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ear pathology

hearing tests are imporatant in diagnosing hearing loss as well as: aiding in localizing the source and nature of the hearing deficiency
otitis media (OM) inflammation of the middle ear
otitis media may be cause by: virus or bacterium or (most commonly) streptococcus pneumoniae
symptoms of otitis media (OM) are: draining of pus from the ear (otopyorrhea); more severely, infection of the mastoid process (mastoiditis); inflammation of the brain tissue near the middle ear (otoencephalitis).
recurrent episodes of otitis media may cause: scarring of tympanic membrane, leading to hearing loss.
treatment of otitis media (OM) bed rest, antibiotics, analgesics(pain relievers)
The usual treatment for children with recurrent infection is ther use of: Pressure-equalizing tubes (PE tubes)
disorder characterized by an abnormal hardening (ankylosis) of bones of the middle ear (ossicles)that causes hearing loss otosclerosis
the ossicle most commonly affected by otosclerosis is: stapes
otosclerosis causes: the formation of a spnogy growth at the footplate of the stapes decreasing its ability to mobe the oval window
ringing sound: tinnitus
tinnitus along with dizziness and progressive hearing loss (especially low tones) are symptoms of: otosclerosis
development of otosclerosis is typically closely tied with: genetic factors (if one or both parents have the disorder, the child is at high risk for developing the disease)
corrective surgery for otosclerosis involves: surgical removal of part of the stapes (stapedectomy, stapedotomy)and implanting a prosthetic device
Created by: MedixMOA
Popular Clinical Skills sets



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