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vocab final words123

selected vocab words from vocabulary power plus for the new SAT

alienate v. to turn away feelings or affections
elated adj. in high spirits
hone to sharpen
beleaguer to besiege by encircling (as with an army)
edifice a large, elaborate structure; an imposing building
chauvinist one having a fanatical devotion to a country, gender, or religion, with contempt for other countries, opposite sex, or other beliefs
egalitarian promoting equal rights for all people
elude to escape notice; to get away from
blight anything that destroys, prevents growth, or causes devaluation
entice to attract by offering reward or pleasure
gratify to please
jaded worn out
advocate to recommend
efface to obliterate; to wipe out
entity anything having existence, physical or mystical
bandy to exchange words, discuss casually
nepotism favoritism shown to family or friends by those in power
begrudge to resent another's success, to envy
enmity deep-seated hostility
declaim to speak in a dramatic, impassioned or blustering manner
imbue to inspire or influence
gird to prepare for an event or action
flux a state of continual change or movement
daunt to make afraid
penury extreme poverty
despot a dictator with absolute power
Created by: me1235
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