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Answer Question
accent to stress or emphasize
ascent a climb or rise
assent consent; compliance
accept to take something offered
except other than; but
advice opinion bivern as to what to do of how to handle a situation
advise to counsel
affect to influence
effect to cause, as a result
allusion indirect reference
illusion false idea or conception,belief or opinion not in accord with the facts
already previously
all ready prepared
altar table or stand used in religious rites
alter to change
capital a city where the government meets
capitol building in which the legislature meets
choose to select
chose (past tense of choose)
cite to quote
site location
clothes garments
cloths pieces of material
coarse rough, unrefined
course path of action, passage, sereis of studies, part of a meal
consul a person appointed by the government to live in a foreign city and represent the citzenry and business interests of his native country there
council a group used for discussion, advisement
counsel to advise
decent proper, respectable
descent moving down, ansestry
device plan; scheme
devise to contrive
emigrate to go away from a country
immigrate to come into a country
eminent prominent
imminent impending
immanent existing within
fair beautiful,just, festival
fare amount, of money paid for transport
forth onward
fourth 4th
its possessive form of it
it's contraction of it is
later at a subsequent date
latter second of the two
lead a metal, to show the way
led past tense of lead
loose free unrestricted
lose to suffer the loss of
moral vituous, lesson taught by a story
morale mental condition
of from
off away at a distance
passed having satisgied some requirement
past gone by or elapsed in time, a period of time gone by
pesonal private
pesonnel staff
principal head of school
principle the ultimate source, orgin, or cause of something, a law truth
prophecy prediction of the future
prophesy to declare or predict
quiet still calm
quite really, truly
quit to free oneself
respectfully with respect, honor, eteem
respectively in the order mentioned
stationary immovalbe
stationery paper used for writing
straight not curved
strait restricted, narrow, confined,narrow waterway
than used most commonly in comparisons
then soon afterward
their possessive form of they
they're contraction of they are
there at that place
to in the direction of, toward, as
too more than enough
two 2, one on one
weather the general condition of the atmosphere
whether if it be a case or fact
who's contraction of who is or who has
whose possessive form of who
your possessive form of you
you're contraction of you and are
abstract not easy to understand
acclaim loud approval, applause
acquisce agree or consent to an opinion
adamant not yielding, firm
adversary an enemy, foe
advocate to plead in favor of
aesthetic showing good taste; artistic
alleviate to lessen or make easier
aloof distant in interest; reserved; cool
altercation controversy; dispute
alruistic unselfish
amass to collect together; accumulate
ambiguous not clear; unceertain; vague
ambibavalent undecided
ameliorate to make better to improve
amiable friendly
amorphous having no determinate form
anarchist one who believes that a formal government is unnecessary
antagonism hostility; oppostion
apatthy lack of emotion or interest
appease to make quiet; to calm
apprehensive fearful; aware; conscious
arbitrary base on one's preference or whim
arrogant acting superior to others;conceited
aritculate to speak distinctly;eloquent;fluent;capable of speech;to hinge; to connent; to convey ;to express effectively
assess to estimate the value of
astute cunning; sly; crafty
atrophy to waste away through lack of nutrition
audacious fearless, bold
augment to increase or add to; to make larger
austere harsh; severe; strict
authentic real, genuine; trustworthy
authoritarian acting as a dictator; demanding abedience
banal common; pretty; ordinary
belittle to make small; to think lightly of
benefactor one who helps others;a donor
benevolent kind generous
benign mild harmless
biased prejudicied; influenced; not neutral
blasphemous irreligious; away from acceptable standards
blithe happy; cheery; merry
brevity briefness; shortness
candid honest; truthful; sincere
capricious changeable; fickle
caustic burning;sarcastic; harsh
censor to examine adn delete objectionable material
censure to criticize or disapprove of
charlatan an imposter; fake
coalesce to combine; come together
collaborate to work together; cooperate
compatible in agreement harmonious
complacent content; self-satisfied;smug
compliant yielding; obedient
comprehensive all inclusive; complete; thorough
compromise to settle by mutual adjustment
concede to acknowledge;admit; to surrender; to abandon one's position
concise in few words; brief; condensed
condescend to come down from one's position or dignity
condone to overlook,to forgive
conspicuous easy to see; noticeable
consternation amazement or terror that causes confusion
comsummation the completion;finish
contemporary living or happening at the same time; modern
contempt scorn; direspect
contrite regretful; sorrowful
