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jsy's vocab


commensurate adj. equal; proportionate
compendium n. a summary; an abridgment
complacent adj. self-satisfied; overly pleased with oneself; contented to a fault
complicity n. participation in wrongdoing; the act of being an accomplice
comprise v. to consist of
concur v. to agree
condescend v. to stoop to someone else's level, usually in an offensive way; to patronize
condone v. to overlook; to permit to happen
conducive adj. promoting
confluence n. a flowing together, especially of rivers; the place where they begin to flow together
congenial adj. agreeably suitable; pleasant
congenital adj. a trait or condition acquired between conception and birth; innate
conjecture v. to guess; to deduce or infer on slight evidence
connoisseur n. an expert, particularly in matters of art or taste
consecrate v. to make or declare sacred
consensus n. unanimity or general agreement
consonant adj. harmonious; in agreement
coalesce v. to come together as one; to fuse; to unite
coerce v. to force someone to do or not to do something
cogent v. powerfully convincing
cognizant adj. aware; conscious
collusion n. conspiracy; secret cooperation
circuitous adj. roundabout; not following a direct path
censure v. to condemn severely for doing something bad
chastise v. to inflict punishment on; to discipline
chimera n. an illusion; an foolish fancy
circumlocution n. an indirect expression; use of wordy or evasive language
circumscribe v. to draw a line around; to set the limits; to define; to restrict
circumspect adj. cautious
circumvent v. to frustrate as though by surrounding
charlatan n. fraud; quack; con man
choleric adj. hot-tempered; quick to anger
chasm n. a deep, gaping hole; a gorge
catharsis n. purification that brings emotional relief or renewal
chicanery n. trickery; deceitfulness; artifice, especially legal or political
caustic adj. like acid; corrosive
chagrin n. humiliation; embarrassed disappointment
categorical adj. unconditional; absolute
castigate v. to criticize severely; to chastise
capricious adj. unpredictable; likely to change at any moment
recapitulate v. to summarize
capitulate v. to surrender; to give up or give in
candor n. truthfulness; sincere honesty
cajole v. to persuade someone to do something h or she doesn't want to do
cadence n. rhythm; the rise and fall of sounds
cacophony n. harsh-sounding of mixture of words, voices, or sounds
burgeon v. to expand; to flourish
bucolic adj. charming rural; rustic; country-like
blight n. a disease in plants; anything that injures or destroys
beset v. to harass; to surround
bequest n. something left to someone in a will
bemused adj. confused; bewildered
belligerent adj. combative; quarrelsome; waging war
belie v. to give a false impression of; to contradict
beleaguer v. to surround; to besiege; to harass
belabor v. to go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent
bastion n. stronghold; fortress; fortified place
apocryphal adj. of dubious authenticity; fictitious; spurious
aphorism n. a brief, often witty saying; a proverb
apartheid n. the abhorrent policy of racial segregation and oppression in the Republic of South Africa
antithesis n. the direct opposite
abnegate v. to deny oneself things; to reject; to renounce
accolade n. an award; an honor
acquiesce v. to comply passively; to accept; to assent; to agree
acumen n. keenness of judgement; mental sharpness
adherent n. follower; supporter; believer
adulation n. wild or excessive admiration; flattery
affectation n. unnatural or artificial behavior, usually intended to impress
alacrity n. cheerful eagerness or readiness to respond
allege v. to assert without proof
allocate v. to distribute; to assign; to allot
ambiance n. atmosphere; mood; feeling
ambivalent adj. undecided; neutral; wish-washy
amorous adj. feeling loving, especially in a sexual sense; in love; relating to love
anachronism n. something out of place in time or history; an incongruity
amnesty n. an official pardon for a group of people who have violated a law or policy
amenable adj. obedient; willing to give in to the wishes of another; agreeable
apotheosis n. elevation to divine status; the perfect example of something
apprehensive adj. worried; anxious
arbitrary adj. random; capricious
arcane adj. mysterious; known only to a select few
archetype n. an original model or pattern
arduous adj. hard; difficult
artifice n. a clever trick; cunning
ascendancy n. supremacy; domination
ascetic adj. hermit-like; practicing self-denial
assiduous adj. hardworking; busy; quite diligent
astute adj. shrewd; keen in judgment
audacity n. boldness; reckless daring; impertinence
auspicious adj. favorable; promising; pointing to a good result
austere adj. unadorned; stern; forbidding; without excess
autocratic adj. ruling with absolute authority; extremely bossy
autonomous adj. acting independently
avarice n. greed; excessive love of riches
avow v. to claim; to declare boldly; to admit
avuncular adj. like an uncle, especially a nice uncle
axiom n. a self-evident rule or truth; a widely accepted saying
clemency n. mercy; forgiveness; mildness
Created by: jsy1026
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