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SAT vocab

Words for the SAT

Candid comletely honest, straightforward
Conjecture inference; guesswork
Didactic instructive
Effusive showing excessive emotion; overflowing
Euphemism a mild, indirect, or vague term substituting for a harsh blunt, or offensive term
Extrapolate to infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information
Incoherent lacking cohesion or connection
Insinuate to imply or communicate stealthily
Loquacious very talkative
Lucid easily understood; clear
Rhetoric the art of using language effectively and persuasively.
Acumen quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgement of insight.
Adroit dexterous; deft
Ascertain to find out, as through investigation or experimentation.
Astute to find out, as through investigation or experimentation
Circumspect careful; prudent; discreet
Disseminate to scatter widely, as in sowing seed
Erudition deep, extensive learning
Pedantic excessively concerned with book learning and formal rules
Perspicacious shrewd; clear-sighted
Pragmatic practical
Precocious exhibiting unusually early intellectual aptitude or maturity
Prolific very productive; producing great qualities
Prospectus formal proposal
Rudimentary basic; elementary; in the earliest stages of development
Abstruse difficult to understand
Callous emotionally hardened; unfeeling
Convoluted intricate; complex
Disaffected having lost faith or loyalty; discontent
Enigma a puzzle, mystery, or riddle
Inscrutable difficult to fathom or understand; impenetrable
Reticent inclined to keep silent; reserved
Staid unemotional; serious
Arcane known or understood by only a few
Assimilate to absorb or become absorbed; to make of become similar
Autonomy independence; self-determination
Cosmopolitan worldy; widely sophisticated
Derivative something that comes from another source
Esoteric intended for or understood by only a small group
Gaffe a clumsy social error, a faux pas
Idiosyncrasy characteristic peculiar to an individual or group
Insular isolated; narrow or provincial
Orthodox adhering to the traditional and established, especially in religion
Potentate one who has the power and position to rule over others; monarch
Castigate to scold, rebuke, or harshly criticize
Censure to issue official blame
Denounce to condemn openly
Reclusive seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation
Relinquish to retire from; give up or abandon
Renounce to give up (a title, for example), especially by formal announcement
Vituperative marked by harshly abusive condemnation
Circumscribe to draw a circle around; to restrict
Contiguous sharing an edge or boundary; touching
Conciliatory appeasing; soothing; showing willingness to reconcile
Credible capable of being believed; plausible
Exonerate to free from blame
Incontrovertible indisputable; not open to question
Indict to officially charge with wrongdoing or a crime
Litigious prone to engage in lawsuits
Partisan devoted to or biased in support of a party, group, or cause
Parity equality, as in amount, status, or value (antonym: disparity)
Rectitude moral uprightness; righteousness
Remiss lax in attending to duty; negligent
Repudiate to reject the validity or authority of
Sanctimonious feigning piety or righteousness
Scrupulous principled, having a strong sense of right and wrong; conscientious and exacting
Solicitous concerned
Substantiate to support with proof or evidence; verify
Veracity adherence to the truth; truthfulness
Vindicate to free from blame
Cajole to urge with repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery
Chicanery trickery
Obsequious fawning and servile
Sycophant insincere, obsequious flatterer
Altruism unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness
Eminent distinguished; prominent
Empathy identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives
Extol to praise highly
Laudatory full of praise
Magnanimous courageously or generously noble in mind and heart
Philanthropic humanitarian; benevolent; relating to monetary generosity
Reciprocate to mutually take or give; to respond in kind
Defunct no longer existing or functioning
Eradicate to get rid of as if by tearing it up by the roots; abolish
Quell to put down forcibly; suppress
Raze to level to the ground; demolish
Squelch to crush as if by trampling; squash
Supplant to usurp to place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics
Stymie to thwart or stump
Abase to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem
Deride to mock contemptuously
Derogatory insulting or intended to insult
Disparage to speak of negatively; to belittle
Effrontery brazen boldness; presumptuousness
Ignominy great personal dishonor or humiliation; disgraceful conduct
Impugn to attack as false or questionable
Mar to damage, especially in a disfiguring way
Pejorative disparaging, belittling, insulting
Vex to annoy or bother; to perplex
Vindictive disposed to seek revenge, revengeful; spiteful
Bombastic given to pompous speech or writing
Ebullience intense enthusiasm
Exorbitant exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness
Exuberant full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy
Embellish to ornament or decorate; to exaggerate
Flagrant extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable
Gratuitous given freely; unearned; unnecessary
Lavish extravagant
Lugubrious mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous
Opulent displaying great wealth
Ornate elaborately decorated
Penchant a strong inclination or liking
Redundant needlessly repetitive
Ubiquitous being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent
Vicarious felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feeling or another
Vignette a short scene or story
Amalgam a combination of diverse elements; a mixture
Inundate to overwhelm as if with a flood; to swamp
Multifarious diverse; various
Multiplicity state of being various or manifold; a great number
Alleviate to ease a pain or burden
Beneficial producing or promoting a favorable result; helpful
Cathartic relaxing after an emotional outburst
