiber which is characterized by lower peak tension time and highest power (sprinter)
ATP chemical source for energy for body - adenosine triphosphate
Proprioception It is not movement. It is knowledge of where you body parts are.
Intrafusal Muscle Fibers Attached at two points.
Extrafusal Muscle Fibers Skeletal or voluntary muscles.
Three kinds of muscle striated, smooth, cardiac
perimysium The sheath of connective tissue enveloping bundles of muscle fibers.
Endomysium literally meaning within the muscle, is a layer of connective tissue that ensheaths a muscle fiber and is composed mostly from reticular fibers. It also contains capillaries, nerves and lymphatics.
Carbohydrate’s primary role fuel
Grains / Rice / Pasta / Bread RDA 6-11 servings
Veggie RDA 3-5 servings
Fruit RDA 2-4 servings
Dairy RDA 2-3 servings
Meats RDA 2-3 servings
standard target HR calc 220-AGE x intensity %
Karvonen HR calc (220-age-resting HR) x intensity % + resting HR
average resting HR 60-80 bpm (blank)
max HR 220-age
daily carb RDA 45-65%
daily protein RDA 10-35%
daily far RDA 20-25%
ectomorph hard to gain weight or add muscle
mesomorph naturally muscular build
endomorph big boned - thick joints
action potential muscle operate by signal from brain
what is the action of Tres Major Shoulder - Adduction / extention / internal rotation / Adduction
what is the action of Latissmus Dorsi Shoulder - Adduction / extention / internal rotation / Adduction
What is the action of Pectoralis Major Shoulder - Transverse Flexion / Transverse Adduction / Internal Rotation / Adduction / Flexion / Abduction
What is the action of Serratus Anterior Scapula - Abduction / Upward Rotation / Elevation
What is the action of Pectoralis Minor scapula - Abduction / Downward Rotation / Depression
tres major (origin) origin - inferior angle of scapula
tres major (insert) insert - medial bicipital groove of humerus
Pectoralis Major (origin) origin - medial 1/2 of clavicle / sternum and costal junction of upper 6 ribs
Pretoralis Major (insert) insert - lateral greater tubercle of humerus
Latissimus Dorsi (origin) origin - sacrum and iliac crest, lower 3-4 ribs
Latissimus Dorsi (insert) insert - middle bicipital groove of humerus
Serratus Anterior (origin) origin - outer surface of upper 8 ribs
Serratus Anterior (insert) insert - medial border of scapula
Pectoralis Minor (origin) origin - 3-5th ribs near costal cartilages
Pectoralis Minor (insert) insert - Caracoid Process of the scapula
Created by: ginabina3
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