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Medical Termz

Medical Terminology

-itis inflammation
-ar, -ic, -al, -us, -ac pertaining to
-logy study of
-scope instrument used to look
-pathy disease
-gastro stomach
Cardio- heart
Pulmano- lungs
Myo- muscle
Osteo- bone
Gingiv/o- gums
Lip/o- fat
Esophag/o- esophagus
Hepat/o- liver
Duoden/o- duodenum
-rrhea discharge/flow
Sigmoid/o- sigmoid colon
Stomat/o- mouth
Dys- difficult/painful
Gloss/o- tongue
-phagia swallow
Enter/o- intestines
-plasty surgical repair
-megaly enlarged
-scopy process of working
Lingu/o- tongue
Abdomin/o- abdomen
Rect/o rectum
Pancreat/o- pancreas
-pepsia digestion
-cele hernia/herniation
-ectomy excision "cut out"
-tomy incision "cut into"
-rrhagia hemorrage
-rraphy suture, stitch
-rrhexis rupture/burst
midsagittal plane divides the body into equal left and right planes
frontal plane divides the body into front & back parts
transverse plane divides body into upper & lower parts
Proct/o- rectum & anus
-plegia paralysis
Angi/o- vessels
Arteri/o- arteries
Phleb/o- veins
Hem/o- blood
-gram picture
Electro- electrical
Tachy- rapid/fast
Brady- slow
-cyte cell
Leuk/o- white
Erythr/o- red
Thromb/o- clot
-emia low count
-lysis destruction of
-grapher person who takes the picture
Radi/o- x-ray
-graphy process of taking the picture
-logist specialist
-genic forming/to generate
An-, A- without
Ech/o- sound
Superior above, higher than
Inferior below, lower than
Nas/o- nose, nasal cavity
Epiglottis epiglottis
Trache/o- trachea
Bronch/o- bronchial tubes
Pneum/o- lungs
Pneumon/o- lungs
Spir/o- breathe
-pnea breathe
Thorac/o- thorax, Thoracic cavity
Pleur/o- pleural membrane
Laryng/o- larynx
Phren/o- diaphragm
Pharyng/o- pharynx
Hyper- increased
Hypo- decreased
-algia pain
ENT Ear, Nose & Throat specialist
SOB short of breath
-spasm involuntary contraction
COPD Chronic Obtructive Pulmonary Disease
URI Upper Respiratory Infection
TB, Tb Tuberculosis
Rhin/o- nose, nasal cavity
Hemat/o- blood
Son/o- sound
Endo- inside
Ex- outside
Muscul/o- muscle
Oste/o- bones
Tendon/o- tendons
Chondr/o- cartilage
Arthr/o- joint
Kinesi/o- movement
-malacia softening
-plasia developing
-meter instrument used to measure
-metry process of measuring
cost/o- rib
crani/o- skull
dent/o- teeth
pelv/i- pelvis
-centesis surgical puncture to draw out fluid
Peri- around, surrounding
DO Doctor of osteopathy (diseases of bones)
CPD cephalopelvic disproportion
OREF open reduction of external fracture
ORIF open reduction of internal fracture
Created by: CarolynT
Popular Medical sets




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