Curative able to heal or cure
Palliative reliving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder without effecting a cure
Therapeutic having or exhibiting healing powers
Complement something that completes, goes with, or brings to perfection
Epitome a representative or example of a type
Felicitous admirably suited; apt
Belie to misrepresent or disguise
Debunk to expose untruths, shams, or exaggerated claims
Dubious doubtful; of unlikely authenticity
Duplicitous deliberately deceptive
Fabricate to make up in order to deceive
Fallacy a false notion
Mendacious lying; untruthful
Specious having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually false
Ambiguous open to more than one interpretation
Ambivalent simultaneously feeling opposing feelings; uncertain
Apathetic feeling or showing little emotion
Capricious impulsive and unpredictable
Equivocal open to two or more interpretations and often intended to mislead; ambiguous (antonym: unequivocal)
Erratic markedly inconsistent
Impetuous suddenly and forcefully energetic or emotional; impulsive and passionate
Impetus an impelling force or stimulus
Sporadic occurring at irregular intervals; having no pattern or order in time
Vacillate to sway from one side to another; oscillate
Whimsical characterized by whim; unpredictable
Flag to decline in vigor or strength; to tire; to droop
Jaded worn out; wearied
Clandestine done secretively, especially to deceive; surreptitious
Subterfuge a deceptive stratagem or device
Surreptitious secretive; sneaky
Dearth scarce supply; lack
Modicum a small, moderate, or token amount
Paucity smallness in number; scarcity
Squander to spend wastefully
Temperate moderate; restrained (antonym: intemperate)
Tenuous having little substance or strength; shaky
Diligent marked by painstaking effort; hardworking
Maverick one who is independent and resists adherence to a group
Mercenary motivated solely by a desire for money or material gain
Obstinate stubbornly attached to an opinion or a course of action
Proliferate to grow or increase rapidly
Tenacity persistence
Vigilant on the alert; watchful
Extraneous irrelevant; inessential
Juxtapose to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast
Novel fresh; original; new
Superfluous extra; unnecessary
Synergy combined action or operation
Tangential merely touching or slightly connected; only superficially relevant
Aesthetic having to do with the appreciation of beauty
Aural of or related to the ear or the sense of hearing
Cacophony discordant, unpleasant noise
Dirge a funeral hymn or lament
Eclectic made up of a variety of sources or styles
Incongruous lacking in harmony; incompatible
Sonorous producing a deep or full sound
Strident loud, harsh, grating, or shrill
Debacle disastrous or ludicrous defeat or failure; fiasco
Debilitate impair the strength of; weaken
Tumultuous noisy and disorderly
Anachronistic the representation or something as existing or happening in the wrong time period
Archaic characteristic of an earlier time; antiquated; old
Dilatory habitually late
Ephemeral lasting for only a brief time
Redolent fragrant; aromatic; suggestive
Temporal of, relating to, or limited by time
Onerous troublesome or oppressive; burdensome
Portent indication of something important or calamitous about to occur omen
Prescience knowledge of actions or events before they occur; foreknowledge; foresight
Austere without decoration; strict
Banal drearily commonplace; predictable; trite
Hackneyed worn out through overuse; trite
Insipid uninteresting; unchanllengin; lacking taste or savor
Prosaic unimaginative; dull (antonym: poetic)
Soporific inducing or tending to induce sleep
Vapid lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull
Brevity the quality or state of being brief in duration
Expedient appropriate to a purpose; convenient; speedy
Transient passing quickly in time or space
Augement to make greater, as in size, or quantity; to supplement
Bolster to hearten, support or prop up
Burgeon to grow and flourish
Copious plentiful; having a large quantity
Distend to swell out or expand from internal pressure, as when overly full
Grandiose great in scope or intent; grand
Prodigious enormous
Profundity great depth or intellect, feeling, or meaning
Redouble to make twice as great; to double
Scintillating brilliant
Averse strongly disinclined
Conspicuous easy to notice; obvious (antonym: inconspicuous)
Demure modest and reserved
Diffidence timidity or shyness
Docile submissive to instruction; willing to be taught
Innocuous having no adverse effect; harmless
Placid calm or quiet; undisturbed
Quiescent quiet, still, or at rest; inactive
Concord agreement (antonym: discord)
Concur to agree
Dogmatic stubbornly attached to insufficiently proven beliefs
Fastidious carefully attentive to detail; difficult to please
Intransigence refusal to moderate a position or to compromise
Jocular characterized by or given to joking
Meticulous extremely careful and precise
Affable easy-going; friendly
Alacrity promptness in response; cheerful readiness; eagerness
Amiable friendly; agreeable; good-natured
Benign kind and gentle
Sanguine cheerfully confident; optimistic
Belligerent eager to fight; hostile or aggressive
Cantankerous ill-tempered and quarrelsome; disagreeable
Contentious quarrelsome
Delenterious having a harmful effect
Exacerbate to increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of; aggravate
Flippant disrespectfully humorous or casual
Insolent insulting in manner or speech
Nefarious flagrantly wicked; vicious
Pernicious extremely or irrevocably harmful; deadly
Rancorous marked by bitter, deep-seated ill-will
Repugnant arousing disgust or aversion; offensive or repulsive
Supercilious disdainful; haughty; arrogant
Arboreal relating to or resembling a tree or trees
Invocation a call (usually upon a higher power) for assistance, support, or inspiration
Stratify to layer or separate into layers
Variegated having streaks, marks, or patches of a different color or colors; varicolored
Verdant green with vegetation
Created by: maddramaqueen
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