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List 14 - SAT Words

Freshman English lift for List 14 - SAT Words

gradation process occuring by regular degrees or stagtes; variation in color
grandiloquence pompos talk, fancy but meaningless language
gratis free, costing nothing
guile trickery, deception
hackneyed worn out by overuse
hallowed holy; treated as sacred
hamlet small village
harbinger precursor, sign of something to come
harrowing extremely distressing, terrifying
hedonism pursuit of pleasure as a goal
hegemony leadership, domination, usually by a country
heterodox unorothodox, not widely accepted
hiatus break, interruption, or a vacation
hoary very old; witish or gray from age
homonym word identical in pronounciation and spelling but different in meaning
hone to sharpen
hyperbole purposeful exaggeration for effect
hypochondria unfounded belief that one is often ill
hypothetical theoretical, speculative
iconoclast one who attacks traditional or religious beliefs
idiosyncrasy peculiarity ot temperment, eccentricity
illusory unreal, deceptive
immutable unchangable, inveriable
impassive showing no emotion
impediment something that blocks or hinder
Created by: kgr101297
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