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a+p ear

structures of the ear

audio receptors respond to sound
sound is? vibrations
vibrations produce sound waves
crest top point of the sound wave
trough bottom point of the sound wave
amplitude middle disecting in half point of the sound wave( height of the wave)
pitch is determined by the number of cycles per. second (frequency)
loudness is determined by the amplitude(height of wave)
outer ear funnels sound inward
ceruminous gland produces cerumen which is ear wax = sticky
ossicles hammer, anvil, stirrup, transmit + amplify the vibrations.
hammer malus
anvil incus
stirrup stapes
Eustacian tube drains to the pharynx and equalizes the pressure on the inside of th ear drum
oval window is a flexible membrane
cochlear fluid filled endolymph
organ of corti nerve cell
fluid moving fluid passing through one chamber to another. bouncing off the round window. reverses the flow of fluids, fluid strikes basilae membrane, the membrane pushes the hairs up into the tectoral membrane and depolarizes.
the movement of fluid leads to the stimulation of the organs of corti
inner ear hearing and equilibrium contains many bony fluid filled chambers(bony labyrinth)
equalibrium contains 2 chambers the utricle and semicircular canals
utricle fluid capula(thick) suspendid in the fluid are small grains calcium carbonates(stones)otoliths, responds to linear acceleration fluid goes opposite of acceleration, stones strike the hair cells and causes depolarization.
semicircular canals respond to angular acceleration,
ampella (swollen ends) contain cristae, respond to moving fluid causes cristae to depolarize
tempanic membrane ear drum
Created by: ktheobald11
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