conventional traditional; common; routine
cower crouch down in fear or shame
defamation any harm to a name or reputation ; slander
deference a yielding to the opinion of another
deliberate to consider carefully, weigh in the mind, intentional
denounce to speak out against; condemn
depict to portray in words; present a visual image
deplete to reduce; to empty
depravity moral corruption; badness
deride to ridicule; laugh at with scorn
desecrate to violate a holy place or sactuary
detached separated; not interested; standing alone
deter to prevent; to discourage; hinder
didactic instructive; dogmatic;preachy
digress stray from the subject; wander from topic
diligence hard work
discerning distinguishing one thing from another
discord disagreement; lack of harmony
discriminating distinguishing one thing from another; demonstrating bias; able to ditinguish
disdain intense dislike; look down upon; scorn
disparage to belittle; undervalue
disparity difference in form, character, or degree
dispassionate lack of feeling; impartial
disperse to scatter; separated
disseminate to circulate; scatter
dissent to disagree;differ in opinion
dissonance harsh contradiction
diverse difference; dissimilar
document official paper containing information; to support ; substantiate; verify
dogmatic stubborn; biased; opinionated
dubious doubtful; uncertain; skeptical; suspicious
eccentric odd; peculiar; strange
efface wipe out; erase
effervescene liveliness; spirit; enthusiasm; bubbliness
egocentric self-centered
elaboration the act of clarifying or adding details
eloquence the ability to speak well
elusive hard to catch; difficult to understand
emulate to imitate; copy; mimic
endorse support; to approve; compliment; make more attractive
enigma mystery; secret; perplexity
ephemeral temporary; brief; short-lived
equivocal doubtful; uncertain
erratic unpredictable; strange
erroneous untrue; inaccurate; not correct
esoteric incomprehensible; obscure
euphony pleasant sound
execute put to death; kill; to carry out; fulfill
exemplary serving as an example; outstanding
exhaustive thorogh; complete
expedient helpful; practical; worthwhile
expedite speed up
explicit specific; definite
extol praise; commend
extraneous irrelevant;not related; not essential
facilitate make easier; simplify
fallacious misleading
fanatic enthusiast; extremist
fastidious fussy; hard to please
fervor passion; intensity
fickle changeable; unpredictable
fortuitous accidental; happening by chance; lucky
frivolity giddiness; lack of seriousness
fundamental basic; necessary
furtive secretive; sly
futile worthyless; unprofitable
glutton overeater
grandiose extravagant; flamboy
gravity seriousness
guile slyness; deceit
gullible easily fooled
hackneyed commonplace; trite
hamper interfere with; hinder
haphazard disorganized; random
hedonistic pleasure seeking
heed obey; yeild to
heresy opinion contary to popular belief
hindrance blockage; obstacle
humility lack of pride; modesty
hypocritical two-faced; deceptive
hypothetical assumed; uncertain
illuminate make understandable
illusory unreal; false; decptive
immune protected; unthreatened by
immutable unchangeable; permanent
impartial unbiased; fair
impetuous rash; impulsive; forcible; violent
implication suggestion; inference
inadvertent not on purpose; unintentional
incessant constant; continual
incidental extraneous; unexpected
inclined apt to; likely to; angled
incoherent illogical; rambling
incompatible disagreeing; disharmonious
incredulous unwilling to believe;skeptical
indifferent unconcerned
indolent lazy; inactive
indulgent lenient; extravagant
inevitable sure to happen; unavoidable
infamous having a bad reputation; notorious
infer form an opinion; conclude
initiate begin; admit into a group; a person who is in the process of being admitted into a group.
innate natural; inborn
innocuous harmless; innocent
innovate introduce a change; depart from the old
insipid uninteresting; bland
instigate start; provoke
intangible incapable of being touched; immaterial
ironic contradictory; inconsistent; sarcastic
irrational not logical
jeopardy danger
kindle ingnite; arouse
languid weak; fatigued
laud to praise
lax careless irresponsible
lethargic lazy; passive
levity silliness; lack of seriousness
lucid shining, easily understood
magnanimous forgiving; unselfish
malicious spiteful; vindictive
marred damaged
meander wind on a cours; go aimlessly
melancholy depression; gloom
meticulous exacting;precise
minute extremely small; tiny
miser penny pincher; stingy person
mitigate alleviate; lessen; soothe
morose moody; despondent
negligence carelessness
neutral impartial;unbiased
nostalgic longing for the past; filled with bittersweet memories
novel new
nullify cancel; invalidate
objective open-minded; impartial Goal
obscure not easily understood; dark
obsolette out of date; passe
ominous threatening
optimist person who hopes for the best; sees the good side
orthodox traditional; accepted
pagan polytheist polytheistic
partisan supporter, follower baised; one sided
perceptive full of insight; aware
peripheral marginal;outer
pernicious dangerous; harmful
Created by: magzluvz
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