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CS1 Eye

Presbyopia progressive weakening of accommodatoin with aging. **Hardening of the lens
Hyperopia Farsighted, can't see close up, only objects far away.
Myopia Nearsighted, can't see far away, only objects close.
Pterygium abnormal growth of conjunctiva from the conjuctiva/sclera union (limbus) over the cornea. **UV light exposure
Nystagmus Uncontrollable oscillation of the eye.
Mydriasis Abnormally dilated pupils.
Miosis Abnormally constricted pupils
Anisocoria unequal pupils
Eyelids: Xanthelasma Deposition of lipids on eyelids. Indicative of abnormal lipid metabolism.
Eyelids: Hordeolum **STYE** Infection of sebaceous gland at bas of eye lashes from staphylococci. **Painful
Eyelids: Chalazion Blockage of tarsal (meibomian) glands on the eyelid. **Not painful
Eyelids: Ptosis Drooping of upper eyelid. Congenital weakness of levator palpebrae muscle or CNIII damage.
What is eversion of the lower eyelid and what causes it? Ectropion. Causes: 1.Age-related tissue relaxation. 2.CN VII palsy. 3.posttraumatic or surgical change.
What is inversion of the lower eyelid and what causes it? Entropion. Causes: 1.Age-related tissue relaxation. infection/ posttraumatic change.
Arcus Senilis of the cornea lipid deposition ring around the edge of the cornea.
Is it normal to see Arcus Senilis? Yes in patients older than 60. **Pts <40y/o could indicate lipid metabolism disorders
Exopthalmos Bulging of eyes due to increased volume of orbital content. **Consider retro-orbital tumor if unilateral
Strabismus deviation of one eye out of position relative to the other eye. Pt cant focus both eyes at the same time.
How will a pt present with Horner's syndrome? 1.Ptosis. 2.Miosis. 3.Anhydrosis. **Sympathetics reversed.
Cataracts Clouding of the lens leading to blurred vision.
Risk factors for cataracts 1.Age. 2.corticosteriod use. 3.UV light exposure. 4.smoking. 5.diabetes mellitus
Extraocular muscle innervations 1.Superior oblique: CN IV. 2.Lateral Rectus: CN VI. 3.ALL others: CNIII **Testing obliques: adduct eyes in, down for superior oblique, up for inferior oblique.
Fundoscopic findings: Myelinated nerve fibers ill defined margins around the optic disc. No visible pigment changes.
Fundoscopic findings: Papilledema Optic disc loses definition and central vessels pushed outward due to increased intra-cranial pressure. Dilated veins.
Fundoscopic findings: Drusen Bodies small yellow spots on the retina due to aging and macular degeneration
Fundoscopic findings: Glaucomatous optic nerve head cupping Disc margins raised, lowered central area. BL vessels disappear over the edge of disc. Caused by increased intraocular pressure. Pt will lose peripheral vision. **INCREASED cup to disc ratio
Fundoscopic findings: Cotton wool spots Infarct areas associated with diabetic/hypertensive retinopathy.
Glaucoma Increased intraocular pressure from build up of aqueous humor in anterior eye. Causes optic nerve damage.
Acute Glaucoma Ophthalmologic emergency. opening b/w cornea and iris narrows causing rapid buildup of pressure. **severely blurred vision, eye and head pain, nausea, vomitting, rainbow
Created by: WeeG
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