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Clinical Medicine Final Review

Wood's light results for erythema, and pseudomonas, Microsporum, Tinea versicolor, vitiligo E: coral/pink, P: pale blue M: yellow/green, Tinea: green/gold, vitiligo: white
Multinucleated giant cells confirm herpes/varicella infection Tzanck Smear
Colored spores/hyphae//budding yeast to confirm fungal infection KOH
Bacterial Infections Cellulitis, Erysipalis, Impetigo, TSS
Fungal Infections Candida, angular cheilitis, Tinea
Fungus for Tineas Trichophyton, Microsporum
Sterile scalp infection Kerion (part of tinea capitis)
"Jock itch" Tinea Cruis (Tiniea of the groin)
Fungal hand infection Tinea Manus
5th's dz/slapped-cheek dz Virus and name Erythema Infectiosum, Parovirus B19
Clinical features of Erythema Infectiosum 4-14 days prodrome, followed by slapped cheek, then generalized rash (supportive tx)
Clincal features of HFM dz snf virus Coxsackie A 16 or evterovirus 71 4-6 incubation w/ vesicles->bullae->ulcers in those areas
Grouped macules to painful vesicles, which erode to crusts 1 infection of Herpes Simplex
Lies dormant in the dorsal root ganglia Herpes Simplex
DDx for chest pain Herpes Zoster (shingles) followed by red macules->papuals, vesicular, pustular, scabs
Virus Molluscum Contagiosum and tx Poxvirus, Tx: self-limiting, topical tretinoin
Complications of Herpes Zoster post-herpetic neuralgia, Ramsey-Hunt's syndrom, Opthalmicis, bell's palsy, cerebellitis
Koplik spots(buccal mucosa) 3C's cough, coryza, conjunctivitis Measles (Rubeola) Virus: paramyxovirus
Red petechiae may occur on soft palate, Virus and name Rubella (German measals) and Togavirus
high fever each night, (101-104) w/ rash 3-4 days later Roseola HHV 6/7 virus
Types of warts Common, Plane, Plantar, Mosaic
Agent and CF's of Syphilis Treponema pallidum, 1: painless chancre, 2: copper-tinted leisoins, rash, 3: effects the organs long term
Dx of Syphilis Spirochete on dark-field microscopy
Virus and CF's of Chancroid Haemophilus ducreyi, PAINFUL chancres,
Genital Warsts Condyloma Acuminata (HPV)
Vaccine for HPV Strains 6,11: Warts and 16,18 Cancers
Erythema Migrans Lyme Dz: MC tick borne illness
Lyme Dz bacteria and transmission Borrelia burgdorferi, Common deer tick
3 stages of lyme dz Early localized infection, early disseminated infection, persistent infection
Bulls-eye rash with flu-like sxs Ly Dz, LATE dz: arthritis and neuro sxs
Lyme dz tx Doxy 100mg X3wks
Rocky Mt Spotted fever etiology and transmission Rickettsia rickettsii, wood tick, dog tick
Rash eruption for RMSF starts day 4 around writsts and ankles, then within hrs to palms and soles, then generalized
Pediculus humanus lice
Types and manifistations of Lice Scalp: nits to hair shafts just above scalp Corporis: in seams, not on hairs, Pubis: plainly visible onto adjacent hairy areals-eyelashes
Lice tx Permethrin (shampoo)
Classic Scabies, Crusted scabies C: children and sexually active Crus: immunocomprimized and elderly
Primary and secondary leisons for scabies 1: 1-3mm erythematous papules/vesicles seen in adults, burrows. 2: scratching marks,excoriations eczema
Latrodectus mactans Black Widow: 1 hr systemic sxs: muslce cramping, N/V HA anxiety HTN and tachy
Tx Black widow spider bites Antivenom in preggos and limb threatning bites, opoiod for pain
Loxoscelidae reclusus Brown Recluse Spider, red margin around bite, blue-gray halo around puncture site
tx Brown recluse spider Usually supportive, may need Abx for severe bites
Pasteurella species, strep, staph, moraxella, Bacteria infecting dog/cat bites
Tx cat dog bites Tetanus, rabies if appropriate, abx, suture later
Goals of wound care Eliminate complication, restore fxn, reduce scaring
Drugs that affect healing Corticosteroids, NSAIDS, Pencillamine, BBs's, nicotine
Toxic rxns to injectable anesthsia Cardiovascular, excitatory CNS, vasovagal syncope (2 to pain/anxiety)
Three types of Injectable anesthesia Lidocaine short onset, short action, Mepivacaine, med onset/action but ^vasoconstriction no need for epi, Bupivacaine med onset LOOONG action,
What is the cardinal rule with injectable anesthsia DO NOT USE epi with terminal circulation, Fingers, toes, ears, penis, nose
Time for "safe wound" to be sutured 6-8hrs (some texts say up to 24)
Use for tertiary closure (delayed closing) Bite wounds, high bacteria count, abscesses, and other deep infections
Follow what with suturing Langer's lines
Decreases inflammation and increases re-epithelization Occlusive dry dressings
Bite, Throw, know definitions for suturing B; amount skin taken T: a pass through the skin, K: surgeon's know MC how stop slipping
5 skin layers Basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, corneum
Hypothermia Classifications Mild: 35-36C, 95-97F, Moderate 30-35C, 86-93F Severe <30C <86F Do not rub pt.
Ways to classify Frostbite tecnetium 99m scan
Types of Burns Frostbite, inhalation, electrical, chemical, Scald, Flame, Flash, Contact
Cataracts occure in 5-7% of pt's 1-2 yrs later Electrical burn
Dry w/o blisters, blanch w/ pressure, take 3-6 days to heal w/o scarring Superficial burns 1st degree, sunburn, minor scalds
Painful to temp, blister, moist, pink to red, wet and weepy, damages but does NOT destroy Superficial Partial thickness burn (2nd degree)
painful to pressure only, always blister, wet or waxy dry, do not blanch Deep partial Thickness burn (2nd degree) confused w/ full thickness
Painless, destroys all layers of skin, fat, muscle, or bone, waxy white or leathery gray, dry w/o blisters, inelastic Full Thickness burn (3rd degree) very slow healing
Types of Burns Frostbite, inhalation, electrical, chemical, Scald, Flame, Flash, Contact
Cataracts occure in 5-7% of pt's 1-2 yrs later Electrical burn
Dry w/o blisters, blanch w/ pressure, take 3-6 days to heal w/o scarring Superficial burns 1st degree, sunburn, minor scalds
Painful to temp, blister, moist, pink to red, wet and weepy, damages but does NOT destroy Superficial Partial thickness burn (2nd degree)
painful to pressure only, always blister, wet or waxy dry, do not blanch Deep partial Thickness burn (2nd degree) confused w/ full thickness
Painless, destroys all layers of skin, fat, muscle, or bone, waxy white or leathery gray, dry w/o blisters, inelastic Full Thickness burn (3rd degree) very slow healing
Created by: becker15
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