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Epicranius (Frontal/occipital bellies) Frontal = forehead;raises eyebrows. Occipital= occipital bone; pulls scalp posteriorly.
Orbicularis Oculi Surrounds the eyes; draws eyebrows towards middle and inferiorly.
Levatator Labii Superioris Connects from zygomatic bone to maxilla; opens lips
Zygomaticus Zygomatic bone to corner of lips; Smiling muscle
Depressor Labii Inferioris corner of mouth to side of chin; draws lower lips inferiorly
Depressor anguli oris corner of mouth/lower lip to more side of the chin; frowning muscle
Orbicularis Oris Encircles the mouth; closes lips
Mentalis Middle chin; wrinkles chin
Buccinator Corner of mouth towards ear; compresses cheeks (whistling)
Masseter Zygomatic bone to jaw angle; closes jaw
Temporalis Temporal bone to jaw; closes jaw
Medial pterygoid End of maxilla and under jaw bone; aids in teeth grinding
Lateral pterygoid Under zygomatic bone; teeth grinding
Platysma Right under chin to chest; tenses neck skin
Sternocleidomastoid Behind ear to sternum; rotates head to opposite shoulder
Scalenes Raises ribs; spine to ribs
Stylohoid Hyoid bone to styloid process; moves hyoid bone up and down
Mylohoid Medial mandible to hyoid bone; base of tounge
Sternohyoid hyoid bone to sternum; depresses hyoid bone
Sternothyroid Hyoid bone to sternum; depresses hyoid bone
Omohyoid Hyoid bone to scapula; depresses hyoid bone
Thyrohyoid Thyroid cartilage to hyoid bone; depresses hyoid bone
Pectoralis Major Rotates arm
Serratus Anterior "guys rib muscles"; rotates scapula
Deltoid Shoulder; arm abduction
Pectoralis Minor Draws scapula forward & inferiorly
External Intercoastals Up and down striations; elevate rib cage
Internal Intercoastals Diagonal striations; depresses rib cage
Diaphram Prime mover of inspiration flattens on contractions
Rectus Abdominus Rotates vertebral column
External Oblique Compresses abdominal wall
Internal Oblique Compresses abdominal wall
Transverse Abdominis Compresses abdominal wall
Iliopsoas On top of iliac bone; flexes thigh
Sartorius Iliac bone to medial side of knee; flexes knee
Abductor Magnus Pubic bone to femur; medially rotate thigh
Abductor Longus Pubic bone to linea aspera; medially rotates thigh
Pectineus Most lateral muscle connected to pubic bone; medially rotates leg
Gracilis most medial muscle in pubic bone; medially rotates thigh
Rectus Femoris Connects right to patella; extends knee
Vastus Lateralis Lateral side of rectus femoris; extends knee
Vastus Medialis Medial side of rectus femoris; extends knee
Tensor fasciae latae Connects hip and runs laterally along quad; steadies trunk. (if you drink a latae, it goes straight to the hips)
Gluteus Maximus Butt; thigh extensor
Gluteus Medius Top of gluteus maximus and then goes underneath; Abducts thigh
Gluteus Minimus Abducts thigh
Biceps Femoris 2nd most lateral in hamstring; extends thigh
Semitendinosus Between biceps femoris and semimembranosus; extends thigh
Semimembranosus Both sides of semitendinosus (like a membrane); extends thigh
Fibularis Goes right behind ankle; helps keep foot flat on the ground
Tibialis Anterior Lateral right under patella; inverts foot
Extensor Hallucis Longus Extends great toe
Gastrocnemius Calf muscles; Plantar flexes foot
Soleus Underneath calf muscles; plantar flexion
Popliteus Back of knee to front; rotates leg medially
Flexor Hallucis Longus (lateral) top of fibia to big toe; flexes big toe
Triceps Brachii Right under deltoid that is on outside of arm; forearm extension
Anconeus (short) end of humerus to top on ulna; abducts ulna
Biceps Brachii Bulge when flexed in arm; flexion on elbow
Brachoradialis On top of radius; synergist in forearm flexion
Brachialis Medial to biceps brachii; major flexor of forearm
Pronator Teres Humerus to mid-radius (side elbow towards thumb); pronate forearm. (pronator = pronate)
Flexor Carpi Radialis humerus to metacarpals (travels down pointer finger); abducts hand
Palmaris Longus Humerus towards middle finger (fans out at end to 4 fingers); flexes wrist
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Same as Flexor Carp Radialis, but travels down pinky side; Flexor of wrist
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Underneath white skin under forearm
Extensor Digitorum Deep, underneath flexor digitorum; finger extensor
Trapezius Connects to deltoid, spine, and occipital bone; rotates scapula
Latissimus Dorsi Midback and connected to humerus; arm extension
Infraspinatus Top of humerus to scapula; lateral rotation of humerus
Teres Minor goes underneath infraspinatus; same connections and job as infraspinatus
Teres Major (Not under) Below Teres Minor, Rotates humerus
Supraspinatus above the spine of the scapula; initiates abduction of humerus
Levatator Scapulae Neck to scapula; elevates scapula
Rhomboids Spine to medial end of scapula; stabalizes scapula
Semisinalis Occipital bone to vertebrae; extends head
Erector Spinae First 3 strips on the first side; bends vertebral column
Splenius Occipital bone to spine; extends head
Quadratus Lumborum 12th rib iliac crest; flexes vertebral column laterally
Created by: 1667307203
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