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Med Term ASA Unit 13

-algia, -dynia pain
alveol/o alveoli
antr/o antrum(beneath the nose)
brady- slow
bronch/o bronchus
chirl/o hand
dermat/o skin
dextr/o right
dys- difficult, painful
-ectomy excision
endo- inner
ger/i elderly
hyper- above, more than normal
lacrim/o tear, lacrimal
laryng/o voice box, larynx
-lith stone
melan/o dark pigmented,black
-meter instrument used to measure
muc/o fungus
nas/o nose
ortho- straight
ot/o ear
-pathy disease
ped/o foot
-pexy fixation of a prolapsed organ
pharyng/o throat (pharynx)
phren/o diaphragm
-plasty surgical repair
pleur/o pleural membrane
-pnea breathing
pneum/o air(sometimes:lung)
pneumon/o lung
pod/o foot
-practor practitioner
psych/o mind, mental process
-ptosis prolapsed organ
pty/al/o saliva, sputum
pulmon/o lung
rhin/o nose
sinistr/o left
thorac/o chest, thorax
-tomy incision
trache/o treachea
bradypnea slow breathing
bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
broncholith bronchial stone
cardiopulmonary pertaining to heart & lungs
chiroplasty surgical repair of the hand
dermatomycosis fungal infection of the skin(mycodermatitis)
dextral pertaining to the right
diaphragm breathing muscle below the thoracic cavity
dyspnea difficulty (painful) breathing
emphysema loss of elasticity of terminal bronchioles
endotracheal inside the trachea
expiration exhalation
fungi plural of fungus
geriatrics medical specialty studying aging & related diseases.
gerontology study of aging
hyperpnea increase in depth & rate of breathing
laryngalgia larynx pain (laryngodynia)
laryngitis inflammation of the voice box(larynx)
laryngopathy any disease of the larynx
laryngoscope an instrument used to examine the larynx
laryngotomy making a temporary incision into the larynx
nasoantritis inflammation of the nose & antrum
nasolacrimal pertaining to the nose & lacriminal ducts
nasoscope instrument used to examine the nose
orthopnea dyspnea when lying down(straight) or in any other position other than sitting or standing upright.
otorhinolaryngologist physcian specialist in diseases of the ear,nose & throat.
pedal pertaining to the foot
pedialgia foot pain(podalgia)
pharyngoplasty surgical repair of the throat
pharyngoscope instrument used to examine the throat
pharynx throat
pleuralgia pleural membrane pain(pleurodynia)
pleurolith stone in the plural cavity
pneumohemothorax air & blood in the thoracic cavity
pneumometer instrument for measuring air volume
pneumonia inflammation of the lung
pneumonocentesis surgical puncture of the lung to remove fluid
pneumonomelanosis black lung disease
pneumonomycosis fungal infection of the lung
pneumonopathy any lung disease
pneumotherapy treatment using air
pneumothorax air in the thorax cavity
podiatrist specialist in care of conditions of the feet.May also perform surgery of the foot
psychiatrist physician specialist in mental disorders
ptyalorrhea flow of saliva
pulmonary pertaining to the lung(pulmonic)
respiratory peryaining to breathing
sinistral pertaining to the left
tachypnea fast breathing
trachea windpipe
tracheoscopy process of inspecting the trachea
tracheotomy incision into the trachea
The suffix that refers to breathing is -pnea
Centesis (a suffix and a noun) means incision for fluid removal
If a word from Greek origin begins with "pn" it is pronounced like: p, n, u, or pen n
When you see "myc/o" in a work, think of fungi
A moving blood clot is called a____________ embolus
What is hemoptysis Bloody sputum
The tube leading from the mouth to the trachea is the pharynx
The nerve that controls the diaphragm is the phrenic
the word part "ger" refers to elderly
Correctly spell the medical term for inflammation of the lung pneumonia
Correctly spell the medical term for black lung disease pneumonomelanosis, pneumonmelanosis
Correctly spell the medical term for air in an abnormal location in the chest cavity pneumothorax, aerothorax
Correctly spell the medical term for fungal infection of the skin dermatomycosis, mycodermatitis
Correctly spell the medical term for pertaining to the lungs (adj) pulmonary, pulmonic, pneumonic
Correctly spell the medical term for able to breathe well only when sitting upright orthopnea
Correctly spell the medical term for pertaining to the nose and pharynx nasopahrynx
Correctly spell the medical term for pain in the voice box laryngalgia, laryngodynia
Correctly spell the medical term for incision into the trachea tracheotomy
Correctly spell the medical term for examination (looking into) of the bronchi with an instrument bronchoscopy
Correctly spell the medical term for pertaining to the lung membrane pleural, visceropleura, visceral pleura
Correctly spell the medical term for heart displaced to the left sinistrocardia
Correctly spell the medical term for right handed dextromanual
Correctly spell the medical term for doctor whose treatments are based on spinal manipulation therapy (adjustments) chiropractor
Correctly spell the medical term for condition in which bronchioles loose elasticity making it difficult to get oxygen emphysema
Correctly spell the medical term for the study of aging gerontology, geriatrics
Correctly spell the medical term for involuntary twitching of a bronchus bronchospasm
Correctly spell the medical term for pertaining to the heart and lungs cardiopulmonary
Correctly spell the medical term for pertaining to the nose and chin nasomental
Correctly spell the medical term for plural of larynx larynges
Define the term hypoxia low oxygen level in the blood
Define the term tracheostomy making a new surgical opening in the trachea
Define the term pyothorax pus in the chest cavity
Define the term nasolacrimal pertaining to the nose and tear glands
Define the term diaphragmatic pertaining to the diaphragm
Define the term pharyngoplasty surgical repair of the throat
Define the term endotracheal within the trachea
Define the term bronchoscopy using a fiberoptic instrument to examine the bronchi
Define the term pleurocentesis surgical puncture for the removal of fluid from the pleural space around the lungs
Define the term phrenicectomy Excision of the phrenic nerve
Define the term ptyalorrhea abnormal increase in the flow of asliva
Give the correct medical abbreviation for arterial blood gas ABG
Give the correct medical abbreviation for carbon dioxide CO2
Give the correct medical abbreviation for intensive care unit ICU
Give the correct medical abbreviation for chiropractor DC
Give the correct medical abbreviation for incentive spirometer IS
Give the correct medical abbreviation for tuberculosis TB
Give the correct medical abbreviation for upper respiratory tract infection URI
Give the correct medical abbreviation for post nasal drip PND
Give the correct medical abbreviation for pulmonary function test PFT
Created by: Paul Mayuiers
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