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HHS Respiratory Syst

Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Related Terms

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) chronic partial obstruction of the air passages
Asthma Produces a Bronchospasm this may be sudden and violent Paroxysmal and lead to dyspnea
Chronic Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchi
Emphysema Decreased elasticity of the alveoli- they dilate but do not contract
Pleural Effusions Any abnormal fluid in the pleural cavity
Transudate non-inflammatory fluid resembles serum
Exudate high in protein usually contains blood and immune cells
Hemothorax pleural effusion caused by blood
Pneumothorax air in the pleural space leading to a collapse of the lungs
Atelectasis Collapsed or airless state of the lung and affects all or part of the lung
Pneumonia Inflammatory disease caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) The lungs no longer function effectively, threatening life
Apnea Temporary loss of breathing
Asphyxia Condition caused by insufficient intake of oxygen
Croup Common childhood condition involving inflammation of the larynx, trachea, bronchial passages and sometimes lungs
Pertussis Acute infectious disease characterized by a cough that has a “whoop” sound, also called “whooping cough”
Epiglottitis Severe, life-threatening infection of the epiglottis and supraglottis structures that occurs most commonly in children between 2 and 12 years of age
Pleurisy Inflammation of the pleural membrane characterized by a stabbing pain that is intensified by coughing or deep breathing
Pulmonary Embolus Blockage in an artery of the lungs caused by a mass of undissolved matter
Cheyne-Stokes Respirations deep then shallow breathing patterns (damaged respiratory center of the brain)
Crackle caused by air entering moisture filled alveoli
Rhonchus course, rattling noise similar to snoring (secretion in the larger airways)
Stridor High pitched, harsh breath sounds (swelling of the larynx, upper airway obstruction)
Wheeze Whistling of sighing sound (narrow lumen)
Hypoxemia Deficiency of oxygen in the blood
Hypoxia Deficiency of oxygen in tissues
Popular Medical sets




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